Song wants to climb up to song Laoer and grab his clothes. "Uncle, help me, help me..."

On the body one by one scratch marks, clothes were torn scattered, revealing dark skin.

The Song family lived in the countryside, but they were different from the big roughs in the village. They paid attention to their manners. They never dressed up or did anything out of the ordinary in front of others. It is because of so many rules of the Song family that they are respected by the villagers.

Song wanted to lie on the ground and roll, and his "wailing and begging for mercy" gradually turned into a cursing, low voice, mixed with some other voices. It was hard to hear what he specifically scolded.

Others stood aside, furious, but afraid of the poison in Chu Huan's hand, they did not dare to rush forward and stood there to persuade Chu Huan to take out the antidote.

Chu Huan coldly looked at these people, are some bullying Lord, if not for her first attack for strong, now lying on the ground is her.

Song Laoer ignored her, his eyes fell on Zhang Yi, "hand over the antidote, I'll let you go."

Chu Huan shook the bottle in his hand, and said with a smile: "the poison is here, and the antidote is naturally in me. It's no use telling him. "

Zhang Yi looked at her, turned to song Laoer and said: "you start first, apologize, not too much."

He's not loud, but he's a great deterrent.

Song Laoer's face is iron blue, and his hands are clenched into fists. His veins are suddenly raised and his eyes are sharp. "Do you really want to see song die? If he dies, you don't want to live. "

Chu Huan sighed, "you so many people come to our trouble, even if he doesn't die, we can't live well."

Song Laoer hate's gums itch and stare at her. After a long time, she turns to look at Zhang Yi and says in a cold voice, "I'm sorry."

Chu Huan rubbed his ears. "I didn't hear what you said."

"You..." Song Laoer pointed to her, "don't push your luck."

Chu Huan picks eyebrow, is about to open mouth, Zhang Yi hand reaches in front of her, "take out the antidote."

Chu Huan glanced at these people standing in the courtyard, "let them go out."

It's true that these people are angry for the second aunt, but it's not worth it to hurt their own lives for her. What's more, Chu Huan grew up in the Song family when he was young. These people didn't want to interfere in their family's grievances. They didn't wait for the second son of song to speak up and withdraw wisely.

Chu Huan threw the antidote to song Laoer, "I like quietness. Don't come to my house when I'm free. Otherwise, if you touch something you shouldn't touch and hurt your life, don't blame me. "

She said this not only to song Laoer, but also to those outside.

Zhang Yi looked at her, and there were many reproaches in his words. "If the second aunt did something wrong, you shouldn't do it."

"Should I be bullied by her?"

"I didn't mean that." Seeing that she was angry, Zhang Yi took her hand and said, "people should know how to repay them. No matter who raised you, you always grew up in the Song family. If you do something to her, you will be stabbed in the spine. There are many ways to deal with her. You don't have to kill eight hundred enemies and lose a thousand. "

Chu Huan curled his lips and said that he was not satisfied. Zhang Yi went on to apologize with me to the Song family tomorrow

"I'm not going."

"You have to go." Zhang Yi ordered, "your grandfather is not well. How worried should your grandfather be when you do this? You don't think about yourself, you should think about him. "

Chu Huan hesitated for a moment and nodded, "I listen to you, but if the second aunt is rude again, don't blame me."

"Don't do it. Let me do it." Zhang Yi firmly said, "you can rest assured that I will not let you suffer injustice."

At night, Chu Huan lay in bed and couldn't sleep. One was to see his second aunt tomorrow, and the other was Zhang Yi's attitude.

Every word, every movement, every look seems to protect her, but she always feels that Zhang Yi is actually helping outsiders.

She doesn't ask Zhang Yi to stand on her side every time. At least she hopes that Zhang Yi can do this when there are outsiders, even if she is taught a lesson later.

She put on a dress and went out. The moon was cold as water, just like her heart at this time.

Suddenly she saw a figure on the ground. She knew it was Zhang Yi without looking back. She was upset. She didn't want to pay attention to him. She pretended not to see him and buried her head in her arm.

Zhang Yi sat down next to her in a low and soft voice, "I know you're not comfortable to ask you to apologize. But if you do something wrong, you should face it. Escaping can't solve the problem. "

Chu Huan felt uncomfortable. Thinking that Zhang Yi could comfort himself, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhang Yi. "Why do you teach me? What qualifications do you have to teach me? "

Zhang Yi looks at her with some misty eyes. She doesn't understand why she suddenly gets so angry and is about to open her mouth. Chu Huan stood up and gave him a hard push, "Zhang Yi, I hate you, I hate you..."


Zhang Yi stretched out his hand to pull her, but Chu Huan avoided her. "If you think I'm not good, then we'll separate. You go your way, I'll walk my log bridge. ""Are you going?" Zhang Yi looks at her eyes more and more puzzled, still do not understand why Chu Huan is angry, clearly before going to bed is still good.

"Yes, I'll go. I'll never play with you again. I'll get out of here." Chu Huan's last words almost roared out. Without waiting for Zhang Yi to react, he turned and ran out.

When Zhang Yi chases out, Chu Huan has disappeared.

Chu huangang started to run fast, and slowly slowed down. He hoped that Zhang Yi could catch up with him. As long as he coaxed her again, she would not be angry.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't see Zhang Yi's figure. So she went back, and she couldn't pull down her face.

She has no friends here, so why not sleep on the street?

A figure flashed through her mind.

She remembers Zhang Yi's saying that she should have less contact with mu Yunshu. She decides to try Zhang Yi's attitude again.

If Zhang Yi really cares about her, this matter will be written off. If Zhang Yi is still the same as before and only responsible for her, she really feels that she has no need to stay with Zhang Yi.

She likes Zhang Yi is not false, get along with so long, on the one hand, unconditional pay, no return, she will be tired, will be sad.

Think of the future may be like this for a lifetime, for the first time had the idea of leaving.

It's not her temperament to make people difficult. She has been forced to stay with Zhang Yi for such a long time, which has touched her bottom line. She doesn't want to go on like this all the time.

She went to the door of Mu Yun's house and tried to knock on it several times. Every time her hand touched the door, she drew back.

If you come to Mu Yunshu so late, no matter whether she has nothing to do with mu Yunshu, if you have a single man and a few women in the same room, you will always make people gossip.

Turn around to go, see Zhang Yi appear in front of her.

Zhang Yi's face was gloomy and terrifying. Her hands were clenched and her lips were trembling. She was staring at her like a wild animal ready to kill.