Chapter 560: 【Power of Thor】

However, when the lizardman fell to the ground, it happened to be near the rifle. He glanced at the rifle, grabbed the rifle, and shot Spider-Man.


Spider-Man was caught off guard, and was immediately shot in the abdomen, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

He had never used a firearm, nor had he ever been wounded by a gun. This unprecedented pain made him almost unbearable.

"You are stronger than humans, but that's all." The lizardman grinned, his deep voice seemed to have a megaphone stuck in his throat.

Said he was about to fire another shot.

Seeing this, Spider-Man hurriedly shot out the spider silk and dragged the rifle out of the Lizardman's hand.


The Lizardman roared and rushed over. With a wave of his giant fist, Spider-Man was instantly knocked to the wall, and there was a burst of pain from the wound in his abdomen.

Donald hadn't disappeared from sight at this time, and the lizardmen obviously didn't intend to let him go, so they chased after him.

Spider-Man endured the pain and stood up again, and then hurriedly chased after him.

Something unfortunate happened. In a hurry, Donald and Jane Foster turned into a dead end. They turned to leave, but they were chasing Lizardmen.

"Haha, you can't escape!" The lizardmen laughed loudly, with the desire to kill in their eyes, "I'm going to dig out your eyeballs!"

"Donald..." Jane Foster's face was full of fear, and she couldn't help clenching Donald's hand.

Donald is not much better than her, and his face is also pale, looking at the monster close at hand at a loss.

Fortunately, Spider-Man arrived again, and several threads of spider silk wrapped around the lizardman one after another, and then he struggled to pull back, preventing it from moving forward.

"Roar!" The lizardman waved his claws and tore off the spider silk, then picked up the street light pole next to him and smashed it at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man quickly dodged, dodging around in the alley.

It's just that as the battle went on, the injury to his abdomen became more and more drag on his movements, making him gradually sluggish and powerless.

The lizardmen have always maintained their exuberant strength, and they fought more and more fiercely. The green giant claws grabbed Spider-Man's head, and with all five fingers, they crushed Spider-Man's head as if they wanted to squeeze a watermelon.

Spider-Man hurriedly broke free and retreated, but his mask was still torn off, revealing his true face.

"Peter!" The three surprised voices said in unison.

Donald and Jane Foster were classmates, so they could recognize him naturally, but what Peter Parker didn't expect was that the lizard man in front of him actually recognized him.

"Who are you?" Peter Parker gasped while covering his wound.

The lizardman didn't answer, staring at him coldly: "Peter Parker, I didn't expect it to be you, it's really surprising."

While carefully observing the demeanor of the lizardmen, Peter quickly filtered through the people he knew in his mind.

"You... are you Dr. Connors?!" He said in disbelief.

"Humph." The lizardman snorted and didn't reply. He seemed to acquiesce to this guess and continued to attack.

"Dr. Connors, why did you become like this?" Peter Parker dodged with difficulty.

"Why did you become a spider again?" Dr. Lizard asked in return, and then the giant claws slammed him into the air, leaving several wounds on his chest with the sharp claws.

"Why?" Peter Parker became weaker and weaker. "Dr. Connors I know is not like this. Why have you become a monster who is keen to kill?"

"No, I'm more perfect than before!" Dr. Connors grabbed Peter's ankle, threw him with a backhand, and threw him to the ground.

"Ah!" The violent impact made Peter's eyes black, he vomited blood, almost fainted, and could no longer fight back.

Dr. Lizard picked him up by his tail, stared at him, and said grimly, "Poor Peter Parker, there is no father, no mother, and no uncle."

Peter Parker's breathing quickened, and he was furious, but could not resist.

"You are just a little obstacle for me to be perfect." Dr. Lizard continued, placing his sharpest finger on Peter's chest, "It's over, little bug."

As soon as he finished speaking, his sharp claws pierced into Peter's chest, and blood spattered!

Peter Parker fell to the ground and quickly lost blood. He gasped for breath, but he couldn't stop the weakness caused by the blood loss, and his consciousness soon fell into darkness.

"Now it's your turn!" Dr. Lizard turned to look at Donald and Jane Foster.

Looking at Peter Parker who fell to the ground, Donald clenched his fists tightly, breathed quickly, and looked very excited.

He never thought that his closest friend was Spider-Man, a well-respected superhero.

He doesn't know when Peter Parker became a hero, but now he wants to be a hero himself, if only for ten seconds.

This is probably the last ten seconds of my life... I will eventually die as a hero, not a coward!

"Come on!" Donald stood in front of Jane Foster, facing Dr. Lizard, holding his cane, fearlessly said.

The scene where he was killed in seconds flashed in his mind. At this moment, his fear disappeared, as if it had never happened before!

Jane Foster looked at him in disbelief.

Although their resistance seemed meaningless, at this moment, she looked at Donald in front of her, and only felt that his figure had become unprecedented, and the disability and thinness no longer existed.

"Have you finally grown up..." A voice said in a faraway place.

Dr. Lizard said disdainfully, "It's too much!"

Immediately, he rushed over, the giant claws hit Donald's head directly, and the sharp edges of his fingertips were about to pierce the brain from the eyeball. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


However, just at this critical moment, a dazzling thunder suddenly burst out from Donald's body, and the dazzling lightning swept out, reflecting the surrounding like daylight.

"Ah!" Facing this lightning, as arrogant as Dr. Lizard, he was instantly slashed to the ground black, screaming and falling to the ground.

Donald looked blank and looked down at himself: "This..."

Jane Foster also thought she had read it wrong, but after a closer look, Dr. Lizard was clearly still charred and fell to the ground, and she still hasn't been able to get up again.

"You... What the **** are you?" Dr. Lizard got up from the ground and said weakly. The thunder just now almost wiped out his tyrannical vitality in an instant.

Donald didn't know the answer either, he just realized in a trance that something extraordinary seemed to be hidden inside him.


At this moment, without warning, a rainbow beam of light fell from the sky.

Rowe appeared from it and glanced at Dr. Lizard.

Dr. Lizard was instantly terrified.

It was in this faint glance that the keen biological instinct told him that the person who suddenly appeared was a terrifying existence far beyond his imagination.

Dr. Lizard tried to escape, but Rowe didn't give him a chance. .

With a flick of his finger, a dazzling white flame shot out, and the green lizard head was smashed to ashes in a blink of an eye.

After killing Dr. Lizard, Rowe didn't go to see Donald, but walked to Spider-Man who was lying on the side.

