Chu Huan is used to his presence and care, but Chu Huan knows that these things may be taken away at any time. After all, the person Zhang Yi cares about most is not himself.

When Zhang Yi realizes all this, it is time for her to leave.

Zhang Yi's cold eyes sink down, and time seems to be still at this moment.

As time went by, Chu Huan's heart "plop, plop" kept jumping, as if to jump out of her heart at any time.

She didn't dare to look at Zhang Yi's eyes. She kept her head down, expecting Zhang Yi's answer, and hoping to end up in silence.

As long as Zhang Yi is more cruel to her, she can leave without hesitation and completely break Zhang Yi's feelings.

The oppressive breath rushes towards her side, arms are hugged by Zhang Yi, she suddenly looks up to Zhang Yi's dark eyes.

She was caught off guard by the affection and firmness inside.

Is Zhang Yi looking at me? Or see another person through me?

Chu Huan frowned and quickly went down.

Zhang Yi's voice came slowly from above, "one person in a lifetime. In this life, I want you to be my wife. Without you, I would rather be alone

Chu Huan is not sure if what he said is true or false. Zhang Yi's eyes are sincere, which makes her want to believe, even if it is a dream.

At least in this way, life can still have expectations, instead of facing life like now, in a daze, completely do not know where the future lies.

Zhang Yi helped her up, and her voice was much softer. "From now on, I will live near you. Please call me if you have anything."

Is that a promise to her?

"I..." Chu Huan wants to ask Zhang Yi to move in with him. Later, he feels that it's not right. He simply nods and agrees with him.

Seeing Zhang Yi raising his feet to go, Chu Huan held him and said timidly, "you Can you stay with me more? "

"Just come back and make me some."

"No Don't I'm not hungry... " Chu Huan's head is shaking like a rattle. She has never been like this, longing for Zhang Yi to stay around. More time to get together is a little bit, even if the final separation, memories are enough to support her after the rest of her life.

Zhang Yi frowned and didn't understand why Chu Huan was so insecure. He had done too much before?

He couldn't think of anything else but this. Try to pacify Chu Huan's uneasy heart.

Zhang Yi sat with her until it was dark, and there was a beat outside. There is a curfew in the Academy. If Zhang Yi doesn't go back, he will be severely punished.

Helpless under, Chu Huan bit teeth, let him leave.

"Will you come to see me tomorrow?" Chu Huan subconsciously asked, until she heard the affirmative answer from Zhang Yi's mouth, she just let go.

She also found that after Lan Ling appeared, Zhang Yi's attitude towards her had changed 120 degrees. At first, she thought that Zhang Yi's confession to herself was due to pressure and responsibility. However, what Zhang Yi has done recently has made her deny her own ideas. It seems that something is stirring in her heart.

Is it possible between her and Zhang Yi?

Thinking, her hand could not help touching the letter of divorce, tears unconsciously fell on the pillow.

This is the best ending, as for the future, no one will know.

It's like she's going through it. It's not really happening to her. She can't believe it's true.

Looking out, I don't know if my parents are doing well, and if they will be sad because of their death.

The brain is dazed, disorderly, slowly sleep in the past.

To a strange environment, Chu Huan, the whole person will become sensitive. Sleep, also just a short rest, dare not enter deep sleep.

She frowned when she heard the light footsteps outside. There was a curfew in the Academy. After midnight, students were not allowed to walk around without permission. If the circumstances were serious, they would be expelled from the college and never employed.

This academy is well-known. Once a student is expelled, his future will stop.

Chu Huan sat up from the bed and looked out in the moonlight to see who was so bold to come to her yard so late?

Zhaonian sneaked in from outside with a stick in his hand. He seemed to be aiming at her.

These little characters, Chu cheerfully let them off during the day, did not expect that they would take advantage of the night sneak attack.

A bunch of guys who don't know what's going on.

Chu Huan scolded in the heart, the pillow hidden in the quilt, dark, can not see whether it is people or things. She hid behind the door, waiting for a heavy blow.

Zhaonian opened the door and glanced inside. Seeing that there was no one else here, Zhaonian waved to the people behind him, indicating that they would act according to the plan.

"If we do this, what if something happens?" The little man murmured, obviously not quite in favor of it.

Trillion years horizontal he one eye, "you are afraid to go back, no one forces you to come.""I I'm either afraid or That is, we cheat the less with more. Taking advantage of others' danger is not a gentleman's job. " The little man forced to defend, saw the eyes of Zhaonian, quickly lowered his head, and continued to follow them forward.

Their every move was Chu Huan's eyes, did not expect this little man is still a good man.

As the saying goes, if you are close to the ink, you will be black if you are close to the ink. If you follow me, you will be taught bad one day sooner or later.

After several of them groped to the bed, they pulled the quilt forward and beat them with sticks.

The little man held the stick in his hand and held it in the air. He never dropped it. He lowered his voice, "is there something wrong with it?"

Zhaonian also found that something was wrong. He lifted the quilt and there was only a pillow inside.

"Where are the people?" Trillion years angry voice way, "hurry to find, do not let her run, or we have to eat too much."

"Keep the change. I'm here." Chu Huan comes out from behind the door and opens the door by the way. The moonlight hits the faces of these people. Chu Huan can see their faces clearly.

Zhaonian's body stepped back a step, "you How could you be there? "

"Or where do you think I should be?" Chu Huan raised eyebrows, "but you guys don't sleep in the middle of the night. What are you doing in my room? It's curfew. If Mr. Jingde knows what kind of punishment you're going to suffer, do you know each other well? "

"You frighten me?" Zhaonian snorted coldly, "if you dare to tell Sir about this, I will make it difficult for you to walk in this academy."

"I can't do anything now?" Chu Huan shrugged, walked past these people, found a chair to sit down, "tonight's thing is a matter of my words, see how you choose."