Wei Yuan looked directly at their hands, did not hide his disgust for this behavior, sarcastically said: "you are really in love."

Chu Huan's face changed, holding Zhang Yi's hand more tightly. After adjusting his mood, he said with a smile, "is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing wrong." Wei Yuan took back his eyes and said, "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a good son early."

It's not true that the husband and wife of "Zao Huan" and "Gui Huan" are red at the same time. Yu Guang glances at Zhang Yi carefully, trying to see what his reaction is.

There was no difference between Zhang Yi's face and the usual one, with a signboard smile on his face, "thank you very much, brother Wei."

"Zhang Yi, you should treat Chu Huan well, or I can't spare you." Wei Yuan's eyes were gloomy, and Chu Huan felt flustered.

Chu Huan did not want to do too much entanglement with Wei Yuan, and repeated the question just now, "do you want me to come to the Song family

"To retire from marriage with Song Qing."

Chu Huan thought of this possibility, at this time from Wei Yuan's mouth to hear this, or some difficult to accept. After shock, her voice dropped a lot, "Song Qing is deeply in love with you."

Wei Yuan didn't open his mouth, his calm look had already explained everything.

From the beginning, Wei Yuan didn't want to have anything to do with Song Qing. He agreed to be engaged to Song Qing. He just wanted to test Chu Huan's reaction.

Now that all this is over, his marriage with Song Qing should be over.

"So what?" Wei Yuan's voice is very light, seems to be talking to her, and seems to be talking to himself, "how ever have I never been deeply in love with you?"

Chu Huan didn't dare to look at him again. He didn't know what it was like.

Anger, anger, sympathy, resentment?

All this turned into a sigh.

If Wei Yuan had been like this, the real Chu Huan would not have died, and she would not have crossed to this place.

A lot of things can't be done, and they can't do it at this stage.

A cold and sharp eyes towards her side, Chu Huan turned to see Song Qing a face gloomy standing at the door.

Song Qing always pays attention to appearance, especially in front of Wei Yuan, and does not allow himself to have any misdemeanor.

At this time, she was different from usual, wearing a single dress, her hair was not dry, and there were water stains on her clothes. When she came, she should be in a hurry.

"You talk first. We'll wait for you in there." Chu Huan takes Zhang Yi to the Song family.

"Chuhuan." Wei Yuan called her, and when Chu Huan turned back, he felt a little more lost in his clear eyes. He laughed and said nothing more.

Song Qing stood in place and looked at Wei Yuan with a dull look.

The news of her engagement to Wei Yuan is known in all parts of the country; now that Wei Yuan is going to divorce her, it is known all over the city.

One after the other, she lost all her people.

No matter when, she does not ask Wei Yuan to really accept her, but also hopes Wei Yuan can give her respect.


Wei Yuan went to see other women in front of her fiancee, without concealing his deep feelings in his eyes.

Others even if, by what is chuhuan? A married woman, not a perfect woman?

She was angry, more resentful.

When she heard Wei Yuan coming, she said a lot to Wei Yuan, but now she can't say a word.

To follow in, Wei Yuan's voice came from behind her, "Song Qing, I'm sorry."

Song Qing looked a little stunned, his back to him, coldly said: "what do you have to apologize for me?"

Having said that, his face was full of tears, "if you really feel sorry for me, you will marry me and make up for me."

"I'll make it up to you, but not in this way."

"How do you want to compensate me? Give me money? Or some other way? "

"You can do whatever you want."

Song Qing suddenly turned around and glared at him angrily. He said, "I just want you to marry me. Besides, I have nothing else to ask for."

"This is the only one I can't give you."

"If you can't give it, why say more?" Song Qing choked, tears in his eyes, "Wei Yuan, you want to quit marriage today, just quit.". But it's not you who give up marriage to me, it's me who quits. "

She tore a piece of cloth from her clothes, bit her finger, and threw it to Wei Yuan with her blood. "From now on, our bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road. It will be irrelevant."

Wei Yuan picked up the "marriage withdrawal book" from the ground, looked at a line of blood words, changed his look, put it in his sleeve.

Looking at Song Qing, "you don't have to."

"What do you expect of me? Happy to divorce you? I'm sorry, I'm not so open-minded. I can't be stabbed on the spine and greet people with a smile. " Song Qingqiang held back the tears in his eyes. When he looked at Wei Yuan, he had a little more expectation in his eyes.Wei Yuan went to her and patted her on the shoulder, "you can rest assured that even if you retire, no one dares to poke your spine."

Song Qing laughs bitterly. Since hearing that Wei Yuan is going to divorce her at home, she spends every day in abusive voice. People outside look at her, just like looking at the next housewife. She has been hiding in her room these days and dare not take a step.

I hope this day won't come. I hope Wei Yuan just talks about it.

But she underestimated Wei Yuan's heartlessness.

She regained consciousness, Wei Yuan has already entered the door.

I don't know what Wei Yuan said to her parents. Her parents have a smile on their gloomy faces.

She wanted to go in, lifted her feet and walked out.

There is no place for her to live in the Song family. If you go in, you will only insult yourself.

Chu Huan's eyes have been looking at Song Qing from the beginning to the present. Seeing her going out, he worried that she would not take it seriously. He whispered a few words in Zhang Yi's ear and chased him out.

Song Qing hate her, she dare not rely on Song Qing too close, afraid of stimulation to Song Qing, has not been far from close to follow.

Song Qing stopped by the lake and turned her back to her. "Do you want to talk to me if you come with me?"

By her fierce one ask, Chu Huan also don't know how to open mouth.

When she came along, she didn't think Song Qing would talk to her. She didn't say why for a long time.

Song Qing continued: "if you come to laugh at me, just laugh, I can bear it."

"No No, I didn't want to laugh at you Chu Huan walked to her side, the breeze blowing, the river flowers fluttering in the water, along with the flow forward.

The falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is merciless.

Is it more in line with Song Qing's present situation?

Song Qing had a lot of heartache and said: "there are many good men in the world. If you Miss Wei Yuan, there will be better men waiting for you. Just like me, I was not obsessed with Wei Yuan at the beginning, and even sacrificed his dignity for his sake. Now it's still very good? "

"But in the end you got his heart." "Song Qing, you turn to cold look