Chapter 291: Daily Life Beyond (2)—Hori Cosplay

Name:Paradise of Infinity Author:
Chapter 291: Daily Life Beyond (2)—Hori Cosplay

So, Halloween is a thing. If Nik gets it right, it's a ghost-repelling festival of sorts originating from the occasion of welcoming new harvest in ancient times, eventually descending into people's need to dress slutty and act stupid—in children's case, bag loads of candies—or so Kurumi puts it eloquently under her family's giggling state. A festival right up Nik's alley! He loves sweets, can act stupid, is sufficiently slutty, and can ward off ghosts just fine!

"Oh my! OH, MY!" Others thin their lips as Nik and his entire group watch a middle-aged woman gasp loudly, watching them in wonder as Rena finally comments—"Is she creaming her panties?"

She directed her question to Nik, idly scrolling through her smartphone once it reconnects with the 'network.'

"I wouldn't put it past her," Nik smiles at the delirious brown-haired, bespectacled woman who devoted her life to creating different uniforms to appease various kinks—Hori Hajimina. As the store's employees, Liu(4) and Lum(5) take offense at Nik's words, snorting, "Hey!"

"She wanted to see me squat naked—butt spread wide open the second she saw me after my return," Nik deadpans at them. Sure, Hori said it was to measure the elasticity of her new garments, but why did he need to be naked? Not that he can blame Hori for her perversions. He admits he's got a bit of booty after his evolution.

His words make Sokka and Zuko chuckle as Nik raises an eyebrow, commenting to Hori, "See those two, Hori-san? They're very interested in your work. And they wanted something 'open' to match the girls."

"Ohhh!" Hori's eyes brighten behind her glasses as she stares at the two men.

"What did you say?" Rena blinks.

"Your Chieftain is about to dress in some slutty costumes for you," Nik sniffs as Rena turns her gaze on Sokka before smiling. The youth blushes in anger! His mother and sister are present here, for god's sake! "I'll be the judge for Sokka~!" Rena coos while Azula stares at Zuko and Nik.

"Could the two of you commission matching naked groin guard or something? It'll be funny." The princess smirks as everyone wonders—'How will that be funny?'

"How about going naked?" Toph offers expertly with her blindfolds on. In her words, after the passing of the initial rush of seeing colors—blindfolds look cool. And it doesn't help Poppy, who wants Toph to stop wearing it, that the latter can 'see' just fine with her eyes closed.

"Hmmm," June drawls a long hum to attract enough attention. "Why not dress in something more straightforward and elegant? Like those suits, you showed us. I loved them." Others cannot help but think for a moment. June, Jin, and Suki, especially, loved the three-piece suits, or the only two Nik wore till now.

"We have a lot of time," Nik grins. "Let's make the most of the day and shop all we can for Halloween." The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"To think such festivals exist," Zuko shakes his head. "It sounds like an excuse to make drunken mistakes."

"And we will get you laid!" Nik cheers.

"Shut up," Zuko sighs, unable to muster his usual rage. Ursa chuckles at their banter before patting her son on the shoulder, "You don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

"Before you answer that," Sokka provides with a shit-eating grin, understanding it will be the last of him others will see for a while, "Remember the portrait we found in the Royal stash?"

Zuko, Nik, and Ursa's expression twists as Rena quietly pulls Sokka away by the ear under Hori's guide, who doesn't really care what her customers are speaking in their native tongue as the rest hear Sokka's pained giggles. "Ah! Zuko, wear something nice, and we'll commission a portrait for you."

"I'm sorry," Katara thins her lips as Ursa and Zuko glanced at each other with uncomfortable looks before glaring at Nik at once!

"What did I do?" Nik blinks.

"Aside from doing us?" Azula sweetly smiles as he closes his eyes, accepting the hard stares. The things one must endure to ensure a functioning Harem by including women as dangerous as Azula—totally worth it, though.

"Hehe," a little amused and happy with Nik's impassiveness, Liu and Lum giggle. "Come on, we spent a lot of time in the store and learned a few things. Lum, let's show them Hori's recent works. She said she is tailoring some generic outfits for Halloween, right?"

Lum(5) nods, grinning, "That should give you some ideas until Rena plays dress-up with Sokka."

Kurumi takes Yue's silence for what it's worth—a rejection. Sure, she intends to question Nik about it, but Kurumi already knows the expected answer from Yue's quiet look.

"It's so unfair," she mutters to herself as Nik looks up, turning to look at her. "What is?"

"How'd you even hear that?" Kurumi snaps as Nik shrugs. "I can hear many things. I just choose to ignore most of it."

Kurumi blinks before glaring pointedly, "I don't want you in the same room when I go to the toilet from now on!"

"Okay?" Nik tilts his head sideways as he places another packet of candies on the counter for the annoyed male cashier to register. "Oh. After candies and decorations, can we buy a laptop? You said it can access the flash drive, right?"

Kurumi shrugs.

"Sure," her words make the cashier aghast with his life choices. "It's not like I'm escorting your fiancee and stepson for free. I expect a good session tonight to get my brain working for tomorrow's test."

"Got it," Nik shrugs. "Oh, and I will take you to my other place. I kind of feel bad keeping Kyouko awake for days, so I'm trying to be quieter around her."

Kurumi raises an eyebrow before smirking impishly, "So, she was listening in! Hmph! We should punish her somehow."

"I don't think sex with me is a punishment," Nik pouts as Tom-Tom offers him a candy.

"Hey! Try this! It's really spicy!" The boy grins as Nik curiously accepts the 'sweet.'

'A spicy candy?' He blinks owlishly.

What has the world come to?!

'Kill me now,' the college student/part-time cashier glances at the group sourly. 'Or Kill them.'


Alternate Title: Halloween Preparations; Hori's Cosplay Heaven; Hori Low-Key Might Already Know The Truth; The Power of Cosplay And Elegant Three Piece Suits; Naked Groin Guards; Dressing Slutty; And Excuse For Drunken And Slutty Mistakes; A Festival Nik Can Get 'Behind'; Average Azula Day: Causing Mayhem; The Price Of Hot Harem: Crazy Women; Toph With a Blindfold: I See; June Likes Them Elegant And Well-Dressed; *Also June* Eagerly Tearing And Unpeeling The Suit For What's Underneath; Trying To Make-Up To Tom-Tom WIth Candies: Classic Parenting; Tom-Tom Eating All The Candies! *Some Random Dentist*: Hmm. I Sense Another Drill In The Force; Nik's Safe World; *Kurumi*: Let's Punish Cow-Tits Okusan! *Also Kurumi*: You Dare Find Other Women Attractive!; Kurumi: Never Be In The Same Room When I'm In The Toilet! *Nik*: Way Ahead Of You. *Kurumi*: What?


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