Chapter 1711: 1754 Double Happiness 1

Chapter 1711 1754 Double Happiness 1

Xing Luo muttered: "Who instigated Ye Ming to fight against you?"

"Are you still talking back?"

"As an elder, I can't be wronged. I do what I did. I definitely admit that it wasn't what I did, and I can't bear to swallow, otherwise, I thought I was a **** bag. Do you like this kind of daughter-in-law?"

Xing Luo stiffened his back, neither humble nor overbearing.

Leng Zong's expression became even more embarrassing, and his daughter-in-law said something, and cast a cold look at her, and forbeared not looking at her again. As for the puffed up daughter-in-law, he naturally doesn't like it, she has no personality, and can't get him.

At this moment, the reporters of the live broadcast turned their camera to the door. As soon as Mu Li and Yin Zhan, who came hand in hand, appeared, the spotlight flashed at them like crazy.

The significance of today's trial is not only whether the old case can be reversed, but also related to Yin Zhan's personal promise in front of the people that if it proves that it is not an unjust case, he will resign.

The media are racing to report these days. I wonder if what he said is true or false?

Of course, the people still want him to be more sensible. If he resigns soon, it will be a loss to the country. After he takes office, a series of tough economic and military policies are generally welcomed by the people. Especially the military policy, many male people applauded, expecting him to lead the country to a military power.

Xing Luo couldn't help waving to Mu Li.

There was an empty place next to her, because she was sitting in the front position because of the light of the former president, Mu Li took Yin Zhan and sat over.

"Why did you come? I waited for you at the door for a long time."

"The road was blocked by a wave of people marching, and almost failed to leave the presidential palace."

"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's all solved." Mu Li looked around, and the little brother said that she would come with her parents. Oh, she saw it, and nodded back, and didn't move her position anymore. This position is good. The dock is right in front. You can see your parents up close in a while.

Xing Luo pushed Mu Li: "The woman sitting over there looked at you three times in three minutes, but her eyes were not very friendly."

Mu Li looked around and saw Ruan Shu as if she was watching a joke: "Don't worry, a beauty who is obsessed with war is still unmarried, and wants to step on my high-ranking enemy."

Yin Zhan sat next to him and coughed when he heard the words. Xingluo smirked. He was handsome and dignified, and he was so beautiful and delicious.

He Shao sat behind them and reminded in a low voice: "Miss Mu, don't underestimate her, she is also a leader in the lawyer industry, and she is very famous."

Mu Li shrugged noncommitantly, no matter how famous she was, she didn't deal with lawyers, and Ruan Shu was not a member of the lawyers of this trial. She only cares about the outcome of this trial.

Half an hour later, the case officially opened, and her parents and eight other defendants filed in, standing in the dock.

Seeing her biological parents, she suddenly sat upright, staring at their backs, and found that the hair on the back of her father's head was white, and her heart was faintly hurt. The twenty-seven years of imprisonment had ruined the best years of their lives. How they had survived these years, Mu Li didn't dare to think about it.

Yin Zhan seemed to feel her emotions, graciously grasped her hand, and patted: "Calm down, no matter what the result is, be prepared to bear the result."

(End of this chapter)