In her heart, getting married is a very grand thing. She has fantasized about her marriage scene for countless times, but she didn't expect it to be quite different from what she thought.

Put the wedding dress aside, look outside, tomorrow she will get married, although it is an agreement husband and wife, there is still some in the heart is not taste.

She didn't think so.

In the middle of the night, she heard the sound outside. She pushed open the door. Zhang Yi stood at the door with a wedding dress in her hand. "Here you are."

Chu Huan opens the wedding dress. The wedding dress is not gorgeous, and the cloth is not so gorgeous, but the workmanship is good. Especially the pattern on it is embroidered with flowers and wealth, which makes people happy.

Zhang Jia has already borrowed a lot of money for the bride price. This time, Zhang Yi sent her this dress. It can be seen that she is really interested.

She glanced at Zhang Yi with her spare light. If Zhang Yi didn't have someone else in mind, they needed to get married. She thought it would be nice to marry someone like Zhang Yi.

People live this life, is not to find a person who can protect themselves?

"You don't like it?" Zhang Yi looked embarrassed when she didn't speak for a long time. "The wedding preparation is in a hurry. All I can do is this."

"No, I like it very much." Chu Huan shook his head and held the clothes in his arms. In a soft voice, he said, "where do you get this dress?"

"This..." Zhang Yi's face showed a touch of embarrassment, "this is what I did for For... "

"For Miss LAN?" Chu Huan followed his words, nodded and continued, "no matter who you are preparing for, now this wedding dress is mine, I am very happy."

"If you like it." Zhang Yi's look relaxed a lot, "you have a good rest, I'll go back first."

Chu Huan fell asleep with her wedding dress in her arms. In the middle of the night, she felt the door pushed open from outside. She half opened her eyes and looked out. Chu Shan Zheng came to her side stealthily.

You don't have to think about it. It must be for the purse. Fortunately, she had already changed the silver in her purse into a stone. Even if Chu Shan took it, it was useless.

She lowered her eyes and went on sleeping. Anyway, tomorrow is her big day. She doesn't want to marry in the eye of a panda.

As soon as I went to sleep, I heard song's voice coming from outside. After washing her face, she drew a peony flower in the place with birthmark.

She was beautiful, and the flower seemed to grow on her face.

Song pushed the door and entered. Seeing this scene, she was a little dull and pointed to her face, "you You... "

She stood up and raised her eyebrows

Song Shi didn't answer her question. She had a vague regret that she sold Chu Huan to Zhang Jia. Otherwise, she would sell Chu Huan to a rich family as a concubine, and it would be more than that money.

She went over and took Chu Huan's hand. "It was my mother's fault before. I thought about it all night last night. I felt very guilty that I would marry you to Zhangjia. If you don't want to marry, I can go to Zhangjia and retire this marriage."

Chu Huan sneered. Song Shi is really good at acting and always chooses the side that is most beneficial to him.

She said with a smile: "this marriage has been decided, and Zhangjia will come to meet her soon. Now that she withdraws, are you afraid that others will poke your spine?"

"It's said that Zhang Yi's disease is contagious. I can't watch you jump into the fire pit."

For her words, Chu Huanquan did not hear, what to do.

Song Shi noticed that the wedding dress on her body was not the one prepared before, and her expression was a bit more unexpected. "Where did you get this dress?"

"Good looking?" Chu Huan turned around in front of her, "this is what Zhang Yi specially asked people to do for me according to my figure. I am willing to marry such a person."

Song's eyes have been on her wedding dress. Chu Shan also wants to get married. If she can give her a set of such a wedding dress, she may be able to make concessions in betrothal gifts.

"Niang knows that these years, I'm sorry for you. You're going to get married soon. Can I ask you something?"

"Say it."

"Can you get married in the dress your mother prepared for you?"

Song Shi is not talking to her at all, but ordering her.

Chu Huan pick eyebrows, "no way."

"We are all poor people. If you get married in this wedding dress, people will talk about it."

Don't you talk about it? What's more... " Chu Huan said with a smile, "although I get married from here, in name, I have cut off the relationship with you. You are not qualified to care what I wear and what to do."

Song's lips twitch for a moment. Before that, he promised to cut off the relationship with her. He was worried that Chu Huan would not have a good life after he married her, and that he would be hurt.

Now when I see this dress on Chu Huan, I feel that the Zhangjia family may not be as poor as the one handed down from the outside. Otherwise, how could he give a dowry of fifteen Liang plus a set of valuable wedding clothes?

"Niang knows that she has done a lot of things that I am sorry for you. I already know that I was wrong. Can you forgive my mother?""No!"

In the past, no matter what song Shi did, as long as she said something nice to Chu Huan, she would be obedient. But since she had a serious illness, she was like a changed person. No matter what song Shi said or did, she was indifferent.

This time it was even more straightforward.

Song thought, if so let Chu Huan marry out, how do you feel the loss, no way, she has to let Zhang Jia blood to go.

Chu Shan came in from the outside and threw the purse in front of her, "where's your grandmother's dowry? Why are there stones in it

Chu Huan picked up the purse from the ground and flicked the dust off it. "What my grandmother gave me was a common purse with stones in it, but it was to take it out to look good, and let others think that I was taking a dowry in the past, rather than being sold in the past."

"You're talking nonsense. Grandma loves you so much that she doesn't give you a dowry." Chu Shan Li voice way, "discerning hand over the money, otherwise today you don't want to come out of this door."

"Do you think you can stop it?"

Chu Huan's hand swayed in front of him. "If you don't want to be beaten, just get out of my way. Otherwise, I don't mind seeing blood on the day of marriage."

"Dare you?"

"Just try it."

Before Chu Shan insulted and beat her in all sorts of ways, and did not give him a lesson, so she married out, and she felt guilty. She glanced around, picked up the broom next to Chushan and hit him.

Song's eyes and hands quickly block in front of Chu Shan. The broom hits song's head and his forehead is red and swollen.

"How dare you hit me." Song Shi sat on the ground, pointed to her, covered her forehead with one hand, and cried, "how can I raise you such a white eyed wolf? I have worked hard to raise you up. If you don't want to repay me, you still have to do something to me. How can my life be so hard... "