Zhang Yi Bai gave her a look, "you are very idle."

"I am very idle."

Chu Huan sat down beside him. After his grandmother was buried, Zhang Yi was busy reading books. Chu Huan wanted to accompany him to read books or set up a stall for others to see a doctor. Reading, she didn't know those words. Set up a stall? The thought of this made her headache even more. This is a remote place, and the villagers are relatively poor. Most of them can't even get enough food and clothing, let alone see a doctor.

What she couldn't bear most was that the drugstore here didn't recognize the goods and despised the herbs she purchased. There are also a few pharmacies directly throw out the herbs she collected, saying that she picked rotten grass.

There is nothing to do but do these things to amuse the body and mind.

Kang Ying found a child of five or six years old and asked him to climb a tree to get money. The children in the village are good at picking bird eggs from trees and fishing in the river. They climb up quickly.

The child climbed up to reach the bird's nest. The crow flew back from the outside and bent over the child. The little boy and the bird's nest fell down together.

Chu Huan is drinking tea in the room. When he hears a sound outside, he comes out to see what happened.

The little boy fell unconscious, Kang Ying and Zhang Hai picked up the silver from the ground and were preparing to leave here quietly.

Chu Huan goes to examine the injury for the little boy. Zhang Yi blocks their way. "If you want to go, you have to wait until the roe is ready."

"Get out of my way, or I'll be rude to you." Zhang Hai reaches out his hand and wants to fight Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi kicked him to fly, "I used to let you, but I didn't want to embarrass my parents. If you don't know what's good or bad, don't blame me for neglecting my old love. "

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Hai was staring at him.

In the past, no matter what he said, Zhang Yi would not look at him more, let alone quarrel with him. Only then did he dare to find Zhang Yi and their troubles several times.

Today, seeing Zhang Yi really angry, I was more afraid.

"You asked little fish to go up the tree to get money for you. Now that he is unconscious and injured, how can you compensate him for his medical expenses?"

"You Don't talk nonsense Kang Yiying said, "it's you who are angry. If you hadn't put the money there, would we have let him climb a tree? It's all your fault. You should pay for it. "

Chu Huan looked back at them. Kang Ying shuddered with fright, but she didn't dare to challenge Zhang Yi again.

The little boy's arm was broken. Chu Huan connected it to him and carried him to the room. Passing by Kang Ying's side, he said, "you come here too."

Kang Ying was very unhappy and wanted to run away. On second thought, Zhang Ming is not in good health and needs to be treated by Chu Huan, which offends Chu Huan. In case she gives up, it will be another expense to go to another doctor. Horizontal Chu Huan one eye, follow her to go inside.

Chu Huan puts the little boy on the bed and asks Zhang Yi to inform his parents, while he stares at Zhang Hai and his wife in case they find a chance to slip away.

Kang Ying went to Chu Huan, and said with a smile, "what's the matter with this child?"

"What do you think of falling off that high tree?" Chu Huan white her one eye, Kang Ying Shan stand there no longer words.

"He broke his arm. If he can't be cured, he may be a useless man in his life." Chu exclaimed, "if you still have a conscience, you can take out 20 Liang silver to cure him. Otherwise, go and tell the parents. "

"Twenty liang?" Kang Ying exclaimed, "he just broke his arm. It's not really useless. What's more, children are growing fast. Maybe they will be OK in a few days. There is no need to spend so much money? "

"Twenty Liang is a conservative estimate. Maybe it will cost more in the future. If you think so, you can negotiate with the parents yourself

Twenty Liang is the annual income of a family. It's not right. Sometimes a family can't collect so much money in a year.

Zhang Ming still needs money to cure his illness. If he pays the child twenty Liang

Kang Yingguang felt heartache when he thought about it.

Soon the children's parents arrived. They were ordinary farmers. When the women came in, they cried when they saw the little boy. The man stood there in a daze and didn't know what to say.

Chu Huan was impressed by the two men. The man's surname was Tian, and he was the fifth in the family. People all called him Tian Wu. The woman's name was Yue Niang, who used to be the maid of the Liu family. After they married Tian Wu, they bought a piece of land and lived by farming. The original owner was left out in the village, only their husband and wife would help the original owner, and never despised her.

Chu Huan decided to blackmail Zhang Hai and his wife. He said to Tian Wu, "your child has broken his arm. The medical expenses should be at least fifty Liang."

"This..." Tianwu is an ordinary farmer, who can't earn a few money all year round. Fifty Liang is astronomical for him.

Chu Huan looked at Kang Ying, "it's the two of them who caused your child to fall off the tree. You can go and ask for medical expenses from them."

"You're talking nonsense." Kang Ying said angrily, "you just said that the child only needs 20 liang of medical expenses, how can it rise to 50 Liang in a flash.""Because the child delayed treatment." Chu Huan said while sighing, "his arm is useless. If you don't discuss properly, report to the official. The child was hurt at the door of my house. I'll invite Mr. Mu to come over for you and let him take charge of justice. "

On hearing the newspaper official, Zhang Hai and Tian's faces became ugly.

Tian Wu looked at Zhang Hai and his wife, "what do you say about this?"

Zhang Hai and his wife only got 40 Liang this time and asked them to compensate 50 Liang. Naturally, they did not do it.

Kang Ying angrily said: "you also have responsibility for this matter. Even if you want to pay for it, you should pay half of it. Why should we pay for it?"

"What do you want? Will our family pay 25 liang? " Chu Huan white her one eye, "if you agree, I have no opinion."

Kang Yinggang just said that she hoped to pull Chu Huan to her side of the camp and discuss the compensation. However, Chu Huan agreed, which was totally different from what she thought.

Kang Ying looked up and down at Chu Huan, wondering if there would be anything wrong. It's not easy to take back the spilled water if you say so. You can only be brave enough to shout: "yes, if you are willing to pay, we are willing to do the same."

"Good." Chu Huan nodded approvingly, took out 25 liang from the basket and handed it to Tian Wu, "this is my family's compensation for you, and the rest will be asked for by their husband and wife."

Kang Ying was stunned and stood there wondering what to do.

Zhang Hai glared at her fiercely, "what are you talking about just now? Give them twenty-five taels. What shall we eat and drink in the future? "

"Well What now? " Kang Ying hated her mouth so much that she couldn't help slapping her two big mouths. Standing there like a stone, there was no movement.

Chu Huan walked up to them and said, "I have already paid for the money I should have paid. You should not be repudiated?"