Chapter 544: [Rebirth of the Demon Hunter (Part 2)]

();???? Fergie was responsible for driving the car and took the four people to the cemetery.

???? Tombstones stood in the night, and the wind was bleak, making both Fergie and Karen pale.

???? "Do you really have a way to resurrect the dead?" Fergie looked at Rowe and asked carefully, but Rowe didn't answer and walked silently through the cemetery.

???? Fergie did not believe in the existence of the resurrection technique, but Matt showed considerable trust in this mysterious man, and decisively drove his car to dig a grave, which made his heart shake.

???? If there is a resurrection technique, then who is the person who masters the resurrection technique?

???? After a while, Matt stopped in front of a tombstone: "Fergie, see if this is Frank's tomb."

???? Fergie took a flashlight and leaned over to look at the words on the tombstone, and saw that it was "Frank Custer" written on it: "Yes, it is here."

???? Matt nodded: "Let's get started, dig up Frank's body... Fergie, shovel?"

???? "Well, the shovel is in the car, I'll go get it." Fergie was about to turn around.

???? "No need." Luo Wei said, moving his fingers lightly at the same time.

???? Dazzling holy light poured out from between his fingers and quickly condensed in front of him, turning into a half-empty, half-solid giant light palm with five fingers open.

???? Looking at this huge light palm, Fergie and Karen could not help but widen their eyes.

???? Light palm slowly grabbed downwards, stretched five fingers into the cemetery, grabbed the coffin buried in the soil after a while, and then pulled it upwards.

???? "Crash--" The earth and stones were scattered all over the place, and then the coffin was pulled out of the tomb by the light palm.

???? Opening the coffin board, it was the Punisher Frank Custer who was lying inside. Although the corpse was treated meticulously, it was difficult to conceal its serious deformation and damage.

???? "He was killed by Jin and?" Luo Wei asked casually.

???? "It must be." Matt said, "Frank's family is the gangster who died under Jin Bing, the law failed to avenge him, he had to implement it himself, go to the King's Building to assassinate Jin Bing, but he obviously failed already."

???? Rowe nodded, then leaned over and put his hand on Frank's corpse, and at the same time, the imprint of Illidan's soul appeared in the palm of his hand.

???? [Fitness: High]

???? Sanctuary gave the judgment result, Punisher and Illidan are indeed very compatible.

???? Seeing this result, Luo Wei did not hesitate, and immediately released the soul imprint, a faint light spurted out from the palm of his hand, and instantly submerged into Frank's body.

???? If you look closely, this dim light is an image of Illidan.

???? The imprint of the soul has been applied, and now it only takes a Lay on Hands to bring the Punisher back to life.

???? Lay on Hands!

???? Rowe's fingertips are shining...

Put it on to make the surroundings even more daylight.

???? A huge amount of Lay on Hands energy poured into Frank's body, interacting with Illidan's soul imprint, inspiring an extraordinary healing effect, and quickly repairing Frank's flesh and soul.

???? In the dazzling holy light, Frank's severely deformed corpse was returning to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

???? "God..." Fergie and Karen looked at the scene in disbelief and said in a daze.

???? At this moment, they felt as if they had stepped into a myth.

???? Matt was equally emotional.

???? Although he couldn't see the Holy Light, the sound wave feedback allowed him to more clearly perceive the changes in Frank's body.

???? In his auditory images, Frank is like an inflated doll, quickly going from shriveled and kinked to full and stretched, crooked bones re-straightened, ruptured blood vessels re-bridged, muscles twitching, blood begins to flow. flow...

???? "Pfft!" After a few seconds, Frank's heart jumped, making a powerful sound, and then began to beat rhythmically.

???? "Resurrection, Frank Custer."

???? As soon as Rowe's words fell, Frank suddenly opened his eyes, and then suddenly straightened his body from the coffin, as if awakened from a nightmare.

???? "I... am I not already dead?" He murmured, looking at his body with a blank look on his face.

???? He still remembers the scene where he was gold and dropped off the King's Mansion.

???? He still remembered that from the top of the King's Building to the ground, he fell for eight seconds, and then he only felt that his whole body sank and then he lost consciousness - an instant death without pain.

???? Falling from the 70th floor, there is no reason to survive, but he is clearly still alive now.

???? Matt and a few people next to him are enough to prove that this is the world, not heaven or hell, and Frank doesn't really believe in heaven and **** at all.

???? Or is it that my memory is deviated, in fact there is no fall from the building, it is just a nightmare or hallucination?

???? Frank felt that his mind was indeed a little confused, as if... something was missing.

???? "Frank, you are really resurrected!" Matt said excitedly.

???? "Resurrection?" Frank didn't think about this possibility.

???? Rowe said at this time: "Yes, I just resurrected you, Punisher."

???? Frank calmed down and looked around, only then did he notice that it was clearly a cemetery, and he was sitting in a coffin next to a burrowed cemetery, with his name written on the tombstone.

???? came back from the dead... He couldn't believe it, but it seemed like it was the truth.

???? "You... are you a god?" Frank asked Rowe hesitantly, making people...

It's probably only the gods who come back from the dead, "Why do you want to resurrect me?"

???? "I don't think this is the most important thing for you now." Rowe said, "In addition to resurrection, I also gave you special powers, maybe some spiritual qualities. You sure I have noticed the change in myself... I know that you need this power very much."

???? Frank did notice the change in himself. He felt that he was at least ten times stronger than before, and his muscles were as strong as steel.

???? He even suspected that the bullet may have been unable to kill himself.

???? Not only that, there is a more powerful energy lurking in his body, waiting for his use at any time.

???? Rowe said: "Follow your instinct, Frank, you can now use the power of the demon hunter skillfully."

???? Frank stood up and tried to mobilize the power in his body.

???? This seemingly unfamiliar power seems to have been used by him for 10,000 years, and it is easily aroused.

???? Immediately, a black energy instantly wrapped around Frank's body, turning him into Illidan's demon form, and the dark energy replaced the existence of the skin.

???? Huge magic wings unfolded from behind him, as if blending with the darkness of the night, rolling up gusts of wind in the cemetery!

???? Matt stepped back, looking at Frank in shock.

???? "Such a powerful force." Frank was also surprised by his own power, which was a picture he had never imagined as a mortal.

???? Rowe smiled: "Now, complete your revenge, Punisher."