"What are you doing?" Outside came the voice of Zhang Yi yelling.

In my heart, I clapped my hand

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and gradually swallowed her up. She couldn't breathe because of the burning feeling. She was staring at the outside, her strength on her hands became smaller and smaller, and she couldn't spit out a voice hoarse.

Zhang Yi wanted to rush inside and was stopped by the villagers. "The fire is too big. There is only one way to get in."

"Let go." Zhang Yiheng glanced at the villagers and said, "if my wife has any mistake, I will let you bury the whole village."

The villagers looked at each other and did not know what to do.

"Why don't we go in and save people. Doctor Chu is in there. If she dies, no one can cure us."

"But Zhao Da's body is still in it."

"We only save doctor Chu, regardless of Zhao Da's body, so that nothing will happen. If Dr. Chu had to rescue Zhao Da's body, he would have saved it. We are all like this now, and we are afraid that a dead body will not come into being? "

All of you said and I said, in order to survive, decided to save Chu Huan.

The fire is too big to rush in. We can only send someone to put out the fire.

Zhang Yi kicks the door open, and Chu Huan faints from the smoke. Zhang Yi doesn't care about other things and runs out with her. She held Zhao Da's body in her hand and refused to let go.

Zhang Yi understood what she meant. He held her in his arms and dragged Zhao Da's body with his other hand, and walked out slowly.

"Chu Huan, you can't do anything. You can't do anything."

He said in his heart, has never been so afraid of a person in his side disappear, heart up, heart only one idea, he wants to save Chu Huan.

The stick was burned and hit Zhang Yi's arm. The pain made him take a cold breath. His eyes were firm. Nannan said to himself, "no matter you or the body, I will take it out completely."

His face turned red against the fire, and he couldn't breathe when it was hot around him, but he didn't mean to let him give up the body.

When mu Yunshu heard of this, he immediately brought someone to come. The fire was blazing. He soaked his clothes and rushed to the inside.

Zhang Yi's strength was exhausted and his clothes were wet by sweat. He didn't mean to give up. He moved forward step by step.

"Zhang Yi." Mu Yunshu saw him like this and said angrily, "what are you doing? You're not going to die for a body? "

Zhang Yi handed Chu Huan to Mu Yunshu, "you take Chu Huan first, I will carry the body out."

"You fool." Mu Yunshu scolded a sentence and snatched the body from his hand, "you take Chu Huan to go, the body to me."

Afraid that he would not agree, he pushed him out.

Mu Yunshu carried the corpse on his back. The body was heavier than he thought, like a mountain pressing on him. He really didn't understand how Zhang Yi came here with Chu Huan and the corpse.

After Zhang Yi took Chu Huan out, he was out of strength and fell to the ground with a thump and fainted.

"Mr. Zhang, how are you? Mr. Zhang Mr. Zhang... "

The villagers were startled by him. Only one person said, "Master Zhang and Dr. Chu are not dead yet. Take them back and ask the doctor to come and treat them. If they die, we'll all have to eat and eat. "

The fifth master of Zhao glanced around, "where's Mr. mu?"

"Lord Mu is still in it." A man whispered a warning.

The fifth master of Zhao glanced at them, "why don't you stop? You don't want to live, do you? "

At this time, mu Yunshu was carrying the corpse to go out. Hearing these people's words, he knew that he was about to come out and called out: "I'm here."

When the villagers heard his voice, they rushed in to save him.

Mu Yunshu threw the body on the ground and began to gasp, "the body is really dead and heavy."

"My Lord, the body has been burned. Why do you carry him out?" A man whispered.

"All the poisons in your body are related to this corpse. If I don't rescue him and find out the cause, you will have to wait for death." Mu Yunshu angrily said, "you're dead. What about your wife and children? You don't care. "

"We were confused for a while. Please forgive us." The fifth master of Zhao went to Mu Yunshu and said respectfully, "I don't know if there is a doctor with excellent medical skills around you. Doctor Chu and Mr. Zhang are dying."

Mu Yunshu pointed to him and said: "you people Let me tell you something. " Said the body to Zhao five ye, "give me a good look at the body, if there is anything wrong, I take you to ask."

Chu Huan just inhaled too much dust, causing a brief coma, no life-threatening.

Zhang Yi was different. His skin was burned, and he used his body to protect Chu Huan. He was hit by a stick several times. But for his strong willpower, he would not have been able to come out alive.

Mu Yunshu looked at them and sighed, "it's a pair of bitter mandarin ducks."Chu Huan faintly feels that he has entered a warm embrace. Hearing mu Yunshu's words, he subconsciously tells himself that he must wake up, and Zhang Yi is still waiting for himself to rescue him.

Her eyelids moved and opened slowly. The simple beam and coarse cloth quilt came into her eyes.

I'm not dead?

This is her first reaction. She has no time to think about it. She wants to get out of bed and see how Zhang Yi is now? Her whole body is limp and feeble, don't say to get up, move hard.

"Zhang Yi Zhang Yi... "

She kept shouting the name, as if it was her only motivation to survive.

Hearing her voice, mu Yunshu hurried to her side. Seeing her eyes slightly open and her hands moving in a small range, mu Yunshu said in a quick voice, "Chu Huan, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Chu Huan's eyes slowly opened. Mu Yunshu's figure fell into her eyes. She nervously said, "where's Zhang Yi? How is Zhang Yi now? "

"Zhang Yi is in the next room. I've sent a doctor to see him. There's no life to worry about." Mu Yunshu comforted, "you have a good rest. After you wake up, I will take you to see him."

"No, I'm going to see him now." Chu Huan weak voice with a trace of firmness, the body slightly recovered some, the hand grasps the bed column, wants to support the body.

Mu Yunshu pressed her body down, "if you go to see him like this, he will only worry about you. If you are really good for him, you should stay well. If you don't, why do you worry about your conscience


Tears ran down the corner of Chu Huan's eyes, and the thought that Zhang Yi would become like this was all because of himself. His voice choked and he couldn't say a word.

Mu Yunshu could not bear to see him, but said: "I can take you to see him, but you can only watch from afar, can't get close to him, can't disturb his rest, you know?"