Wei Yuan was waiting for her sentence: "you marry me..."

Chu Huan was infuriated by him, "you are taking advantage of the fire to rob. I will never fulfill your wish."

"It's up to you whether you agree or not."

"Well, the big deal is death." Chu Huan hugged Zhang Yi and whispered, "I can't save you, but if you have an accident, I'll die with you."

Zhang Yi took her hand and shook her head. "If I die, you can live your own life. Don't do stupid things. And... " Zhang Yi's eyes toward the song's mother and son, "no matter what, she's your mother. You can't do anything to her, you know?"

"She has hurt you so much. Why do you speak for her?" Chu Huan hugged him and cried and lived two lives. She felt helpless for the first time, as if at this moment, she was abandoned by the whole world.

At this moment, she realized that Zhang Yi was not only her husband in name, but also a very important person in her heart, and her only concern in this world. When Zhang Yi dies, it is meaningless for her to stay in this world.

Wei Yuan frowns into the shape of Chuan, and Chu Huan is really in love with Zhang Yi.

Chu Huan is his. He was, is, and will be.

What kind of thing is Zhang Yi? Dare to rob a woman with him?

Wei Yuan walked over, holding his fist in his hand, suppressed his hatred at the bottom of his heart, looked at Chu Huan and said, "do you really want to see him die?"

Chu Huan looked up with Wei Yuan's eyes, and his eyes were full of disgust. "I don't want to see him die, but I don't want to compromise with you."

"What if I'm a villain? I have you in my heart, and you have me in your heart. We are the perfect match. Why does he occupy you Wei Yuan handed Zhang Yi the paper and pen that had been prepared for a long time. "When you write a letter of divorce, you don't want chu Huan to spend the rest of his life carrying the widow's reputation."

Chu Huan grabs the paper and the pen, throws toward Wei Yuan, "this is our husband and wife two people's matter, the round does not want you to worry."

"Chu Huan, don't do this." Zhang Yi grabs her hand and looks at Wei Yuan. "Wei Yuan, our friend for many years, I have never asked you anything. Today, I ask you something. I hope you will agree."

"Say it."

"After I die, you can take good care of chuhuan."

"Chu Huan and I are childhood sweethearts. Even if you don't say so, I will take good care of her..."

"Who wants you to take care of." Chu Huan roared to him, "you are a man who can't help you. I feel sick when I see you. Get out of here, get out of here..."

"You can think about my proposal. I'll wait for you at home." Wei Yuan did not rush out, as if to say a matter of no importance.

Scum, it's scum. She can't do anything.

Chu Huan hates that he can't rush up and kill him.

"Don't be angry. You don't have to worry too much about life and death." Zhang Yi squeezed out a smile and looked out. The leaves fell from the tree, which was very similar to the scene when he first met with Lanling that year.

Living, the more contact with Chu Huan, he found that the more he cared about Chu Huan, the more vague his impression of Lanling.

This period of time, he has been living in the guilt of Lanling, hate that he did not get the moment of Lanling suicide, to accompany her.

Now, his life has finally come to an end, which is also a relief for him.

Finally, he can see Lanling.

"No, I will try to save you." Chu Huan cried out, "you wait, I'll go up to the mountain to collect herbal medicine now. One by one, I can always find the antidote."

"You don't have to do this for me. I don't want to live."

"No, you have to live. If you die, what do I do?" Chu Huan shook his head desperately, "I beg you, for me to survive?"

Zhang Yi reached out and wiped the tears out of her eyes. "If I die, you will be free."

"I don't want to be free. I want to be with you." Chu Huan hugs him tightly for fear that Zhang Yi will leave him once he gives up.

There are five days left, and she has a chance.

Suddenly think of what, way: "Wei Yuan did not send you a medical book, where? Maybe you can find an antidote on it. "

Zhang Yi pointed to the bookcase with his finger, "it's inside."

Chu Huan couldn't even care to wear her shoes. She rushed to take out the medical books. She didn't know the words on it. She could only identify the medicinal materials according to the patterns.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Yi felt a pang of heartache in his heart and forced him to sit up. "Take it and I'll watch it with you."

"Well." Chu Huan took the book and asked Zhang Yi to explain the words and notes to her.

In the past, Chu Huan always felt that she didn't know the characters, so she didn't know it. Anyway, there was Zhang Yi, a great talent. At this moment, she realized that there was no culture to be terrible. She swore in her heart that after dealing with this matter, she must study hard.

Song's mother and son see Wei Yuan leave, also follow to go out, she walked a few steps, only listen to Chu Huan scold way: "stop."

Song Shi hit a spirit, back to her, "dry What are you doing? ""You can't go."

"Why?" Song's heart suddenly raised to his throat.

"You are suspected of murdering Zhang Yi. I won't do it to you, but it doesn't mean I'll let you go easily. "

"Zhang Yi's poisoning has nothing to do with us." Song Shi explained eagerly, "it's Wei Yuan. He must have done it."

"He had tea with Zhang Yi in the room just now. I poured the tea myself. He didn't have a chance to start." Chu Huan said coldly, "I'll give you three days to find the antidote. Otherwise, I will report to the official and let Lord Mu deal with this matter. "

"I This... " Song Shi was made to lose his temper and stopped Chu Shan from going out.

She came this time to let Chu Huan get the money. Unexpectedly, she didn't get the money, and she made a fuss.

Sigh. Now they're the most suspect. Chu Huan has no trust in her. The more he says, the more he makes mistakes, he can only find a way to get the antidote from Wei Yuanna, so that they can have a life.

The Song family is counting the time in her heart. Tomorrow is the day when Chu Shan will pay back the money. If there are so many things going on, let alone paying back the money, Zhang Yi and Chu Shan will not be able to escape the robbery even if they pay back the money.

This time Chu Huan really wanted to put them to death.

If I had known this, I should have sold my house and land at the beginning, so that I would not have been sued for human life.

Song's biting teeth, this matter still has to go to Wei Yuan, even if on the back of life lawsuit, also can't let those people take off Chu Shan's arm.

The old lady of the Wei family opened the door and saw their mother and son with scorn on their faces. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to see Wei Yuan." Song's cold channel.

"Wei is far from here."

"You let Wei Yuan come out, or I'll spread the story that he poisoned Zhang Yi and ruin his future." Song made up his mind that Wei Yuan should not be left out of the way.

"What are you talking about? How could Wei Yuan poison Zhang Yi?" Mrs. Wei was obviously guilty.

These days, because of Chu Huan, Wei Yuan has not been home for a long time.

Wei Yuan's temper, she is better than anyone else, not to achieve the goal, never give up. He once said that he would take Chu Huan back. Maybe he would take the risk and poison Zhang Yi.

No, she has to go to Wei Yuan to find out.

Wei Yuan is her hope. If something happens to Wei Yuan, her life will be over.