Chu Huan unknowingly went to the direction of Chu's home and sighed in her heart. Since this body has made a choice, she'd better go back and have a look, which can also make her feel more at ease.

But think of Song Shi's face, how much some palpitations, think about how a state to face her.

On the way, I saw Kang Ying going to Zhangjia in a bullock cart. It's true that the wind is rain. It comes very fast.

These days, we are busy, the house has not been cleaned up, Kang Ying and they are back now, no land to live. What kind of temper Kang Ying is, Chu Huan is clear, worried that she will embarrass old lady Zhang, decided to go back to have a look first.

On the way, Mr. Zhang has something to do with Zhang Yi. She goes back alone.

Kang Ying and they have moved all the things down, and the yard is full of things big and small.

Pointing to Chu Huan's new house, Zhang Ming said to Kang Ying, "Niang, I want to live in this room."

Chu Huan stood aside, watching all this with cold eyes.

"This is your aunt's wedding room. We don't live here. We live in the west house." Kang Ying said so, her eyes also stay on her new house.

The house faces south, and the room is large. It is suitable for the family of three.

It turned out to be her home. She felt very uncomfortable when she thought of such a good room being lived by Chu Huan.

"I don't care. I'm going to live here. I'm going to live." Zhang Ming's crying voice interrupted her thoughts. The sharp voice made Chu Huan's skull ache.

Mrs. Zhang is helping them pack up their things. When she hears the sound, she comes out and sees Zhang Ming sitting on the ground. She goes to coax him and says, "what do you want to do? Tell Grandma that grandma will help you."

"I want to live in this room." Zhang Ming called out, "if you don't let me live here, I'll move back and never come back."

Mrs. Zhang has been looking forward to them moving back and having a good time with Meimei. This time, Kang Ying finally agreed to move back. How could they move again because of a room.

"Yi daughter-in-law, can you give your room to them? You live in our room."

Zhang Yihuan has been living in his room, but I don't care where I live. Adults may be OK, but children's resistance is poor, living here, it is likely to be infected

Kang Ying thought that she was not willing to move out. She threatened them with this incident and said with a smile, "children just want to be fresh. They will move out after one or two days. They won't stay too long. They should be OK."

This word says from her mouth, Chu Huan how all feel not believable.

However, this is also a house of others. Most importantly, she did not want to embarrass old lady Zhang and promised to let this room out. She and Zhang Yi lived in the West House originally prepared for Kang Ying and them.

When she left, she sprinkled some pollen on the bed, which was colorless and tasteless, and might not be useful to others. But since Zhang Ming came in, she noticed that the child had a slight allergy to pollen. After staying in this room for a long time, she would have a rash on her body, but it would not cause any damage to the body.

If you take her place, you have to pay a price.

Zhang Yi came back from the outside. After hearing about this, he wanted to go and get his room back. Chu Huan stopped him.

"If you let them move out at this time, it will only cause fearless quarrels and embarrass your mother. Let's live here first, and I promise you that they will move out of it in three days

Chu Huan doesn't want Zhang Yi to participate in the family affairs. She didn't want to prove confrontation with Kang Ying and argue with a shrew, which would only drive her crazy.

What she didn't expect was that the environment of Westinghouse was worse than she thought. There is a big tree in front of the house, the adult can not see the sun, the room is dark and humid.

Zhang Yi's face has just been smeared with ointment, which is not conducive to his recovery. Fortunately, there are only a few days to endure.

"What they look for won't give up easily." Zhang Yi reminds way.

"Don't worry. If I say they will move out, they will move out. Don't worry." Chu Huan patted him on the shoulder, "and later don't always doubt my ability, so that we have no trust between husband and wife."

Her mouth curled to express her dissatisfaction.

"Yi's daughter-in-law, don't come out to cook soon." Outside came the voice of old lady Zhang.

In the morning, Chu Huan went out without cooking and washing, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the old lady. Once she came back and hid in the house, she had no eyesight at all. Mrs. Zhang thought it was time to discipline her.

They are married in law, not ancestors.

Chu Huan looks at Zhang Yi for help. In the state of modern things, she hasn't learned how to cook. What's more, in such a place with nothing, cooking for her is almost impossible.

As long as she is not allowed to cook, she can do anything.

"If you don't want to do it, I'll tell my mother."

Zhang Yi said that she was going to go out. She took Zhang Yi's arm and looked helpless. "Then I can't live for nothing at home, can't I? Do something about it? "Looking at the herbs on one side, he put all the others into the basket and said, "let's let my mother cook at home. We two go to the mountain every day to collect herbs and sell money to support our family."

Outside came the old lady's urging voice. Chu Huan came out with a basket and said, "mother, I really can't cook. Otherwise, you can do it. I'll do something else. "

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhang's face drooped and said angrily, "what kind of immorality has our family done to marry a daughter-in-law who only eats but doesn't work? Do you go to the village and find out whose daughter-in-law doesn't have to cook? If it's spread out, it won't make people laugh. "