Chapter 507 Returning To Eldoria!

Name:Parallel Memory Author:
Chapter 507 Returning To Eldoria!

As the group of geniuses began their journey back to Eldoria, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and confidence. Their newfound power had emboldened them, and some were eager to prove themselves against the powerful monsters they had encountered on their way to Luminary Spring.

Even though they were going through a very dangerous road, rather than being scared, the geniuses were rather more excited.

As they journeyed through the wilderness, the group encountered various monsters. Some were familiar foes from their earlier journey, while others were new and more formidable. "I will take him on!"

"I want to try my new power against that Manticore!"

"Humph! These monsters are so weak. I think we should hunt them all." ...

The group of geniuses easily decimated the monsters which previously gave some trouble to them.

Their power was apparent and not many monsters were their match. Even Rank-S monsters would be instantly met with their demise by this group of geniuses.

Aranic tried his best to stop this group of geniuses from being so carefree and underestimating the monsters. They were currently in a place where many powerful monsters reside and he wants geniuses to quietly finish them off rather than trying out their power on them.

But against their new profound strength, Aranic's words fell on deaf ears. No one was interested in being cautious when they were high on their increased power.

They saw each monster they encountered as a mere nuisance, believing that their newfound powers made them invincible. They relished the opportunity to show off their strength, engaging in battles they had once shied away from.

Hiro, Zero, and others also fought and tried to find out about their new power. But they weren't behaving as recklessly as other geniuses.

They were also excited when they found out just how easily they could defeat the same monster that they had trouble with previously.

But even with their new profound powers, they made sure to limit their action and didn't challenge monsters whom they were not sure they could defeat. They didn't have a full understanding of their own power at the moment and didn't just fight

As they ventured, the monsters they faced grew progressively more formidable. But the group of geniuses weren't the least concerned about that, rather they found it more exciting as they could get a stronger enemy to test their new strength.


A colossal Griffin with razor-sharp talons, a venomous Hydra, and even a massive Thunderclaw Dragon were among the challenges that lay ahead.

"Haha... That is my prey! Don't you all dare get in my way!"

"No! Let them get the taste of my power."

An experienced Rank-S + Vs a newly promoted Rank-S +, the result was easy to see. In addition, one attack is all it takes to seriously injure even Rank-S +.

Nock Fletcher went to confront Thunderclaw Dragon while Mia went over to defeat Hydra. Against poison monsters, Ice was the most effective.

Even if she was poisoned, she could significantly slow down the effect of the poison with her ice Energy.

Not only those three powerful monsters but there were also many other monsters ranging from Rank-B to Rank-S +.

In that fight, several geniuses struggled, and many sustained injuries. The fact that they were reckless and wasted most of their energies and mana in their previous fight also made it harder for them to fight those monsters at full power.

Zero and HIro's group also fought with the monsters. Zero didn't really fight very hard previously as most of the time, other geniuses would defeat the monster before he had the chance.

So, Zero still has his full strength. Zero effortlessly took care of any Rank-A monsters that came his way towards him. Even Rank-S - wasn't spared as he could defeat them quite easily.

His speed could overwhelm them and he would use his powerful attack. With Rank-S mana stat, there was no need to worry about his mana running out, so he could go full strength without worrying much.

Of course, he also didn't waste his mana like those reckless geniuses who would overuse their mana. But he also didn't shy away from using it when he needed to.

He was also able to somewhat gauge his own abilities. With his new profound strength, Zero didn't think taking on Rank-S + monsters would be too much for him.

Although he didn't need to do that at the moment. They still had Princess Elenia and Seraphine who would handle most Rank-S monsters and as for Rank-S + monsters, it was only Thunderclaw Dragon.

So, he still needs to wait before fully knowing whether he could take on Rank-S + monsters without Dark Energy and Ancient Dragon's Wrath.

Hiro and his group weren't doing too bad. With their ascension to Rank A, Zion, Sylvia, and Misha could easily take on monsters of the same rank.

Hiro was even able to defeat Rank-S - monster albeit he struggled a bit. Even so, he was able to defeat the Rank-S monster without the use of the System.

Anyway, it took a while but the group of geniuses and guards were able to defeat almost every monster who attacked them.

There were some monsters who managed to escape but it was not a big deal. Anyways, that fight was fierce and more brutal than any fight until now.

If not for the advancement of the Ranks of the geniuses, maybe they would be dead. However, advancement of the rank was also the reason why they had to struggle so much.

Nevertheless, the battle ended in their victory!