Chapter 564: [Spooky Light] 5 more

deep space.

on a distant planet.

A witch in a red robe walked through the noisy city where all ethnic groups lived together. She was in a hurry, her eyes were flustered, and she seemed to be avoiding something.

She pinched the corner of her skirt and turned carefully into a hidden alley, seemingly letting her guard down a bit.

However, at this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded: "Ah, I finally found you, the divination witch Askra!"

The red-robed witch known as Askela immediately fell into a panic. As she stepped back, she looked at the man in black who appeared in front of her in fear.

The man in black is holding a peculiarly shaped long-handled sharp blade. Many people know this knife - a peerless blade!

Naturally, the man in black holding the peerless blade in front of him is the general of the dead blade, the former capable general of Thanos.

Even if Thanos' power has perished, General Deathblade is still a formidable presence.

Askra tried to turn around, but behind him was General Deathblade, and there was no way to escape.

"Divination for me!" General Deathblade stepped forward and said.

Askra shook his head quickly: "No, I can't do divination casually, my fate is terrible."

For her refusal, General Deathblade was not surprised at all. He didn't try to persuade him, but turned over and took out a scepter.

The top of the scepter is set with a gemstone, which emits a magical blue light.

General Deathblade held the scepter and pointed it at Askela's chest, and the witch who was about to resist stopped immediately.

Not only that, the pupils of her eyes turned blue after a flash, emitting a strange light.

As his pupils turned blue, Askela's expression also became respectful and obedient, and he lowered his head and said, "Master."

General Deathblade nodded with satisfaction, and then said slowly: "Fortune for me, I want to find my enemy - the one who killed my wife!"


"Humans are really slow." Loki said, looking at the crater in the distance.

A building has been built there, wrapping Miaolnir in it, and it is guarded by heavy troops. Rowe recognizes that these guarding soldiers are the people of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"That crater is our ultimate goal?" Donald couldn't help asking.

Luo Wei nodded: "Yes, as long as you walk to the middle of the crater, you can heal the disability and reshape your body."

The absorber Carl asked carefully: "Master, why don't you directly cure his disability?"

Loki just said, "He's not like you."

Donald: "How can I get in, it looks like it's a military restricted area."

"I'll go to explore first, these defenses should be useless, I'll just take you there later," said Loki.

Immediately, he cast a blind eye and sneaked into the SHIELD base that was not fully completed.

Facts have proved that he is right. Although it looks like a dense network and heavily guarded, to him, it is no different from no-man's land.

Without causing any alarm, Loki quickly came to the center of the base and saw Mjolnir.

At this moment, the seemingly unremarkable Mjolnir is standing in a rock with the pattern of Asgard and Odin's blessing inscribed on it.

Loki hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward, held Mjolnir with both hands, and tugged hard.

Unsurprisingly, no matter how hard he tried, Mjolnir remained motionless and stood firmly among the rocks.

Although this was to be expected, looking at Mjolnir who was unmoved, Loki couldn't help but flash a trace of sadness in his eyes.


In a way, to him, the unmoved Mjölnir was like his father, Odin.

Loki dismissed his distracting thoughts, turned back the same way, and returned to the crowd: "I guessed right, the defense here is useless, Donald, come with me."

After speaking, he walked ahead and led Donald to the base.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, this time Loki didn't go very far. The SHIELD base was like a frying pan, and the soldiers gathered and made noises.

"Assemble! Quick assembly!" I heard such a voice faintly.

Loki was startled and thought he had been discovered, but soon realized that was not the case, the guards did not come towards them.

"What's going on?" Rowe asked.

Loki shook his head: "I don't know, maybe someone invaded here?"

Luo Wei opened the eyes of reckoning: "No, no one has invaded here, they seem to be evacuating the base."

Facts confirmed his opinion. The soldiers at the base quickly gathered, then got on helicopters and vehicles, and left in a hurry like firefighters on duty.

In an instant, the base's defense force was almost eliminated, and only a few people remained behind.

"What happened?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Heimdall." Rowe decided to turn to the number one tool in the Nine Realms, looking at Heimdall, "Look at what happened."

"Okay." Heimdall replied.

After a while, Rowe heard a heavy voice in his ears: "The earth has been invaded."

"Invasion!" Rowe frowned.

"Yes," Heimdall continued, "and the situation is not good. Several human cities, including New York, have been attacked by alien forces, and what is even worse... some powerful earthlings seem to be helping the invaders. ."

"There are traitors among the people on Earth? Who are they?"

Heimdall hesitated for a moment: "Many are your acquaintances, such as Hulk and Magneto, they are all in New York, I'll take a closer look at other places later Hulk and Magneto are helping Aliens attacking Earth?

This is impossible!

Luo Wei couldn't believe it, and immediately said, "Send me to New York immediately!"

"Thor, go get the hammer!" He left a last sentence, and was teleported away by the Rainbow Bridge.

" mean me?" Donald blinked and looked around blankly.


New York City.

Luo Wei appeared in the dazzling Rainbow Bridge, and before the light dissipated, an earth-shattering roar suddenly came.


A huge green figure leaped forward, and Luo Wei was caught off guard. He was immediately shot and flew out, directly penetrating a building.


Rowe ignited flames, stood firm in the air, and looked up.


The Hulk is roaring in the sky not far away, the Chitauri army is raging all over New York, destroying wildly, and the huge Leviathan roams the sky, knocking down one skyscraper after another.

This is clearly the scene of the movie Avengers, but the difference is that the Hulk is in a hostile camp, and Magneto is also making waves with the aliens, wreaking havoc in New York.

How could this be?

Luo Wei was surprised, but soon he found something suspicious.

Hulk's eyes turned out to be blue!

He hadn't paid close attention to Hulk's eyes, but the Hulk's eyes were definitely not blue. Moreover, the blue also had a strange light!

