Except that Chu Xiaoyun came to see her yesterday and gave her half a steamed bread, she hardly ate anything. She was already hungry.

Counting the time, she decided to wait until the Song family and Chu Shan were asleep, and she would take the steamed bread on the road and never come back from now on.

Before she left, Zhang Yi came. He was slender and dressed in coarse linen, which could not hide his scholarly spirit. He was different from Chushan.

It's just that he has a turban on his face. Besides a pair of big eyes, he can't see what he looks like at all.

He is the man he wants to marry?

Chu Huan thought in her heart, but she remembered that there was a rule in the village that men and women who had been engaged could not meet. What was Zhang Yi doing here?

Inside and outside.

Chushan went out from inside with a smile, "brother-in-law, how did you come?"

"I'm here to quit." Zhang Yi got to the point.

Chushan's face suddenly drooped down, and a trace of coldness ran through his eyes, "quitting? This marriage is decided by your parents. It has been ordered by your parents since ancient times. What makes you quit? What's more, it's your good fortune that my sister is willing to marry you. You're still so choosy. Are you really bullied by our Chu family? I tell you, I've already received the betrothal gift, but I can't give back the silver. "

He slowly approached Zhang Yi, stretched out his hand, and pulled the cloth from his face, revealing his face full of abscesses.

Chushan vomited directly. He had heard that Zhang Yi's face was destroyed, but he didn't expect to be more disgusting than he thought. He was no different from the devil in hell.

Different from him, Chu Huan has a smile in his eyes.

She can cure the poisonous sores on Zhang Yi's face. Although Zhang Yi's face is ugly now, judging from the outline, if there are no these poisonous sores, he must be a beautiful man. What's more, if he can retire, it means that he is a good man. It may be a good choice to marry him.

She came out of the house with her hair just in the place of the birthmark.

They looked at each other, and Zhang Yi said, "I will not marry you."

"What if I have to marry you?"

Seeing his appearance, Chu Huan couldn't help trying to tease him, and a banter smile appeared on his face.

"Aren't you afraid that I grew up like this?"

Zhang Yi simply pulled all the cloth off his face, and his face was completely exposed in front of Chu Huan.

"Ugly is a little ugly, but after marriage, you wrap your face up, I can't see, it's OK."

"I have someone in my heart. I will not like anyone else in my life except her."

"I know it's Miss Lanling, the prefect's daughter, but she's dead; but you're still alive. Since you're alive, you should live well. Don't let Miss LAN down."

"She's dead, but I'm still alive..."

Zhang Yi looks confused.

After hearing the news of Lanling's suicide, he also wanted to go with him. But when he thought of his aged parents, he felt soft hearted. He wanted to live like this every day. He wanted to accompany Lanling after he had been brought to the end of the second elder. Unexpectedly, he waited for the news that his parents wanted him to marry.

Chu Huan sees him so, knowing that he has a deep affection for Miss LAN, he is more at ease. He decides to make a deal with him so that both of them have their own gains.

She called Zhang Yi aside and lowered her voice, "you don't want to marry me. In fact, I don't want to marry you. But in this situation, neither of us has the right to choose. How about we reach an agreement? "

"What agreement?"

"I can cure the sores on your face. If you marry me, after a year, I will remove the poison from your face, and you will give me a letter of divorce to set me free, how about that?"

"Can you cure it?" Zhang Yi looks at her in disbelief.

This disease has plagued him for two years. In the past two years, he has been living in dire straits every day, and every day is a torment to him. It is useless to hire many famous doctors, but the woman in front of him said that he could.

My heart was full of joy and surprise.

Chu Huan continued: "in this way, we can also take what we need. What do you think?"

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment and nodded, "OK, I promise you."

Chu Huan and he clapped for the alliance, a year, enough for her to prepare, escape here, live their own life.

Before leaving, Zhang Yi looks back at her with a complicated look.

Chu Huan only wants to achieve her own goals, as for the rest, she doesn't care too much.

After solving the matter, she felt much more comfortable. She was about to go back to sleep when Chu Shan stopped her. "What did you say to Zhang Yi just now?"

"You asked me to marry him, and I tried to persuade him, but..."

"But what?"

Now the money has been returned to the creditor. If Zhangjia really returns the marriage, the money must be returned. He didn't want to let the duck fly like this. His eyes sank and he fixed his eyes on Chu Huan for fear that she would come out with some moths.

"But I will sever relations with you."Chu Huan mentioned the old story again. Chu Shan raised her hand and was about to fight. She caught her and took the opportunity to kick Chu Shan's stomach and trample him under his feet. "You must promise this thing, and you must promise if you don't

In the past, no matter how Chu Shan beat Chu Huan, song Shiquan didn't see it. He opened his eyes and closed his eyes. Now when he saw Chu Shan being beaten, he felt sad.

He pushed Chu Huan away.

"What are you doing? Even your brother dares to fight. Do you want to rebel? "

Chu Huan sneered, "I can't hit him, you can hit me? You gave birth to me and never raised me. Do you know how much I envy those children who are loved by parents? I've been looking forward to you thinking about my daughter and taking me home. Later, I finally waited for this day. I didn't expect that you would take me back, not to think of my daughter, but to sell me for money. How could there be such a cruel mother in this world? "

Said, tears from her face slide down, a burst of pain in the heart. She knew it was a response from the body's owner.

The Song family hesitated and could not speak.

Chu Shan stood up from the ground and roared, "my mother left you in my grandfather's house, so what? At least you eat well and wear warm, what about me? Over the years, my mother and I have been living a life of starvation, which is not enough, but also fear every day that creditors come. Now you come to complain about your grievances. If you want to say that you are wronged, I am 1000 times more than you are. "

He is the kind, no matter how good you are to him, he feels that others owe him. With such people, Chu Huan has nothing to say.

After her mood stabilized a little, she glanced at the two men and said slowly, "this time, I will marry to Zhang Jia voluntarily, but you will also sign an agreement with me to sever relations with me from now on."