Chapter 645

Xing Huo shook his head: "it's the master's decision. I called this morning to tell him to do it."

It's Beiming II again. It's a conference? Thanks to his thoughtfulness. Is it because I'm afraid that I won't do anything? So came a move to burn the boat, forced himself to sit in this position.

Although Gu Huan thinks so, he can't just say so.

"Miss, otherwise, I think it will be a while before the press conference. I'll take you to buy some clothes." It's still criminal fire. When facing these problems, we can quickly come up with solutions.

This is one of the reasons why Beiming Mo attached great importance to him.

Gu Huan nodded. Then, with the fire out of the office.

In order to prevent reporters from staying in the parking lot or at the gate of the group. Gu Huan didn't drive his own car, but left Beiming's family in Xinghuo.

When the car came to the exit of the parking lot, sure enough, the reporters who once surrounded Gu Huan were still there. Of course, they are not all for this. There will be a press conference later.

The reason why they do this is that they want to get some exclusive reports as soon as possible.

Xing Huo drives Gu Huan to "Miss, please don't worry, this money won't go from Beiming's book.". This purchase cost is paid by the owner. This morning, after the master told me to hold a press conference, he thought that you must have no suitable clothes, and you are willing to use Beiming's money, so he told me that he will bear all the expenses. "

"In that case, let's hurry to choose clothes." Gu Huan said and walked to the store.

Beiming Mo is really able to figure out people's minds. He guessed all his worries. Since he has so generously offered to pay all the expenses, there is nothing to say. It's the reward of taking care of him for one night when he has a fever.

Gu Huan is also able to think of it. He doesn't have to leave anything polite about Beiming ink.

An hour later, in the hands of Xinghuo, there were several more handbags, big and small.

The most important thing is to attend this conference for you, and also to listen to Xing Huo's suggestions and choose some clothes to wear when meeting with the managers of other companies and socializing.

As for the little one, as a mother, she also chose some clothes for her three babies. This can be regarded as "offering flowers to Buddha.". Of course, it's natural for them to buy clothes with their father's money.


at 9:50 a.m., a news conference set has been set up in the hall on the first floor of Beiming family.

The reporters are full.

Gu Huan, wearing a newly bought rose red professional dress, walks slowly into the venue accompanied by Xing Huo. Her appearance, suddenly the camera flash strobe.

Not to mention, Gu Huan's figure, no matter what he wears, has a different taste. White skin, slim waist, rose red professional dress, plus the wisdom she had when she was a lawyer. It really changed her previous image as a "follower" and became a mature and stable professional woman.

In the face of such a scene, she is also used to being arranged in the middle left position of the seat by Xinghuo. Xinghuo sits next to her, and there is a vacancy on her other side.


GU Huan was still smiling in front of all kinds of cameras, but his eyes still glanced at the empty position.

Who is this position for?

At ten o'clock, the press conference officially began.

Xing Huo stood up first: "the press conference of Beiming Group officially started. First of all, please allow me to introduce the lady sitting next to me - Gu Huan, Miss Gu. "

Said, very polite to you reporters to do a guide.

Gu Huan can only be regarded as "the most familiar stranger" to these reporters, even though they have already read most of the news and news about her.

With a smile on his face, Gu Huan stood up, nodded to the reporters in front of him, and then sat down again.

At the moment, people's eyes immediately focused on the empty position beside her. What kind of character would she be?

Everyone was very curious.

Xinghuo picked up the receiver again, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry. And he seems to have read their doubts from everyone's eyes.

"Next, I'll introduce the next person. This is Mr. Beiming Mo, the president of Beiming group

Voice down, North Ming Mo did not come out from behind the layout of the booth, but appeared behind these reporters.

Those standing in front of us don't realize it. But there's been some rioting in the back.

I saw Beiming Mo wearing a black suit, tall and burly. Today's occasion, he did not wear a tie, white shirt collar loosened two buttons, the hidden exposed Adam's apple added a bit of tough temperament to him.There are two security guards in front of him. Of course, as one of the protagonists of today's press conference, even if reporters want to catch a few headlines, they can only make way for him first.

As he passed through the crowd, the flash flashed frequently on his left and right sides.

Finally, he walked around the table and sat in the empty seat beside Gu Huan.

In Gu Huan's opinion, today's Beiming Mo is different from the previous two days. Full of air, the domineering and self-confidence of the king surrounded him.

He's fully recovered and even better.

If Gu Huan agreed to continue to be the president of Beiming, most of the reason was that she didn't want to be separated from the children, then another 10% was that she saw that Beiming Mo, who was not in a high mental state, had some sympathy.

"You look in good shape today. I began to suspect that you pretended to be with the front desk yesterday. " Gu Huan said a word to Beiming Mo in a voice that could only be heard between them.

Beiming Mo's eyes looked at the people and replied with the same tone: "then you can install a fever for me. It's called being happy and having a good spirit. "

He called his position as president a "happy event". So, what did he struggle for this position for?

Gu Huan felt that what had happened between him and himself had become such a joke. He said yes, he said no, he said no.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little sour in her heart. Originally, I felt that I was hurt in the game of Beiming ink, but now I am more hurt.


it seems that Gu Huan knows what's going on in his heart like the palm of his hand: "no matter how many thoughts you have in your heart, please pay attention to some image problems at this time. Your present image is not only on behalf of yourself, but also on behalf of Beiming family

It sounds really funny that a guy who regards Beiming as nothing has to maintain the image of Beiming himself.

Forget it, since he has been pushed to this position, then there is nothing to say. It's for the kids.


"now, let's invite Beiming Mo, the president of Beiming, to announce his decision." The punishment fire finishes saying, lightly nodded a head to the North Ming mo.

Beiming Mo stands up slowly from his position and looks at everyone.

At the moment, the hall on the first floor of the whole group is quiet.

Several cameras of the TV station were aimed at him.

"I have been the president of Beiming for some time. During this period, I would like to thank all the employees of Beiming group for their strong support. Today, I call you here to announce a decision. Please rest assured that this decision has been carefully considered by me in the past few days. That's why I decided not to be the president of Beiming. "

As soon as the words came to an end, the whole audience was shocked. In fact, they have known it for a long time, but it is even more shocking to know the news from my mouth.

"Please be quiet. I haven't finished yet." Beiming Mo continued.

The hall was quiet again.