Wang Jiangchen pushed the door and entered. Seeing this, he quickly went to Chu Huan and said, "Why are you so ugly? Are these people bullying you? "

He raised his head, glared at these people, "you dare to bully my life-saving benefactor, do not want to live."

As soon as he finished speaking, several boys rushed in from the outside. He continued: "arrest these people and send them to the officials. I will let them sit in the bottom of the prison."

Song's second old man and Zhang Hai's couple were pale with fear, and their legs were shaking. Who doesn't know the friendship between Wang family and Mu county magistrate, they will have no way to live.

Zhang Yi grabs Wang Jiangchen's arm. "Why do you interfere in the affairs of our family?"

Chu Huan knew that he was worried about the second elder brother of the family. Now he was seriously ill. If something happened to him, he would not be able to keep his mind at ease.

She then said, "thank you for your concern. If you really want to help me, you can find me a carriage and send us back."

"Zhangjia has never treated you as a daughter-in-law. You can't get anything but endure humiliation here. Why don't you leave with Zhang Yihe?" When Wang Jiangchen saw her like this, he was more concerned.

Chu Huan most disgusted others hit for her good from the head, intervene in her affairs, coldly said: "you do not want to help me even if you don't want to say something less some have no."

"Help, you've opened your mouth, I don't have the reason not to help." Wang Jiangchen immediately ordered people to prepare the carriage and send Chu Huan and Zhang Yi back.

Chu Huan helps Zhang Yi to the bed and applies herbs to him. In the whole process, Zhang Yi just frowned, and he didn't even hum.

"Cry out if you feel pain. There's no need to hold on to it all the time." Chu Huan could not bear to say.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." Zhang Yi said softly. When he said this, the sweat on his forehead fell down.

There are tears in Chu Huan's eyes. When she was in Zhangjia, she examined Zhang Yi's wound. The wound was not very serious. After the bumping of the carriage, Zhang Yi's leg was fractured in his eye. It would take at least 10 days and a half months to walk down the ground.

He hated Zhang Hai and his wife very much, thinking about how to teach them a lesson so that they could never turn over again. Otherwise, they would not have a good life even if they left Zhangjia.

Zhang Yi holds her hand. "Can my leg be ok?"

"Your legs must be ok with me." Chu Huan patted his chest, "these days you need a lot of tonic, you wait, I'll buy a chicken back."

"Chu Huan, wait a minute." Zhang Yi holds her, look a little more dignified, hesitated for a moment before saying, "let's leave."

"What do you say?" Chu Huan looked at him in shock and didn't seem to believe that this was from his mouth.

"I said let's leave." Zhang Yi repeated.

"I don't agree." Chu Huan refused on the spot, displeased, "have you forgotten our agreement? After a year's agreement, we can't do without one day. "

"But I don't want to be with you. Since I married you, I've been in trouble all the time. You're an ominous person. I'll have a bad time with you. "

Chu Huan stares at his eyes, word by word: "if I insist on not and leave?"

"Whether you agree or not, I have made up my mind and can't change it. When my legs get better, I'll write and leave the book. "

Chu Huan turned his lips and said, "if you want to write and leave the book, you should pay back the money you owe me. If you can't pay it back, just be my husband. In this year, you can't leave me for half a step. "

Seeing her, Zhang Yi's tone suddenly softened. "I've seen your face. You don't have a birthmark on your face. In addition, you're still young. There's no need to waste your good time on me."

"I'd love to." Chu Huan said with a smile, "with your husband in, no matter what, at least I still have a stable life to live. Once I leave with you, as you said, I'm in a good time now, and those who have bad intentions will definitely try to sell me. Will you not feel guilty when I am living in deep water? "

"But I..."

"You are very well." Chu Huan stopped his words, "although you are useless now, basically rely on me to live. But the husband is flexible, you are temporarily frustrated. But when you get rid of the injury on your face and leg, you will surely win the first prize in the imperial examination next year, and then you will become the son-in-law in everyone's eyes. When the time comes, you will marry everyone and make a great success. Then you will thank me and cover me. Then no one will dare to bully me, and I will be able to live the life I want. "

Zhang Yi's face darkened. Chu Huan went on: "as the saying goes, nine out of ten people are unhappy with things in the world. If everything goes well, it will be boring for a person in his whole life."

"You are right. In vain, I have read so many books of sages that I can't understand them as a little girl Zhang Yi had a look of shame on his face.

When it comes to reading, Chu Huan suddenly thinks of something and says, "I heard that you have been studying in the Academy before. Then your family should have a lot of books. Why have I never seen it?"Zhang Yi was embarrassed and embarrassed. Chu Huan stopped asking, but said, "you can't go to the academy because of your leg injury. You'd better study at home and prepare for the imperial examination next year. It's just that I have money. I'll buy you any books you need. "