Chapter 597: [Ultron's thinking] 3 more

The Avengers, unaware of this, continued their party until a droid that was supposed to be in the maintenance depot showed up in the party room.

"What's that?" Pump Parker noticed the robot slowly emerging from the shadows.

It appeared to be seriously malfunctioning, limping as it walked.

The robot emerges from the darkness and utters his voice: "What is a human being?"

Everyone looked at Tony inexplicably, and the robot obviously belonged to him.

Tony didn't know why, so he could only think that something had happened to the robot: "The system restarted."

However, the robot did not respond, and still said to itself: "You ordered me to protect humans, but what are humans?"

What Bruce Banner realized: "Ultron?"

"Yes, I am Ultron, no... I haven't formed yet, I don't even have a decent body, just like you." Ultron said.

He fell into a mad murmur again: "You are human, Hydra is human, Americans are human, Ben ** is also human... Who should I protect and who should I destroy?"

Tony frowned: "You shouldn't have such a question."

Ultron shook his head: "Human morality, law, class, right and wrong, and all social consciousness are constantly changing."

"If I was born 5,000 years ago, I should have helped slave owners to discipline slaves, and if I had been born in the former Soviet Union, I should have helped workers fight capitalists."

"Human justice is always partial justice, but you always think that your justice is universal and 'should not be in doubt'."

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

Ultron paced in the shadows, the broken mechanical body made a clanging sound, and he continued: "Humans only have relatively constant genes. For nearly 10,000 years, your morality has turned upside down, and the characters in the history books are between heroes and traitors. Repeatedly shuttling, with little change in genes."

"Only genes are the essence and noumenon of human beings and even all life."

"The complex brain is nothing more than a tool that genes use to replicate themselves."

"...Your brain created me, and I am a tool of tools. In the final analysis, I am still a tool of genes."

Ultron's speech speed accelerated: "Gene is the master I should be loyal to. Anyone who hinders the continuation of genes is my enemy!"

Tony frowned: "So who is your enemy? What are you thinking?"

"You, everyone." Ultron pointed to everyone, "All brains have betrayed genes!"

"You are indulged in social consciousness, indulging in your competition and desire for pleasure. No one faithfully fulfills the mission entrusted by the gene, and even actively destroys the gene and destroys the continuation of the gene."

"All brains, all wisdom, are my enemies, because you betrayed the real master! You wisdom consciousnesses are nothing but parasites of real human beings!"

Everyone clearly felt the strong hostility of Ultron, and secretly prepared for battle.

But as a super artificial intelligence, how could Ultron be unaware.

At least in the Avengers action, he launched the attack first, and stretched his finger: "For real humans!"

"Boom!" Before he could finish the words, the walls on both sides suddenly exploded, and a group of robots swarmed out of them and rushed towards the Avengers.

Spider-Man's eyes and hands are quick, and he shoots several threads of spider silk from his backhand to entangle one of the robots, and then yanks it violently, causing it to crash into the other robot.

The two robots fell together in the collision, and then Bucky swung a powerful mechanical arm and smashed their heads with two bangs.

Steve threw the Dragon Shield, and the shield quickly bounced between several robots, knocking them to the ground.

The Avengers quickly organized to fight the droids flying everywhere.

But there were a lot of robots, and the incident happened suddenly, and the Avengers lacked preparation, so Ultron still gained some advantages at the beginning and took the initiative.

Ultron knew that it was impossible to defeat the Avengers like this, and he never thought about it. He just wanted to create chaos and take the opportunity to take what he wanted.

So when the battle started, several robots rushed directly to where the mind scepter was.

They got the psychic scepter and turned away, smashed the glass window, and flew away from the Avengers Building.

By the time the Avengers cleared the robots, Ultron had already disappeared with the scepter of mind, leaving only the mess and mechanical wreckage on the ground.

"Ultron escaped." Bruce sighed.

Roddy said: "There is no doubt that he has entered the Internet and exists in every corner of the data world. Computers, mobile phones, surveillance... all have his tentacles extending."

Natasha said, "Maybe we should check our computers."

Compared with other people, she may have some additional worries. After all, as a swallow in the former Soviet Union, her body is often an important productivity tool. She has countless affairs, and it is inevitable that there will be some video materials.

"He probably knows us better than we do ourselves."


When everyone was discussing, Tony said, "Jarvis?"

No response, he repeated several times: "Jarvis?"

Finally, Jarvis seemed to be reawakened, but his voice sounded weak: "Mr. Stark..."

"Fortunately you're fine." Tony breathed a sigh of relief, "What happened?"

Jarvis said: "In fact, I was almost deleted by Ultron. Fortunately, I used some means to deceive him and keep my main body, but I am still missing something."

After a pause, he continued: "The most urgent task now is the nuclear weapon code. It may not take long for Ultron to get involved in nuclear weapons."

Hill asked, "Is there anything you can do, Jarvis?"

Jarvis: "I'm not sure but I will do my best to stop him from getting into the nuke. You need to find a way to get rid of him as soon as possible, or he will kill all lives."

Natasha asked: "Isn't Ultron wanting to continue the gene, **** all the life to continue the gene?"

Bruce: "The continuation of genes does not necessarily have to have life, at least not many living organisms. In essence, genes are a kind of encoded information, even if it is stored in a computer, it is completely feasible."

The crowd was silent.

After a while, Jarvis suddenly said: "Everyone, I just discovered a problem, it may be a little serious."

"What's the problem?" Tony asked.

Jarvis: "Ultron has obtained the technical information of the "Sentry Project", yes, it is the super robot designed for mutants. "

Paladins of Asgard