Chapter 26: Boundless Yang Constitution

Name:Path to Dual Cultivation Author:
Chapter 26: Boundless Yang Constitution

"P-please!" Xue Zhen suddenly stood up in a hurry and approached Su Yang again. "Please join the Eternal Devotion Valley! You were born to be a dual cultivator! Your talents will only be wasted in this place!"

Xue Zhen dropped all formalities and shrewd acts, immediately begging Su Yang to join her sect in front of Han Jianzhi and Senior Wu. Even if her actions offended them, she was willing to take the risk even if it meant she would only have a chance to recruit someone with the Boundless Yang Constitution.

With proper training, Su Yang possessed the potential to become a boundless reservoir of Yang Qi, capable of nourishing not just the current disciples of the sect, but also generations yet to come.

"Sect Master Xue! How could you try to recruit a disciple of another sect in front of their Sect Leader's face?! It's beyond disrespectful and could cause tension between our sects!" Senior Wu frowned as his biggest worry was slowly turning into a reality.

Han Jianzhi also said, "To say that his talents would be wasted in our sect is just pure speculation–an unfounded one, at that."

Hearing their words, Xue Zhen quickly responded, "I didn't mean to badmouth the Fleeting Sword Sect, and I apologize for my behavior. However, I won't take back what I said. The Fleeting Sword Sect does not have the qualifications to teach him, who has the Boundless Yang Constitution. You called it an unfounded claim... yet, you couldn't even identify his physique without coming to us for help. Let me ask you this, Sect Master Han. Do you know how to nurture someone with the Boundless Yang Constitution?"


Xue Zhen's sound argument and logical reasoning left Han Jianzhi speechless. She was completely right to doubt their ability to train someone like Su Yang.

Since the Fleeting Sword Sect specialized in sword techniques, there was simply no way they could properly guide someone like Su Yang without exterior help, such as Xue Zhen.

Little did Han Jianzhi and Senior Wu know, that even Xue Zhen found herself uncertain of how to guide someone like Su Yang. Given the extreme rarity of his Heavenly Constitution, very few individuals within the Four Divine Heavens possessed the knowledge necessary to properly nurture it.

However, Xue Zhen couldn't care less about training him at this moment, as she only wanted to secure his body for her sect. She could worry about training him afterward.

"Sect Master Han? Are you going to tell me that you know how to train him?" she pressured him into answering.

Han Jianzhi gritted his teeth and exclaimed, "So what if we don't know how to train him right now?! Nobody is born with the ability to run, but we all eventually learn to!"

"Indeed. Men naturally produce Yang Qi while women produce Yin Qi. As dual cultivators, we absorb our partner's energy to cultivate. For example, you will absorb your partner's Yin Qi while your partner will absorb your Yang Qi. The easiest and most pleasant method to extract your partner's energy is through sexual intercourse when your bodies are connected. In other words, we have sex when we cultivate, hence dual cultivators, as we require two to cultivate."

Su Yang sensed a strong chill throughout his entire body when he learned the existence of dual cultivators. He swallowed nervously, his imagination running wild.

Xue Zhen smiled inwardly after seeing his reaction.

"Regardless of your appearance, fairies and goddesses will be eager to become your cultivation partner solely because of your Boundless Yang Constitution," she tossed her biggest bait that would attract most men.

"Fairies and goddesses..." Su Yang muttered in a dazed voice.

"D-don't let such fantasies corrupt your mind!" Senior Wu suddenly shouted, snapping him out of it.

"Many dual cultivators lose control during their cultivation and descend into madness, akin to animals in constant heat. They are looked down upon by society!"

"Most? You are exaggerating, Grand Elder." Xue Zhen shook her head and sighed, "Please don't scare him with such old information. Our dual cultivation methods are very safe nowadays and very rarely do people lose control. In fact, only those who try to become dual cultivators with unsanctioned and fake dual cultivation methods would descend into madness."

In the past, when dual cultivation was just created, many dual cultivators would cultivate experimental techniques and lose control, causing havoc, giving them a bad reputation that persisted to this very day despite how much they have advanced.

"And don't make it sound like normal cultivators don't have their own issues. There are plenty of evil cultivation techniques that turn cultivators into wild beasts out there."

"Hmph." Senior Wu coldly snorted but didn't respond.

Xue Zhen also stopped talking to look at Su Yang.

Everyone in the room anxiously awaited Su Yang's response.