Chu Huan diagnosed and treated Liu Yuwei several times, but also can only check out that she has hidden diseases in her body, the cause of which is unknown, and there is no way to treat them.

Seeing her look twinkle, Miss Liu said coldly, "you can't do the two conditions I mentioned. Why do you have to force me to agree to your request. What's more, at the beginning, the Song family begged me to buy the ancestral house on their knees. Now, if we want to go back in this way, we look down upon Liu

Chu Huan frowned, and councillor Liu continued: "it's OK to go back to the ancestral home of the Song family, or go back to see it, but the Song family must come forward. Otherwise, even if I promise you, the Song family may not be able to get this face. If you don't believe it, you can go back to ask if they will lick their faces back to the ancestral home of the Song family before the resentment is solved. "

Chu Mu Yun Shu saw Chu Huan's look relaxed. He continued to follow yuan Liu's words: "the friendship between the Liu and song families has been a long time, and you can't solve it in a few words. I know you are worried about your grandmother. Otherwise, you should let go of councillor Liu first, and we will discuss the matter of ancestral residence. "

The matter of ancestral home is urgent. If we delay it, Chu Huan is worried that his grandmother will not be able to wait for that day. If so, even if there is a result, there is no significance.

Face, dignity and life were not as important as her grandmother's wishes. But knowing that the stalemate will not make any sense, the solution is the premise.

Zhang Yi slowly walked to her side, grabbed her hand and whispered, "don't worry, I'm here."

Chu Huan's arm held up for a long time, suddenly to the recovery, bone creak creak, there is a slight pain. Zhang Yi held her arm in the palm of her hand and kept rubbing it. In a soft voice, "does it still hurt?"

Chu Huan lowered his head and glanced at Zhang Yi from time to time. Liu Yuan is a great outsider. Although he doesn't know his identity, he can make mu Yunshu afraid. It can be seen that he is still a powerful man. Councilor Liu Yi is not afraid of getting revenge on her.

Zhang Yi was in good health. When everything was over, he went to private school and took the imperial examination. If Mr. Liu interferes, Zhang Yi's future will be ruined.

Thinking of these, her eyes a little more guilty, voice some choked, "I'm sorry."

"What do you say to me? I'm sorry." Zhang Yi pinched her cheek with his hand. Seeing the tears in her eyes, his heart suddenly moved.

In his heart, Chu Huan has been strong, brave and fearless. At this time, see her so, just understand, she is still a little girl, also need people to care about, need people to take care of.

Thinking of her childhood experience, Zhang Yi looks at her eyes, soft enough to drip water.

"In the future, don't take on another person, you and me."

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't blame her, Chu Huan felt more and more guilty.

Mu Yunshu walked to them, face don't go some, "you two want to make love, can you wait until you go home, let others see how bad."

Chu Huan glared at him, "you still mean to say, if it wasn't for you, could things be like this?"

Liu Yuwei helped Liu Yuanwai, looked at them angrily and said angrily, "chuhuan, I warn you that if my father has any faults, I will not let you go."

"Chu Huan was forced to do so. Don't blame her..."

"Shut up." Liu Yuwei scolded mu Yunshu, tears in her eyes, "you just know her for a few days, so help her. Don't forget that my father is your teacher. If you do this, you will be too kind to revenge. "

When looking at mu Yunshu, his face was full of disappointment.

She and mu Yunshu are childhood sweethearts. Growing up together, she has always liked mu Yunshu. When she grew up, she began to avoid suspicion. Mu Yunshu also became more and more indifferent to her. She thought this was a normal phenomenon. There were no other women around mu Yunshu.

Since Chu Huan appeared, she found that mu Yunshu paid much attention to Chu Huan. She has been quietly comforting herself in her heart, saying that she is multi hearted, after all, Chu Huan has been married. But I didn't expect that today, mu Yunshu would say such words for chuhuan, which really made her feel cold.

Mu Yunshu look can not see any change, the voice is still calm, "I don't mean that."

Liu Yuwei gave a bitter smile and said, "you don't mean that. What do you mean? Chu Huan has been holding my father for so long, even if you don't have a word of greeting. When I blame her, I still speak for her. My father has raised you in vain for so many years. You are a real white eyed wolf. "

"Dad, let's go back." Liu Yuwei helped Liu Yuanwai to walk into the room.

Chu Huan looked out of Mu Yun book, there is still Liu Yuwei in his heart, and poked him with his hand, "you'd better hurry over and apologize to them."

Mu Yunshu did not seem to hear the same, standing there motionless.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yi stopped them and said to Liu, "it's really my wife's fault today. I'm here to apologize for her. But I also have a few words. I want to talk to you alone. I wonder if it is convenient for you. "

"It's not convenient for my father." Liu Yuwei takes the lead.

Mr. Liu took a look at him and said, "come in with me.""Dad..."

"Well, you go back to your room first. You don't need to intervene in the affairs here." Liu Yuanwai doesn't give Liu Yuwei a chance to talk and asks her servant girl to send her back.

Liu Yuwei hate looked at them, but with the maid left. When walking, passing by mu Yunshu, his eyes were cold, "brother Yunshu, this is the last time I call you like this."

Mu Yunshu's mouth moved for a moment, but finally he didn't say anything.

Chu Huan patted Mu Yun Shu on the shoulder, "don't catch up, this is your last chance."

"No. I won't marry her. It's better to break it clean, so as not to give her hope and let her down

Chu Huan always felt that mu Yunshu was too unfeeling to Liu Yuwei.

Thinking, I looked into the room. Zhang Yi is different from mu Yunshu. He is a man of long love. So long that they have been together for so long, she still can't occupy a place in Zhang Yi's heart.

Whether it is heartless or amorous, a man has no you in his heart, no matter what you do, it is useless.

At this moment, she was confused. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to keep Zhang Yi at her side all the time.

They found a place to sit down and wait for the result.

Zhang Yi and councillor Liu talked for more than half an hour. No one knew what they had talked about. In the end, councillor Liu made concessions and agreed to see Mrs. song go back to her ancestral home. Not only that, but also said that as long as the Song family can take out 500 Liang silver, they can redeem the ancestral home of the Song family.

Five hundred Liang silver is indeed a little more, at least it is a hope. Chu Huan believes that as long as you work hard, there will always be enough.

On the way back, Chu Huan walked very fast, hoping that he could not grow a pair of wings. He flew back to tell Mrs. song the good news.