Chapter 17: Disappear

Name:Paradise of Infinity Author:
Chapter 17: DisappearChapter 17: Disappear

"Nik~ Tch, tch~ Have I taught you nothing? Two more complaints already? A mother and daughter at that? You let your customers do anything they want. That is my 'children's' motto!"

"Time to enter the abyss~!"


Nik's eyes snapped open, but he remained unmoving, not out of calmness, but because he was frightened straight. He didn't wake up on Mitsuko's bed like yesterday, but the bedding he had laid in the living room. Feeling his lips dried and throat parched, his gaze darkened momentarily before he shook his head and closed his eyes again. He didn't even want to think about it—About HER.

He hadn't gotten a chance to apologize to Kurumi yesterday, and now she had already left for her school. So, he wouldn't get a chance to correct his petty ways for now. After all, the exact passage of time for him will be way more than the week he will be absent in this world. This much he understood from Infinity.

He turned around and stayed under the sheets for a few minutes, recollecting his thoughts. Only when Mitsuko called out for him from the kitchen did he sit up and rub his eyes.

He began his day like usual, folding the bedding and placing it within its appropriate location before washing his face. Nik entered the kitchen as Mitsuko glanced at him and smiled, fully clothed. How about that? "You're going to be late," she chimed, momentarily forgetting about his condition.

But anyway, he wasn't going to Yuuko's bookstore today, so it didn't matter when he would have woken up.

Unlike usual, she hadn't prepared soup but bread for breakfast. It wasn't unheard of to skip the staple breakfast for something else once in a while. It was a well-cooked sandwich with the spread of butter on the top portion of the bread still glistening with freshly cut vegetables between the two faces of bread.

Silently sitting down, he ate with a full bite and scowled a little, not liking the taste of the tomatoes within. But that doesn't matter as he focuses on other things to his liking and eats away gratefully.

"I was worried a little," Mitsuko smiled and quickly began typing into her cellphone as she brought her plate over, mumbling what she wrote. "Kurumi and Sayoko are picky eaters. But it's nice seeing someone not raising a ruckus for a few odd slices of cucumber."

'Oh, that's the fresh hell I just munched into,' Nik realized silently, not particularly fond of such a 'fresh' sandwich either.

Mitsuko then showed him the translated texts, and he nodded. He could and would still eat it. It was completely unknown what he would encounter in a few hours. So, it was only logical to eat fresh and nutritious food right from the get-go and pray for the best.

Fully knowing about his appetite, Mitsuko had made a considerably greater number of sandwiches for Nik while she was satisfied with only two. But seeing him eat away so heartily, Mitsuko finally couldn't help but recall yesterday's events and questioned herself.

'Is it possible he got irritated because the dinner got interrupted?'

Then more she thought on this matter, the greater her confidence grew. It was all well while she was underneath him, ready to gobble him up, but he only took sudden action when Kurumi forcefully tested his attention. But whatever it could have been, Mitsuko grew silent once Nik ate and raised an issue by translating a simple sentence into her cellphone.

"You're leaving for a week? What happened?" She inquired, her reaction slightly greater than Yuuko's.

Nik explained in the same way as he did with Yuuko. And Mitsuko's response was similar, too. If it's dangerous, logic dictated going to the authorities, but she was much easier to persuade.

"Can I know where you're going? That way, I could point Genta-san in the right direction."

She inquired.

Nik shook his head slightly as Mitsuko continued, a little confused.

"If you remembered something... and still plan to return within seven days, and considering you're not lying... Nik, you don't have a family, do you?" Mitsuko had a complex expression as she showed the screen to Nik, and he shook his head again. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Mitsuko's worry also happened to be slightly greater than Yuuko's. For Yuuko, Nik was only a temporary employee that she now planned to have full-time if possible, but for Mitsuko, well, this meant much more for various reasons. But none came even close to the aspect of attachment towards someone. This was simply a genuine worry for an individual she had helped for almost a week now, and while these motives were derived from selfish reasons, that didn't stop her from trying and caring enough. After all, she's a mother, too... a strange one, but still.

"Then what do you plan to do after you return? Now that you have remembered something..."

Nik blinked. His first order of business would be finding a place to stay and live, and that's what he replied. There was nothing strange about it as Mitsuko nodded in agreement.

With that, Nik disappeared instantly as if he wasn't present in this world in the first place.


Mitsuko heard a click of the door as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Why would he want a—"


Mitsuko stood still as she looked towards the door with a surprised expression, seeing Kurumi taking off her shoes.

"What are you doing in your underwear?" Kurumi inquired curiously. Kurumi felt that there shouldn't be anyone around, given that there were no unfamiliar sets of shoes. It was strange for her mother to get down to 'it' alone. She always preferred a partner.

"I'm... nothing? Anyway! Nik is leaving for work. So, you should try talking with him. He's just outside."

"What? There's no one outside. I stopped by Megumi's Mom, but she had given Nik a short leave to give him some time."

"There's nobody outside at all? Not even by the corner of the block?"


"Strange... I did not even hear the door open before you came in..."

Mitsuko frowned, feeling a little weird. She covered herself with an overcoat hanging on the rack near the door before she strolled out of her house, unable to find any hint of Nik.

'Seven days... huh. Why do I doubt that someone who ran so quickly will even return?'

She grew a little depressed. All this time, she felt that they were getting along really well. But she figured seven days wasn't a long time in the first place. And if he didn't return, she would just write Nik off as a happy night and a fulfilling week of cooking and trying various dishes with an exotic, mysterious youth.

'Hnf,' A soft chuff escaped her lips as she clandestinely rubbed her thighs under her overcoat while returning home. 'I did enjoy his superb head-washing skills. And the feeling of his body against mine.' Undoubtedly, Mitsuko realized the youth was strange in many ways—which she would happily explore should he return in a week.


Alternate Title: When Mitsuko Uses Her Head to Think; Mitsuko's Head Games are Impeccable in Every Manner; A Weekly Promise; A Week For the Souma, Unknown Period For Nik; Mitsuko, Of Course, Dropped Her Top Accidentally; Laying Sex Traps!; Mitsuko's Rise as a Fantasy Sadistic Mommy?; Mitsuko is Sexually Purer—Unadulterated Nik Review; Missing Naked Disappearance For a Bottle Of Shampoo; Mitsuko Having An Exhibition Overcoat Lying Around Casually; Nik is in For Some Fun... If He Survives; Mitsuko's Hope To Explore the Unknown


A/N: No point in dragging in this world since the avatar is going to be the major one and I already have developed most of Nik's issues to take care of in the next world.

Now, this avatar world is going to be an au that I felt quite intriguing due to a cbr video on YouTube. What if Ursula somehow took both Zuko and Azula when she left?

This will be the main premise that indirectly affects many situations from early on.

And the other change will be that all the characters are 18 and above and will be the same way. For instance, Princess Yue in this one may already be married and still be alive.

So consider this an Au where Aang 'wakes' up a few years later instead? If I take this premise to keep in line with the growth of the age of the characters, then what happened in Ba Sing Se and what happened to the hundred years of war in general? This is all for having canon 18+ Toph!

First Volume: The Saga of Women Bender begins.