Chapter 618

"I'm not in court now. The children are eating with their grandmothers. I think I'll be back in a minute. "

Xinghuo was surprised to hear this: "Miss, didn't you go to the court today?"

"I went, but something happened here in the afternoon, and I'm dealing with it. It may take some time. "

"Miss, don't make it too late. Come back early."

"All right, how are Joe and the baby?" Gu Huan, even though she is already in a mess here, still has some thoughts about the mother and son.

"They are all OK, but the little guy may not have adapted to the environment, crying for a long time, but now he has gone to sleep."

Gu Huan nodded: "then you should also seize the time to have a rest. The children you just gave birth to are quite tough. You should be fully prepared. Well, I'll work first. I'll take care of it and go back as soon as possible. " Then she hung up.

She didn't tell Xing Huo what happened in Beiming family. She could hear that Xing Huo's tone had revealed some fatigue.

But this kind of tone was never shown when he was busy for Beiming mo.

In this case, Gu Huan is not good enough to make trouble for others under such circumstances.

After receiving the phone call, she sat in her own place, looking at the empty office, especially the desk of beimingmo in the middle, she still sighed.

Then I have a headache about how to deal with the difficult problem.

However, half an hour later, things suddenly took a turn for the better. First of all, I received a call from the head of the strike department, which roughly said that they would return to their respective posts.

This let Gu Huan feel a little surprised, before also make of a pair of fierce posture, how this moment become like peace.

Then, she again received a phone call from Xing Huo: "Miss, I've already dealt with the things in Beiming's side for you."


GU Huan felt a little sorry: "Xing Huo, I'm so sorry to disturb you when you are busiest."

"Miss, you don't have to say such kind words. I'm the master's person, and the affairs of Beiming family are also my affairs. I know that you don't want to make trouble for me at this time, but it's not obvious. If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me directly. "


Beiming Mo, Chu Yunfeng and Bai Muxi drank bottle after bottle in the box, and of course they said a lot.

Of course, the main thing is that Chu ER and Lao Bai's mouth keep talking and singing the leading role. And Beiming ink has been keeping a silent attitude, let the two people intentionally or unintentionally arrange themselves.

Maybe he would have dealt with them before. But today, unexpectedly, there was no response.

Beiming ink is totally immersed in its own world.

Later, the time is not too early, and the wine is almost the same.

Beiming Mo slightly drunk stood up from the sofa, turned and walked out of the box.

Left behind are dozens of empty wine bottles on the tea table, as well as Bai Muxi and Chu Yunfeng collapsed on the sofa.

These two people can really drink high, so that the North Ming Mo gets up to leave, they have no reaction.

After Beiming Mo came out of the bar, he called a taxi.

"Where are you going, sir?"

When Beiming Mo got on the bus, the driver frowned slightly as soon as he smelled the slight alcohol gas emitted from him.

He didn't want to pull guests around the bar because he saw and heard too many unpleasant stories between drunkards and taxi drivers.

The reason why he let Beiming Mo get on the bus was that he saw that the man standing there didn't look like a drunkard.

But when I got on the bus, I found that it didn't seem like what I had just seen. But this man is already in the car. It's not enough to drive him down.

What's more, he saw Beiming Mo sitting in the back of the car with a big figure. From his face, although he was very handsome, the momentum showed that he was not a person to be provoked.

Forget it, even if it's a loss. Thinking of this, the driver asked in a low voice.

Beiming ink just came out of the bar, the cool wind blew slightly, and the strength of wine, which had been suppressed by himself, slowly began to spread out.

When he got in the car, he began to feel dizzy.

Even so, he was quite clear.

Different taxis, different drivers, asked themselves the same question. At the same time, he can't help but start to make difficult choices again.

Is it going back to Beiming's old house, or the night demon Hotel, or the night movie

At this time, Gu Huan's image suddenly appeared in his brain, which made him make a decision immediately: "driver, please take me to this place..."Taxis shuttle fast in the night on the streets of a city, pedestrians and vehicles on both sides flash quickly from the window.

Even though the wine strength of Beiming Mo had been rising, he still kept the posture of sitting upright. He closed his eyes slightly and seemed very quiet.

This gives the taxi driver a long sigh of relief. Compared with other drunkards, this guest has a lot of self-control.

The taxi soon passed through the main block of a city, along a rocky mountain road, and arrived at the entrance of the villa in the middle of the mountain.

"Here we are, sir."


beimingmo raises his hand and prepares to take money from the inner bag to the driver.

But immediately he had some cold face, and then froze, because his fingers searched in the bag for half a day, and the result was empty.

The next moment he immediately realized that during his time in the police station, Xing Huo had seen himself. It was at that time that he took back almost all his belongings.

The reason for doing so is also very simple, that is, there is food and drink here, and there is nothing to spend.

In fact, not only that, even in ordinary times, he seldom carries cash in his pocket. Because Xing Huo was always by his side at that time, and often he didn't need to solve such "chores" by himself.

"Well Sir, if you don't have any money with you, you don't have to change it. When you go out, no one can be sure. There will be times when you lose everything. " The driver looked at Beiming Mo's actions through the rearview mirror and said quickly.

Beiming Mo stops his action and looks at the driver. Then he rearranged his clothes, opened the door and went down.

It's not too far away from pinhuan bieyuan. He takes out the phone to call Xinghuo and asks him to send money.

When the driver saw him get off the bus, he took a long breath. However, seeing that he took out his mobile phone, I was worried.

Think about it, this evening came to such a place, in front of a villa is not false, but there is no light.

It means that there are few or no people living here. Besides, there are no other houses around the villa. Even the nearest one is a newly developed high-end residential area "pinhuan bieyuan" located at the foot of the mountain.

Although there is a bright light, but if there is any emergency on the mountain, even if it is for help, it is far away.

Moreover, he can see that this man will not be his opponent, no matter from his figure to his awe inspiring momentum.

And this man came to this place, did not know the purpose. If you come here for this villa, you'd better take it as a stratagem, so that if something happens here, you can't get rid of it.

If you think you're unlucky, it's a wasted trip.

Just thinking of this, he looked at the man outside. I don't know why. After looking at the mobile phone for a while, he put it back in his pocket again.

The taxi driver takes this opportunity to adjust the front of the car and get ready to step on the accelerator to leave this place where accidents may happen at any time.

"Dangdang..." Just as he pushed the gear to 2, he heard the car window on his side being knocked.

This makes the taxi driver shiver. Does it mean that the man outside the taxi has to take his own operation before he takes action in order to make it easy for him to retreat after the event is completed, and also to avoid future trouble?

Thinking of this, his heart began to jump wildly.

But in order to stabilize the man, we should keep calm and see what his next action is before deciding what kind of action to take.

Think of here, he first secretly will all the car lock down. This at least ensures that the men outside will not open the door, and then lower the window a little, leaving only a small gap to ensure that people outside reach in and force the door open.

How can Beiming Mo, standing outside the car, not notice the driver's small actions? He may already know what the driver is worried about.


when the window came down a little, he said to the driver in the car, "give me your contact information, and I'll pay you tomorrow."

"Sir, that's not necessary. I said just now: who can go out without difficulty. I'm just raising my hand to send you here. Don't worry about it. I'm sorry. I have some urgent things to do here. Let's go first. "

With that, the taxi driver stepped on the accelerator and the car ran out like a rabbit trying to escape.

Although it is in the middle of the mountain, this road is not as easy as the market road, and there are still some risks.

Fortunately, this is an experienced taxi driver who can tell from the intermittent braking sound.

Beiming Mo looks at the disappearing taxi, and the corner of his mouth is rarely slightly tilted. I didn't expect that I would be regarded as the guest of honor no matter where I appeared in the upper class. Actually, in the eyes of the middle and lower classes, they have become evil thieves who are afraid to avoid them.It's really interesting.

He turned and walked to the closed iron door, stretched out his finger and gently pressed it on a bright red fingerprint lock embedded in the door.

A few seconds after the break, I heard a "click", and then the two doors automatically opened slowly.

He went into the gate and strolled towards the villa.

Looking up, the stars in the sky echo with the lights in the "pinhuan farewell garden" at the foot of the mountain.


at this moment, in a villa in pinhuan farewell garden, the soft lighting symbolizes warmth and happiness.

In a room on the second floor facing the middle of the mountain, the curtains were not drawn.

Xing Huo is with Luo Qiao. In the little wooden bed in front of them lay a sleeping baby.