Chapter 562: [Thor takes the hammer] 3 more

Donald's life suddenly became much happier.

His relationship with Peter Parker goes further, after all now he is the only male classmate who knows Peter's Spider-Man identity.

Of course, this is not the key, the more important thing is that he is in love.

The news that Donald and Jane Foster have officially established their boyfriend-girlfriend relationship caused a huge stir at the school.

After all, Donald, who is a cripple, has a very low sense of presence in school. In contrast, Jane Foster needs to have good looks and grades. Wherever she goes, people are the focus of attention.

The two of them together, they were simply a gray boy and a princess white horse, which naturally shocked everyone.

The same goes for Peter Parker and Gwen.

Peter's image in the hearts of his classmates is a little higher than that of Donald, but correspondingly, Gwen's image is also higher, after all, she also has a father who is a New York sheriff.

Perhaps due to the pressure of Peter and Donald, their friend, Fat Ned, even found an enviable girlfriend, so the three of them became a model of counterattack for a while and became a campus legend.

However, Donald's good days were not long before the arrival of two mysterious people interrupted all this.

"It's you!" Donald looked at Rowe.

The other person was a tall and thin man with long black hair, often with a smile on the corners of his mouth. He had never seen this person in his memory, but he felt a strong sense of familiarity inexplicably.

Every time he saw the black-haired man's face, Donald couldn't help but want to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

"Who are you and what are you looking for?" he asked.

Loki smiled: "Little brother, do you want to cure your disability?"

"Who do you call little brother?" Donald blurted out. He didn't know where he got his anger. Anyway, when he heard the name, he wanted to go back.

Luo Wei coughed twice: "Donald, do you want to cure the disability in your leg?"

Of course Donald thought, "Do you have a solution?"

Luo Wei nodded: "Yes, but you need to pay some price."

"What price?"

Lowe continued: "Hike from here to New Mexico, and then your disability goes away and you become a strong, able-bodied person."

Donald frowned. Although it might sound absurd, he had seen Rowe heal Peter Parker after all, so he didn't think the other party was joking.

The requirement to just walk to New Mexico struck him as odd.

And frankly speaking, this requirement is not simple. There are more than 2,000 kilometers from New York to New Mexico. It is indeed a daunting test for him to walk more than 2,000 kilometers on foot with a lame man.

Rowe and Rocky roughly guessed what Donald was thinking, and Rocky said: "There is no free lunch in the world, little brother. Walking more than 2,000 kilometers on foot can cure a disability. Such a big bargain is rare, I believe 9% Ten people with disabilities would agree without hesitation."

Donald also understands this point, but he has other concerns: "I still have to study, go to university, maybe I don't have that much time..."

Luo Wei said: "With your grades, college is not a problem, and it doesn't matter if you delay for a few months. But there are not so many opportunities to cure the disability, in fact, only this time."

"Once you miss it, you will always accompany Jane Foster as a cripple."

This sentence was obviously a fatal blow, and instantly defeated Donald's inner hesitation.

After becoming Jane Foster's boyfriend, how much he longed to be a complete man!

"Okay, I promise you, but I have to apply for a leave of absence from the school first." Donald nodded and said.

"You don't need to be so troublesome, just follow us. We have already handled it for you." Loki took out a document signed by the principal approving the suspension of school.

"Now?" Donald was stunned.


Donald: "Can I say goodbye to Jane first? I think this long journey may take a few months."

"Go." Rowe nodded.

Donald left immediately, found his girlfriend Jane Foster, talked about the situation, and finally said affectionately and excitedly: "Dear, I will definitely come back, then you will see a different me!"

Jane Foster naturally believed him, and even sent a kiss goodbye.

After a few days.

Against the scorching sun in the sky, Donald Blake limped along the wasteland beside the road with a cane in hand, wiping the sweat from his forehead from time to time, panting for breath.

This is the first time he has left New York City.

He never thought that he, a lame man, would leave New York City on foot for the first time.

The pain and suffering involved are self-evident. In fact, he was almost paralyzed in the first hour of the hike. In his opinion, it was a miracle that he could persist until now.


Donald gasped, and hesitantly walked along the road, one step at a time, his shirt was already wet with sweat.

"I'm so tired..." He complained from time to time.

"Come on, Donald, there are still three kilometers, you can rest today." Rocky encouraged with a smile.

Said He finished the cream ice cream in his hand, and then took out another to continue eating.

Donald: "..."

During these few days of itinerary, physical torture was secondary, and what made him even more unbearable was the atrocities of Rowe and Loki.

The two of them just eat, drink and play every day, and they even have a car!

At this moment, Rowe and Rocky were sitting in a sports car, eating, drinking and having fun while watching Donald go on foot ascetic.

Each of their words of encouragement with ice cream and cream made Donald even more depressed.

"There are still 2,600 kilometers, and we will reach our destination." Loki encouraged again.

"Why do you have to let me walk to New Mexico?" Donald couldn't help asking.

Luo Wei thought for a while: "Donald, have you heard the legend of 'Xuanzang's Buddhist scriptures'?"

"know a little."

Luo Wei continued: "In oriental legends, Xuanzang had to walk to his destination, even though in fact he had a faster way to get there. This is a test, and now you are the same."

"..." Donald was silent.

Time goes by day by day.

Donald Black, on crutches, continued his long walk, with Rowe and Loki always with him—in the car.

For him with a lame leg, it was indeed a difficult journey, but he gradually got used to it. He was able to complete the set goals almost every day, and made steady progress towards New Mexico.

This evening, they were stopping to take a rest, when suddenly there was a gunshot in the distance.
