Chapter 541: 【Jin and】

Another dark and windy night.

After some planning, Frank the Punisher decided to enter the King's Mansion tonight and kill Jinbian, the underworld king of New York City, who was living in it.

Located in the heart of New York City, it is still quite noisy at night.

Frank put on an ordinary and slightly hidden attire, and in the bustling night scene, he came to the top 20 tall buildings in the United States, the King's Building.

Like other skyscrapers, the main purpose of the King's Building is also commercial. Supermarkets, cinemas, offices, etc. are distributed on most of its floors, and pedestrians are constantly coming and going.

Due to the existence of these commercial establishments, Frank can easily enter the King's Mansion, but this obviously fails to achieve his purpose.

His goal is the 70th floor and above of the King's Building, which is Jin Bing's private territory, and idlers are not allowed to enter, and only by entering there can he possibly kill Jin Bing.

Frank got into the elevator with his backpack, pressed the floor button for the sixty-ninth floor, and waited silently.

At the height of the sixty-ninth floor, even if the elevator goes straight, it will take about a minute, not to mention the occasional pause, so he waited for a while before reaching his destination.

Looking at the increasing number of elevator floors, Frank was inexplicably dazed.

He took out a photo from his arms. It was a group photo of him and his family. All four of the family showed bright smiles.

Looking at his wife and children frozen in the photo, Frank's fingers gradually tightened, and the masseter muscles on the side of his face rose and fell, showing that he could not calm his heart.


The elevator reached the sixty-ninth floor, and the reminder interrupted his thoughts.

Frank took a deep breath, put away the photo, and stepped out of the elevator, holding a blueprint in his hand.

This blueprint is the high-rise structure diagram of the King's Building. He finally got it. It is because of this that he has the confidence to sneak into the seventieth floor.

According to the information on the drawing, Frank quickly found an inconspicuous utility room.

The utility room was locked, but as an elite special forces soldier, this trivial obstacle to sneak in was not a problem at all.

Entering the utility room, he looked up and saw a vent.

Frank then entered the vent and crawled slowly along the crowded pipes. The process was not easy, he ate a lot of ashes, and it was difficult to turn in some places, which was very laborious.

But this may be the only way to sneak into the seventieth floor.

After a while, Frank turned the corner and came to another vent, took a closer look, then opened it carefully, and passed it to the seventieth floor.

When he gets here, he will encounter bodyguards and Jin Bing himself at any time.

He'd better be able to touch the gold and be in front of the bed without knowing it, and then kill him with a knife, during which any unexpected situation will put him in a dangerous situation.

With a dagger in his hand, Frank cautiously groped in Jin Bing's mansion. With the experience of sneaking behind enemy lines many times in the army, he gradually approached Jin Bing's room.

Intuition told him that behind the gate of the two black-clothed bodyguards standing in the corner ahead was where Jin Bing was.

This is the moment to test his skills.

Frank looked behind the corner through a mirror, took a few deep breaths, and prepared for battle.

He held a dagger in each of his left and right hands, then leaned out and quickly threw the two daggers. At the same time, the moment the daggers flew out, he reached for the pistol on his waist.

The two bodyguards in black were obviously unprepared for such an unexpected situation, and they were even a little tired after being on duty late at night, so they couldn't react in time at all.


Two daggers went through their throats at the same time, killing them instantly!

Apart from the sound of the corpse falling to the ground, there was no other movement.

Frank breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his brow.

He had already held the pistol and was ready for the bodyguards to scream. It would undoubtedly be a **** battle. Now it seems to be going well, and this movement should not arouse the alertness of others.

Frank stepped forward and gently opened the door.

Although the space behind the door is very wide, it should be a bedroom. The bed is faintly visible in the darkness, and Jin Bing is probably sleeping at this time.

Frank clenched his dagger and touched the bed in the darkness, quickening his pace as much as possible.

Seeing that he was about to touch the bedside, he stabbed the figure on the bed with a fatal knife.

However, at this moment, a shadow of at least 2.5 meters suddenly appeared and punched Frank with some stiff movements.


Frank tried to parry, but the force of the punch was beyond his imagination, and he vomited blood and flew out, and the arm that blocked it for a while was instantly numb!

Then the figure chased after him, and a strong and powerful arm grabbed his throat!

What is this!

Frank was certain that his attackers were not human.

This was indeed the case, and then the light came on, he looked up, and found that standing in front of him was a tall robot staring at him with mechanical eyes without emotional fluctuations.


This result obviously surprised Frank, who thought it would be a mutant bodyguard or something, but he did not expect it to be a robot.

"Ah, it seems that this robot from Latovonia is really good." A low, sleepy voice sounded.

Frank looked at the sound, and there was no doubt that it was the master Jin Bing who spoke.

Jin Bing was two meters tall and weighed more than 200 kilograms. He was an extraordinary man with a round bald head and a fleshy face. He looked like a sumo wrestler.

He calmly changed himself into formal clothes, took his cane, and walked slowly to Frank.

"You're Frank Custer, the guy who calls himself The Punisher? ' Kim asked condescendingly.

Frank is already a very burly figure, more than 1.8 meters tall, but still looks thin in front of Jin Bing, who is 2 meters tall and weighs more than 400 kilograms.

Jin Bing smiled, and continued with his huge belly: "You killed so many of my subordinates, and you even touched my room all the way, you really deserve to be an elite who walked out of the cemetery of the empire!"

The Punisher is restrained by the robot and has no chance of resistance at all.

Looking at Jin Ping's smug smile in front of him, he quickly made up his mind, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he would detonate the grenade he was carrying and die with Jin Ping.

However, Jin Bing took the lead and snatched the grenade.

Looking at the grenade almost detonated by Griphook, Jin couldn't help being a little annoyed: "Want to die with me? You are not qualified!"

The Punisher spat out the blood and said nothing, like a lion waiting to die.

Jin Bing sneered: "Very good, Punisher, it seems that you think you are very powerful!"
