Chapter 529: [Hulk] 4 more

Then he looked at Maya Hansen: "I'm a huge fan of your research!"

"Me?" Maya asked in surprise.

"He must be talking about me." Tony obviously didn't think so.

"Of course, that's right." Killian's words were incoherent, his eyes wandering, as if he had just taken medicine, making it difficult to identify who he was talking to.

Then he changed the conversation and squeezed into the almost full elevator: "But Miss Hansen, when you were a sophomore at MIT, we paid attention to your organization's research."

Obviously, he's actually a fan of Hansen, although he also admires Tony Stark, like most people.

This made Tony feel embarrassed and unhappy, especially with a woman who was about to have **** with him.

Killian babbled like a neurotic, then took out two business cards and handed them to Tony and Hansen: "I created a business called cutting-edge creative technology, and I'm going to make a big deal. We can talk about it. Talk about cooperation plans!"

"No need." Tony didn't want it, but Killian didn't want to take it back, so he pushed it hard.

Tony had to accept the next one.

Killian continued his incoherent speech, painting the picture in his mind, making the whole elevator feel impatient.

"Ding." The elevator opened.

People filed out, with Tony and Killian staying at the end.

"If we can cooperate, it should be an exciting thing." Tony said suddenly, with a serious expression on his face.

Killian was stunned, as if he couldn't believe his ears: "Really?"

"Of course." Tony nodded, Killian's innocence was more exaggerated than he imagined, "We'll meet on the roof in five minutes."

"Okay, no problem." Killian nodded hastily, "See you on the roof later."

"See you soon." Tony said casually, then turned to leave.

Six hours later.

On the towering roof of the hotel, Adrich Killian shivered in the cold New Year's wind, and the sky in the distance was already slightly brightened.

Killian didn't expect that the five minutes Tony Stark said was so long, so long that he realized that he had been tricked.

"Stark that eats shit!"

In the end he threw his cane angrily and limped away.


The dissipation of the Thanos forces gave Rowe a lot of free time, and because of the need to observe Thor secretly, he spent most of his time on Earth.

It must be said that Thor's life on Earth was quite difficult.

A disabled child without a parent and mother, this is already a rather tragic background.

Coupled with Blake's introverted and cowardly personality, he was bullied a lot along the way, and he is a senior victim of underage bullying.

Odin, who was far away in Asgard, saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't intend to stop it. He believed that Thor should really suffer more.

Not only that, he even considered sending someone from Asgard to bully Black, but was persuaded by Frigga to give up. This is obviously a bit absurd, and educating children must also abide by the Basic Law.

There is no way, the old **** king is really in a hurry. He doesn't have much time, so he naturally wants to use powerful medicine to help him grow.

The weak and disabled physique made it impossible for Little Blake to use his muscles to solve problems like Thor. He could only devote his energy to reading and thinking, and he developed the habit of reading.

This shocked Asgard.

Heimdall told Odin that Little Black had read more books than Thor did, and Odin was very happy to hear it.

This afternoon.

Luo Wei sat in the room, a pale golden crystal suspended in his palm and shone brightly, exuding a dazzling light and a holy aura.

The holy light was continuously output from his body and merged into this crystal.

This crystal is exactly what he created with the help of holy light technique. As long as the holy light is continuously condensed and the holy light carried by the crystal is maximized, the eternal holy light crystal can be born.

The crystal of eternal light is also one of the main materials of the Ashbringer.

The holy light crystal floating in his palm at this time is the result of his condensing for several years. Although it is still far from saturation, the holy light contained in it is still very terrifying.

If it can be fully detonated, the power of this thing is definitely no less than a nuclear bomb.

However, Rowe isn't sure if it can be fully detonated with Holy Shock.

First of all, he hadn't tried it, and secondly, he couldn't speculate. After all, the holy light contained in this crystal was too large and heavy, so he doubted whether it could be detonated at one time.

In his guess, Divine Shock should be able to release part of the energy of this crystal, but it should not be able to release all at once.

This guess is inseparable, because the holy light condensed in a short time can be detonated completely, and according to the holy deed, the eternal holy light crystal cannot be detonated at all, which is a completely different form of holy light.

This crystal is between the two, so it is reasonable to speculate.

After a while, Luo Wei put away the crystals, got up and left the room, deciding to go out to eat something.

This house is the property of the Golden Hand.

To be precise, it is a drop in the property owned by the Golden Hand. Rowe chose to live here because it is located in a fairly well-known food city in Brazil.

Under Duflan's management and Rowe's occasional advice, after decades of development, the Gold Hand Investment Company, the secular part of the Knights of the Silver Hand, has become the richest consortium in the human ~ Of course, although the Golden Hand is rich, it is not well-known. Most of them are only circulated in market legends and conspiracy theories, and not many people really know it.

After all, as early as the beginning of the establishment, Luo Wei told Dufran a little about life experience, and it is best to make a fortune in silence.

Rowe was wandering around this small Brazilian city, and not long after that, he came to a restaurant for a meal, enjoying the comfort of lunch.

"Give it back to me!" There was a noisy voice from the street outside.

Rowe didn't care at first.

Brazilian gangs run rampant, law and order are chaotic, and it's not unusual for a fight on the street. He has already seen it, and he only pays attention to bloodshed.

But this time is obviously not an ordinary street fight.

"I warn, give me back the things immediately! Don't make me angry!" Apparently, a passerby was robbed by the gang.

However, he seemed very tough and said threateningly.

"Warning? Do you know who I am?" The gang dismissed, "Now give you three seconds to apologize to me."


"Very good, call me!"

When the countdown ended, there was a sound of punching and kicking, and it sounded like the gang was beating the poor passerby.


Suddenly, an astonishing roar sounded violently, causing the walls of the restaurant to tremble slightly.

Hearing the roar like an ancient beast, Luo Wei's expression changed slightly, and he immediately went out to look.


I saw a green-skinned giant throwing a fist in anger, and with a wave of his hand, a few gangsters flew out.

