Chapter 2244: 2296 The loneliness of the broken heart disease 4

Chapter 2244 Chapter 2296 The Lonely Goodness of the Onset of Love Break 4

"That said, I'm back to the dormitory, bye."

Nan Sheng felt bored, waved his hand, and turned to leave. The man suddenly stretched out an arm, clasped her wrist, and pulled her back. The warning voice was very cold: "Remember, no surname is allowed. Cold man touch!"

Before Nan Shengqing could react, she was already pulled down by him. Lonely Shan hooked her long arm and hooked her neck to the car window. A heavy breathing kiss was printed on her lips. Enter, accompanied by his voice, as cold as a knife: "Otherwise, kill without mercy! I will make him regret his reincarnation in this life!"

Nan Shengqing: "..."

Lonely Shan had retracted his arm and started the car, and the car sank into the night in the whistling.

Nan Shengqing stood there and touched his lips. It seemed that there was still his breath left on it, so crazy!

What's a cold man? What does his adulterer tone mean?

Inexplicably, she didn't cheat behind him! Forgot to eat brain fragments?

Nan Shengqing recalled the man named Leng she knew. Leng's surname was the most common surname in their country Y. There were two of them in their class. She was a gentleman's friend, and they had never been secretive.

Three days later.

Yinjia Manor, golf course.

Because it was Sunday, which was a rest day, Mrs. Yin had a family gathering at home, so Yin Zhan brought his daughter-in-law and son to their parents for lunch, and spent his spare time playing golf with his father on the golf course.

Lonely Shan came uninvited, didn't dress as well as usual, didn't care about her hair, messed up like a chicken coop, won the golf course in Yin Zhan's hands, swung a golf club out, violent. .

Yin Zhan stood beside him in a leisurely manner, squinting at the golf ball being hit.

The little white golf ball made a murderous parabolic arc in the air, and immediately, it seemed to fly to the horizon, and it would never be found again.

Lonely Shan’s stick flying out was not addictive, until all the requests were hit by him, and when there was no more ball to swing, he domineering outside put the club back into Yin Zhan’s hands, tall figure, in Under the sun, a thick haze fell.

"Who provoked you to vent your anger with a golf ball?" Yin Zhan jokes curiously.

Without the ball to play, Mr. Yin Rong also waited for his answer with great interest.

Lonely Shan took off her sunglasses, looked at the sun, desperately, and muttered to herself: "I was stuffed into a meat grinder, which is twisted and twisted every day, and the intestines are all twisted together. , The heart, liver and lungs are all stranded together. I don’t have any strength. I can’t get out of a fire. I want to ruin the world.”

Yin Zhan's eyes were sharp, he scanned the dark circles under his eyes, his big palms fell on his shoulders, and his words were earnest and earnest: "Are you a symptom of a dying relationship?"

Lonely Shan knocked down his shoulders and pressed his palms, looking weak, tensed his face, and irritably grabbed his hair. The hair of the chicken coop was messed up by him, but it was a bit messy and sexy. .

"There seems to be a fire burning in the cold body, raging fire, trying to burn out all the wealthy families in the world. If I kill and set fire, you have to protect me."

Lonely Shan spread her hands, her five fingers folded, her knuckles stretched extremely hideously, swelling, her palms pressed down heavily, and the vast green lawn instantly turned into an ice factory, and all the grass was frozen into ice.

(End of this chapter)