After cleaning up the house, before she went to find mu Yunshu, mu Yunshu visited the house first and urged her to treat his fiancee.

Zhang Yi had planned to go with him, but he had just moved in and there was still a lot of things left to be sorted out at home, so Chu Huan asked him to stay and go by himself.

She has always been very curious about who Zhang Yi's fiancee is, and even if she can give up on him, she still asks Zhang Yi to give up her marriage.

After arriving, I found out that Zhang Yi's fiancee was Liu Yuwei, the eldest lady of the Liu family. She was wearing a group of Pink Butterfly Embroidery. Her big eyes were clear and bright. She was smiling and beautiful. She was full of pure spirit. She was as beautiful as orchid. Sitting in the Pavilion, she was beautiful and moving.

Chu Huan was shocked by her appearance and exclaimed at the wonder of the creator, who could not only create those exotic flowers in different forms, but also create this kind of beauty.

She got close to Mu Yunshu and lowered her voice, "you can marry such a beautiful woman, but you have built a blessing in your life. If you quit marriage, you will certainly regret it all your life."

"It's just a skin bag. I don't care." Mu Yunshu didn't take a look at Liu Yuwei and continued, "remember what you promised me. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it."

Chu Huan glanced at him. Mu Yunshu was a dandy in her eyes. Such a person should be matched with a shrew, but not such a fresh and refined beauty.

Liu Yuwei saw them coming over and happily walked to Mu Yunshu and said with a smile, "brother Yunshu, you are here."

"You haven't been cured for a long time. I've found a famous doctor for you." Mu Yunshu pushed Chu Huan out, and then said, "let her treat you first. I have something to do with your father. I'll see you later."

Liu Yuwei looked at the figure he left. She lost a little more in her eyes and said, "I'm so annoying to you? You're tired of even looking at me? "

When she came, Chu Huan heard from Zhang Yi that Liu Yuwei had a deep love for Zhang Yi. She didn't expect it to be more serious than she thought. No wonder Zhang Yi asked her to help her quit the marriage.

She went to Liu Yuwei and said, "Miss Liu, can you give me a hand to feel the pulse for you?"

Liu Yuwei's face was a little embarrassed. She slowly stretched out her hand, and Chu Huan raised her eyebrows. In addition to her weak body, she did not have any disease.

Looking at Liu Yuwei's nervous look, she immediately understood what was going on, and said, "Miss Liu's body is not in a big way."

Liu Yuwei lowered her eyes, "can you keep it secret for me?"

"You want to pretend to be ill and let mu Yunshu come to see you?" Chu Huan tentatively said, seeing her nod, she continued, "I can keep secret for you, but even if I don't say it, he will know sooner or later that you cheat him like this..."

"I know it's not good, but it's the only way to get him to see me." Liu Yuwei said this, the voice with a trace of crying, "in addition, I have no other way."

Chu Huan couldn't stand the tears of beauties, especially such beautiful beauties. All of a sudden, his heart softened, and his heart was pitiful. "Otherwise, I'll try him for you, how about that?"

"How to try it?"

Chu Huan whispers a few words in Liu Yuwei's ear. Liu Yuwei looks at her in shock, "this Will it work? "

"Anyway, the relationship between the two of you is very bad. The worst result is that you are completely strangers. But once you succeed, you can get what you want. Why don't you go for it?"

Liu Yuwei hesitated and nodded. She has loved mu Yunshu for so many years. Everyone knows her mind, but mu Yunshu is very indifferent to her, and turns a blind eye to her feelings.

Over the years, she has always wanted to ask mu Yunshu for an answer. If she can prove that mu Yunshu does not have herself in her heart, she will die completely.

When she left, mu Yunshu just told her a few words, not even a word of greeting. Liu Yuwei stares at him to leave the figure, for a long time can't return to God.

On the way, Chu Huan and mu Yunshu were speechless all the way. Chu Huan had a lot of questions to ask. He was about to arrive at the entrance of the village. If he didn't ask, he would have no chance.

She stopped mu Yunshu's way and was very upset for Liu Yuwei. She said, "do you know what disease Miss Liu has? It's not in vain that you ignore her

"What disease did she have?"

"Lovesickness." Chu Huan spat out these three words. Seeing mu Yunshu, he continued, "Miss Liu loves you like bone marrow. She looks timid, but in fact she has a strong temper. If I help you to divorce her, she will not be able to bear the blow

"What do you want to say? Let me marry her? " Mu Yunshu asked in response, his eyes were cold, "you are the head of the wall, you fell to her side so quickly. Don't forget that you still owe me a favor. I don't know what will happen to her in the future, but you will certainly have a hard time in the future

Chu Huan didn't like him like this. He was cold-blooded and cruel. If anyone married him, he would be a bloody curse for eight generations. I don't know what Miss Liu's fancy on him. She was so devoted to him.

"Don't worry, I promise you will be done, but I also want to give you preventive injection in advance, so as not to regret it." Chu Huan Yin and Yang strange airway, "by the way, Miss Liu's disease is more troublesome, the herbs used are more expensive, please pay the real gold in advance.""How much is it?"

"One hundred fifty Liang." Chu Huan did not want to speak directly.

As the saying goes, one year Qing magistrate, 100000 snowflakes silver. Although mu Yunshu is only a county magistrate, his life is not without money, and he may be greedy. One hundred and fifty Liang is a drop in the ocean for him.

She comforted herself with these words, but also felt that she wanted more. She lowered her head and did not read Mu Yun Shu.