Chapter 22: Eternal Devotion Valley

Name:Path to Dual Cultivation Author:
Chapter 22: Eternal Devotion Valley

"Anyways, after all that said, I don't plan on announcing you as the Prime Disciple immediately." Han Jianzhi said, continuing, "I want you to, at the very least, spread your name in the Sect a little so that you're not a complete stranger to the disciples."

"How do I spread my name?" Su Yang asked.

"With your looks, I reckon you can attract attention just by walking around the Sect and showing your face, quickly building your fame. But I doubt you want your entire image to be based on your face, right?"

Su Yang nodded, "I don't want that at all."

"Then you can participate in tournaments or host training sessions. Basically, you just need to involve yourself with the Sect and its disciples."

Senior Wu then spoke, "But before you do any of that, you will need to become a cultivator first. I will find a suitable cultivation technique for you as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can practice your sword techniques with Disciple Huang."

"Huh? Me?" Huang Xiaoyun pointed at herself with a surprised look on her face.

He nodded, "While there's nothing wrong with Disciple Su's understanding of the Sword Tyrant's Void Insight, he lacks experience with it, particularly fighting experience."

"Being a cultivator is more than just learning techniques. You will also need to learn how to fight, whether it be fighting spiritual beasts or other cultivators."

"I understand, Master."

"Therefore, Disciple Huang, I'll leave him in your hands for the time being." Senior Wu looked at her with a calm smile.

"If it doesn't interfere with my own training..." she nodded.

"I probably don't need to say this, but Disciple Su is still a mortal. Make sure you don't go overboard." Senior Wu left with Han Jianzhi after warning her, returning to the Sect Leader's residence, where they pondered about Su Yang's cultivation issues.

Huang Xiaoyun looked at Su Yang and said, "We will practice every day at sunrise starting tomorrow. Don't be late."

"Yes, Senior Apprentice Sister!"

The person on the other side spoke after examining him, "Sorry, but we are not accepting clients right now."

In reality, the Eternal Devotion Valley was open to clients. However, due to Senior Wu's advanced age, they declined to serve him in the most courteous manner possible.

Senior Wu realized this and fumed, "I am not here to cultivate! I am looking for the Sect Elder named Li Zongying!"

"What business do you have with Elder Li?"

"I need her assistance with something. The Sect Leader of Principle Sword Sect introduced her to me."


After a moment of silence, the person spoke, "So you are here to cultivate..."

Unbeknownst to Senior Wu, Shuai Qing was a regular client at the Eternal Devotion Valley, so his introductions are usually related to dual cultivation.

"I am not!" The redness on Senior Wu's face became brighter.

He retrieved his medallion and declared, "I am Grand Elder Wu Jing of the Fleeting Sword Sect, and I am here on official business!"

The person then said, "Give me a minute to contact Elder Li."

Several minutes later, the door opened, revealing a stunning woman who gracefully stepped outside.

Senior Wu was immediately captivated by the woman's beauty, leading to a noticeable blush on his face. He has seen his fair share of beauties in his life, but none of them could compare to the woman standing before him at this very moment.

She possessed an alluring figure, ample breasts, and well-rounded buttocks that were emphasized by her skin-tight attire.

"I am Li Zongying. How may I assist you today, Esteemed Elder from the Fleeting Sword Sect?" Li Zongying greeted him with a charming smile.

Witnessing such a devasting smile, Senior Wu swallowed nervously, feeling a peculiar sensation within his heart, as if something was being stirred awake.