Chapter 182

Several sect leaders from the various sects breathed a sigh of relief, impressed by Li Su’s outlook and determination. And so, in the blink of an eye, a year had passed. During this time, Li Su had contacted Bai Ling through a conch shell, hoping to learn some information about the sea clans’ assembly.

Bai Ling didn’t hide anything from Li Su, but due to the limitations of the conch shell’s communication, she couldn’t provide very detailed information. She mentioned that the various Mermaid clans were exploring an ancient underwater ruin located relatively far from the North Sea. The time required for exploring the ruin was uncertain, similar to the previous Immortal Sect ruins that had taken nearly half a year, even with Li Su’s assistance.

Without Li Su’s help, it would undoubtedly take even longer. After Bai Ling united the six Mermaid clans, the Mermaid race finally gained recognition from other sea clans and participated in various actions within the sea clans.

The Northern Region remained peaceful. The sect leaders were still in seclusion and hadn’t emerged yet. On the other hand, Bi Luo conceived another child with Li Su. Mystic Moon hadn’t returned yet, and Li Su had a feeling that when she did, she might be very close to reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

This time, Mystic Moon had been away for quite a while, and Li Su was starting to miss the witch. He continued to take concubines and, at the same time, delved into the study of new things. For instance, the last time his spiritual root descendants reached 500, Li Su received 5,000 years of experience. He increased his skill in Puppetry to 3,000 years, and he made some improvements in alchemy and artifact crafting.

As for his spiritual power, there was no need to strengthen it separately because the system’s rewards directly enhanced his Primordial Spirit, which included strengthening his spiritual power. However, his spiritual awareness could still be strengthened. After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, the strength of one’s spiritual awareness depended on the strength of the Primordial Spirit. However, Li Su could further enhance it by focusing on it separately.

Seeing himself reach the second level of Nascent Transformation, Li Su was in a great mood. So, he took another concubine. In the northern region, things became lively once again. Li Su’s addition of a new concubine became a topic of discussion among the cultivators in the area. Li Su had already taken in a significant portion of the Golden Core female cultivators from the Water Moon Sect, and the rest were still in seclusion without knowledge of the outside situation. “Elder Li is too powerful, nabbing so many Golden Core female cultivators.” “Yes, and they are all from the Water Moon Sect.” “If he keeps going like this, he might take in all of the Water Moon Sect’s members!”


Many of the cultivators in the northern region were green with envy. The Water Moon Sect held quite a reputation in the area, entirely composed of female cultivators. Numerous male cultivators harbored dreams of joining the Water Moon Sect or becoming the beloved of the female cultivators inside.

However, it was naturally impossible for them to achieve this. Now, Li Su was consecutively taking in the beautiful female cultivators from the Water Moon Sect. They must be incredibly envious. Besides discussing it, these cultivators didn’t dare say anything else behind Li Su’s back.

Li Su was now a Nascent Transformation powerhouse, and on top of that, the Water Moon Sect’s leadership hadn’t objected to this, and all the female cultivators had volunteered. Others had no right to interfere. The concerns of these cultivators were not without reason.

After Li Su had taken in most of the existing Golden Core female cultivators from the Water Moon Sect, he started to accept some exceptional Foundation Establishment female cultivators. There were several Foundation Establishment female cultivators in the Water Moon Sect, numbering in the hundreds. “Li Su will take in all the celestial maidens from the Water Moon Sect!” “I’m so envious of Li Su’s physique!”


The discussions among the northern region’s cultivators continued. On the other hand, after Li Su had accepted a few more cultivators from the Water Moon Sect, the conch finally sounded. Bai Ling had some news. The sea clans had emerged from that ancient relic, and they had made some good gains. Each clan received a substantial share of treasures, and the Mermaid clan was no exception. However, the powerful individuals from various sea clans wanted the Mermaid clan to lead the charge and cooperate with the sea clan’s elites in dealing with the Blue Star Sect, attempting to retrieve the fragments of their sacred artifact. Bai Ling conveyed this to Li Su and asked if he had any ideas.