Chapter 3154

After seven days in Daqing, everyone quieted down, packed up everything and waited for Liu Xing to arrange.

Liu Xing said to the crowd: "now that the martial arts barrier array has been successfully built, it is also time to restore the holy realm."

"As soon as the holy world is restored, countless homeless monks in my holy land can return to their own homes and no longer wander about!"

"So I decided, three days later, to begin to restore the holy world!"

Although there is still more time to recover the holy realm, Liu Xing knows that after the collapse of the holy land, countless monks have lost their homes and wandered in the endless void one by one.

Cultivation resources and wealth have been seriously lacking. Maybe, many monks can't even find what to eat!

This kind of situation, think about all feel terrible, he wait one second more, countless monks in holy land will suffer for another second.

Therefore, Liu xingcai decided to quickly restore the holy realm.

"Good, good, good..."

Countless friars immediately raised their fists to respond to Liu Xing. As long as Liu Xing needed, they could give everything they had.

At the moment, there is a middle-aged man in Tianji Pavilion among the four sisters of Jimo, the four sisters of Huangfu and Dugu Xiaoyue.

They have been protecting the four sisters of Jimo, but in order not to arouse Liu Xing's suspicion, they had already discussed with the four sisters of Jimo and Huangfu, which was in their world of eight elements.

Moreover, they should not tell Liu Xing, in case Liu Xing knows, they just left.

Because they accompanied and protected the four Jimo sisters, Huangfu sisters and Dugu Xiaoyue when they were very young, which won their trust.

Jimo four sisters and others did not tell Liu Xing about their situation.

At the moment, they are in the world of eight elements, the ninth layer of the shackles of Tianji Pavilion. They all look at the pictures from the monitoring array in front of them. They know that Liu Xing will restore the holy world three days after Liu Xing's announcement.

After Liu Xing finished, they had already taken out the phonetic symbols and crushed them directly. They told the master of Tianji attic that Liu Xing would restore the holy realm in three days, and that the Tianji cabinet master and others should be ready to seize the three alternate white pages.

Outside, Liu Xing didn't know about this. Liu Xing just continued: "these three days, I will use it to prepare well and restore the holy world. It's a super event. I can't tolerate any carelessness."

"I also need to use you. At that time, your goal is only one, that is, I will go to the endless void to restore the holy realm. If something happens, if someone comes to seize the three mutual lives, I only hope you can protect the holy world!"

"At all costs, protect the holy world. Never let the restored holy world be broken again!"

"If the newly restored holy world is broken again, the three mother spirits with white pages will not be able to condense again until after countless holy centuries. Then, what we have done before will be meaningless! "

"What's more, once the holy world collapses again, the collapse of the martial road barrier array we built is small, and the recovery planes will collapse again. This is a disaster of destruction for the martial road system where the holy world is located. The casualties and losses will not be calculated clearly!"

"Therefore, I say again, all of you, no matter who you are, your task is to protect the restored holy world after three days. Even if all of you explode and form a self exploding isolation zone, the war will never spread to the Holy Land!"

"Can you do it?"

Liu Xing said it seriously, one word a word said very clearly.

This matter, really incomparably huge, he absolutely can't let all efforts, vanish.

The most important point is that once the holy realm is restored and collapsed, it will be a devastating disaster to the martial arts system where the holy land is located. If it is true, it is better not to restore the holy realm!

"Yes! Yes! Yes

"Yes! Yes! Yes

"Yes! Yes! Can... "

Hundreds of millions of friars responded to Liu Xing with a roar.

At this moment, after listening to Liu Xing's words, they have been deeply aware of their responsibility and mission.

Their new mission is to protect their homeland.

For the sake of this sacred mission, they would rather sacrifice their own lives, rather their souls would be destroyed, and they would rather lose everything


Liu Xing said, hundreds of millions of friars knelt down on the spot, their heads pressed down, their heads buckled, and they had not been lifted up for a long time.

He knelt down for the martial and Taoist system where the holy land is located, and for the common people in the world!

Now the master of the Terran is the hundreds of millions of friars under him. They are all the ninth layer of the shackles. Only they can unite to protect the newly established and restored homeland!

The hope of all the martial arts system where the holy land is located, and the hope of all the people in the world are all in the hands of hundreds of millions of friarsLiu Xing deeply knows that although it seems that after the five dwarfs are solved, it seems that no force will come out to fight for the three mutually generated white pages, but the real danger will definitely explode at the last moment.

Even if he is extremely prepared, 100 million, even if he has a thousand percent, ten thousand percent, or even one hundred million percent confidence and strength, he can resolve all crises, he is not at ease.

This matter is too important. He will never relax until the final moment of success

"The supreme great Xia, please rise, we will give everything, wrap our body and soul, to protect our homeland, please believe us, please the world, believe us!"

Hundreds of millions of friars roared one after another. While responding to Liu Xing, they all knelt down.

Hundreds of millions of friars, influenced by Liu Xing and all monks, no longer have self, some are just a whole, just a team

From this moment on, they no longer live for themselves, they live for the world.

With tears in their eyes, they have only one thought in their hearts, that is, to protect their own world, their rivers and mountains, their homes and their compatriots

After a long time, Liu xingcai got up and hundreds of millions of monks followed him.

Liu Xing's greatness has been deeply rooted in their hearts, and has been indelible in their souls.

"Well, even if we sacrifice everything, we should protect the holy land. Brothers and sisters, now, you have a rest, we will discuss the specific details, and we will make arrangements again! "

Liu Xing, with tears in his eyes, firmly said a few words.

He was really gratified to be able to unite hundreds of millions of friars. He saw the hope and the future of the holy world.

He deeply believed that no matter how hard it is, no matter how many storms, they will succeed!


After that, Liu Xing gathered Junze, eternal saint, immortal saint, ye Ruoshi and others together and entered his eight dragon melting furnace to discuss the details of restoring the holy realm.

Jimo four sisters and others he did not call on, to participate in the discussion of the restoration of the holy world, he absolutely trusted people.

The four sisters of Jimo, the four sisters of Huangfu, and Dugu Xiaoyue were worried. After all, they were the chess pieces of the master of Tianji Pavilion.

Liu Xing invited the three spirits to produce white pages. Liu Xing said in his first words: "old man of red leaves, old man of green leaves, old man of grey leaves. I have decided to restore the holy world in three days."

"To ask you to come out is mainly to discuss the restoration and reorganization of the holy world. First of all, what else needs to be done to restore the holy world?"

Liu Xing straight to the point, time is a little bit urgent, not allow them to waste!

The three children nodded, and the old man said, "I can't believe that you can build the martial arts barrier array so fast. In this case, let's start talking about restoring the holy world."

"It is not easy to restore the level of the martial arts if they hold the top level, and it is not easy to restore the level of the martial arts."

"But obviously, even if all of you are sitting together, they are far from reaching that level of strength, let alone the level of individual strength!"

"In this case, if we want to restore the holy world, the restored friars will have to make great sacrifices."

Red leaf old man said here, slowly, looking at Liu Xing.

He said this mainly to give Liu Xing a mental preparation, told Liu Xing, Liu Xing to restore the holy world, must be prepared in mind, because the sacrifice will be very big. , the fastest update of the webnovel!