Chapter 550: 【Talking about marriage】

Luo Wei entered the experience space, the cold wind whistled, and a scene of ice and snow came into view, surrounded by a majestic high platform made of ice.


Frozen Throne.


This is the experience space of the Lich King Bad Ulthas, and this is Rowe's third challenge.


Not far ahead, the Lich King, who was wearing armor and couldn't see his face, was leaning on Frostmourne in his forehand and sat quietly on his throne, like an ancient statue.


Behind him is poor Bolvar Fordragon, once the regent of Stormwind, now bound and dying under the torture of the Lich King.


Bolvar was charred all over, and had long since lost his human form. With his weak head hanging down, he looked like a crucified Jesus, whose life and death were unknown.


In the Lich King's experience space, Fordring will appear automatically without Rowe's summoning.


It's just that Tirion Fordring at this time is different from the one that Rowe challenged at the beginning. He is not holding an ash messenger, but a warhammer, and his strength is not comparable, and it has fallen to the level of ordinary camp leaders. Degree.


It's normal to think about it. According to the strength of Fording before, this battle may not require Rowe to do anything at all, just watch the play on the side.


Now Fording doesn't have extraordinary strength, Rowe must have the help of other heroes if he wants to defeat the Lich King.


"Magni Bronzebeard, Shandris Feathermoon."


Rowe summoned these two, and the four faced Arthas on the throne together.


"I've been waiting for this day for too long... It's time for the Lich King to get justice!" Fording clenched the warhammer in his hand and looked at Arthas.


The Lich King responded in a low voice: "The holy light of self-proclaimed justice has finally come, should I put down Frostmourne now and beg your forgiveness, Fordring?"


Fording: "We will let you die a happy death, Arthas. For you who have committed numerous crimes, this is already the greatest kindness."


When Fording was reminiscing with Arthas, Rowe said to the dwarf king: "King Bronzebeard, you will charge later."


"I understand." Magni Bronzebeard nodded, clenched his warhammer, looked solemn, and said in a mountain-like dwarf voice, "Charging is the duty of a warrior!"


Then Rowe looked at the night elves' sentinel leader: "General Feathermoon, when the Lich King summons his servants, don't forget Elune's prayer."


After a while, the battle begins.


"I will let you live to witness everything, Fording, this tragic world will be recast in my hands!" The Lich King waved Frostmourne, and a huge cold current rushed out to Fording.


Fording, who was caught off guard, was immediately frozen by the ice, solidified in a huge block of ice, unable to move.


"..." Although he had expected it, Luo Wei still felt a little speechless.


But in fact, at least in the experience space scenario, this scene doesn't have so many slots.


In order to freeze Fording, the Lich King obviously consumed a lot of power, and his breath was weakened, which would undoubtedly reduce the difficulty of the battle. And it won't take long for Fording to break free and rejoin the battle.


While Fording was frozen, the Bronzebeard King roared and charged at the Lich King at a lightning speed, and then went up to knock the floor, and thunder erupted.




But the Bronzebeard King is obviously no match for the Lich King.


The Lich King faced the surging thunder, and Frostmourne struck out with a sword. Although he parried with the warhammer, he was suddenly knocked back.


Rowe and Feather Moon approached one after another, and the fiery Sulfuron Warhammer and the shining Night Elf Moon Blade swung towards Arthas one after another.


The three were besieged, and in the blink of an eye there were dozens of back and forth.


"I will turn your bloodline and body into ice!" Arthas said suddenly, then clenched Frostmourne with both hands and pierced into the ice beneath his feet.


Frigid winter!


Frostmourne triggered a fierce cold current on the high platform made of ice, hitting all directions, instantly covering the bodies of the three of Luo Wei with a layer of frost, and their movements slowed down.


Seeing this, Luo Wei immediately roared, and fiery flames erupted from his whole body. The flames faintly showed the shape of a phoenix, fighting against the surrounding cold winter.


Obviously, his flames greatly offset the impact of the cold and severe winter, allowing the three to resume their normal actions, but the consumption is also amazing and cannot be sustained for a long time.


At this time, a dazzling holy light radiated from Fording's body, and the ice that bound him began to crack, and the cracks spread rapidly.


"Come out, my servants!" Seeing that Fording was about to break free from the ice, the Lich King immediately began to summon servants, and many ghouls appeared one after another, rushing towards the three of Rowe.


"Feel Elune's wrath!" General Feather Moon shouted.


The brilliance of the moonfire appeared on her body, and at the same time, a bright moon appeared in the sky, making the Frozen Throne instantly bathed in the bright moonlight.




Immediately afterwards, the sky full of moonlight came crashing down, and the Lich King and a group of ghouls were all attacked!


Fording also broke free at this time, and Rowe knew that the critical moment of the battle was coming.


But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, he hesitated for a while, exited the experience space, and returned to the real world.


"What's wrong?" Rowe looked at Hela.


"Father asked us to come over." Hela said while changing her clothes.


"Let's go have breakfast together." Rowe shook his head. He didn't really want to see the old man, but he got up, changed his clothes, and went out with Hela.


About half an hour later, in the back garden of the Golden Palace.


The old and vicissitudes of life Odin was walking in the garden, Frigg supported him, followed by Rowe and Hela.


When walking, Odin got rid of Frigga's support intentionally or unintentionally, but after a while Frigga reached out to support him again, as if he was worried that he would fall.


This obviously displeased Odin.


Finally, when Frigg was about to reach out to help him again, he couldn't bear it any longer: "I'm not disabled!"


Frigga didn't say anything, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.


After a while, Odin turned his head and said, "How is Thor?"


"He has entered the school and has just completed his first exam at the school," Rowe said.


In fact, according to the standards of earthlings, Thor, incarnated as a mortal, should have gone to elementary school as early as a few years ago. However, although Odin hit Thor to the earth, Thor is not a real human after all.


His growth is obviously slower than that of human children. Although for the Protoss, the difference in a few years is very small, but it is still more obvious on Earth Especially now that Thor is thin and lame, so the school has been delayed. for several years.


"How was the test?" Frigg asked.


Luo Wei: "Yes, the second place in the school."


When Odin heard this, he couldn't help but smile. While the grades of elementary school students don't really say much, it's still reassuring and exciting news given Thor's longstanding isolation from learning.


Odin: "Is anyone else bullying him?"


"Um... yes."


"Very good." Odin nodded with satisfaction, "He used to be too spoiled in his childhood, there is no harm in suffering more."


Around Thor's human suffering, a few people discussed it for a while, and then Odin changed the subject: "Hella, Rowe, it's time to talk about your marriage."



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