She had no idea what Zhang Yi was up to?

Is he doubting her feelings, or is he entangled in the heart and does not know how to make a choice? The depressed emotion makes him irritable, so that he loses control of his emotions and makes these things happen.

Thinking of Zhang Yi's forbearance and scarlet eyes, Chu Huan's heart suddenly pulled up, bursts of pain.

She can cheat everyone but herself.

Zhang Yi has deep feelings for her. She pretends not to care, but she can't cheat her heart.

Chu Huan couldn't help sighing, thinking whether to go to see Zhang Yi, lest he should have an accident.

As soon as she stepped out of her yard, she saw Lanling walking towards Zhang Yi's room with a basket in her hand. Her body was pasted on the wall, so she didn't dare to breathe. She was afraid that Lanling would see her.

The Academy forbids girls to enter the Academy. As the daughter of the prefect, Lan Ling comes to visit Zhang Yi. Even if she doesn't avoid suspicion, she still has a high profile. I wish the world would know that she is here.

Lanling takes out the food in the basket and puts it on the table. All the dishes on the plate were cooked by herself. In the past, Zhang Yi liked to eat the dishes she cooked most. This time, she made them completely according to Zhang Yi's taste. With a bright smile on her face, she looked at Zhang Yi as if she were asking for credit. "Have a taste, and see if it suits your taste."

Zhang Yi took a light look and continued to read. He was indifferent to the delicious food on the table.

The smile on Lanling's face gradually stiffened down, took out the book in his hand, and said in a low voice: "are you still angry with me?"

"Why should I be angry with you?" Zhang Yi's attitude towards her is more and more alienated. Sometimes when she asks three questions, Zhang Yi can't answer a word. Even if she chats with her, he always looks absent-minded and perfunctory.

She knew in her heart that Zhang Yi's heart was hurt by forcing Zhang Yi to separate from Chu Huan. After such a long time, they have left. Why can't Zhang Yi let go of that bitch?

Lanling is holding a breath in her heart and swears to herself that when she goes back, she must arrange hands to deal with Chu Huan, so as to avoid future trouble.

Now is not the time to get angry with Zhang Yi. We must take advantage of Zhang Yi now, or everything before will be in vain.

She held Zhang Yi's hand. The hands were not as soft as before. There were cocoons on them. She felt some rowing hands. She noticed that Zhang Yi had an extra cut in his hand and a slight scratch. She has been sending people to monitor Zhang Yi, but she has not seen him in conflict with his popularity. Where does the wound come from?

She was stunned. Zhang Yi took his hand back and said, "Miss LAN, you should go back."

"Blue Miss lan... " Lan Ling repeated his address, unfamiliar and familiar, like a sword, beating her heart.

She can't remember the last time Zhang Yi called her by this.

"Must we?" There was already anger in her eyes.

These days, she tolerated it again and again, but she didn't expect that they would eventually become unfamiliar and even changed their names. Is Zhang Yi determined to draw a line with her?

"What do you want? To marry you? " Zhang Yi's voice is full of sarcasm and disdain for her.

Lanling naturally thought so, but from his mouth, I didn't know how to go on.

"Lanling, you should know what kind of person I am. Now that I have made a choice, I will not look back. It was, and still is. If you have to get entangled, it will only affect your reputation. There is nothing else, do you understand? " Zhang Yi still can't say too hard words to her, but hope she can understand his mind.

Lanling held him and shook his head, "no, I don't understand, and I don't want to understand." She paused. "Even if I'm willing to let go, do you think my father will let you go? You don't have a reputation. It's easy for my father to deal with you. And Chu Huan, my father has been investigating her. If you want her to live, you must be with me. "

Zhang Yi looks back at her, some can't believe, such words will come out of her mouth.

He couldn't connect the smiling woman with the person in front of him. He stretched out his hand and broke the ring around his waist. He didn't say anything more and left here without looking back.

Zhang Yi, if you are unkind, don't blame me for my injustice.

Lanling's eyes show the intention of killing, she wants to get things, there is no can not get.

Chu Huan sees all this clearly outside. Although she can't hear what is said inside, she can't ignore the affection in Zhang Yi's eyes.

The weeds nearby were pulled down, torn and thrown in the air, as if to abandon their feelings.

Sure enough, it was not a correct decision for her to come here to find Zhang Yi.

Since ancient times, only new people laugh, who sees old people cry?

She can't even count yesterday's yellow flower. She is a passer-by when she is dead. Zhang Yi is not willing to let go. Xu is used to her company. After a while, everything will return to normal.

Seeing Zhang Yi coming out of the house, she ran to her own yard in a hurry. She felt angry and didn't have a place to scatter. She pushed all the herbs in the sun to the ground.This is not to relieve the anger, and will be able to smash all the things in the room again, until tired can not bear to stop.

No, she has to get out of here. Watching Zhang Yi and Lanling hug each day, she must collapse.

Rao is so, she still can't say harsh words, after all, Zhang Yi's heart has never stayed in her body, she even has no qualification to question.

When she packed up her things and was ready to leave, she saw Zhang Yi standing at the door. Her black eyes were cold and heavy, and her face was expressionless, like a statue.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Yi blocks her way.

"Is it related to you?" Chu Huan said coldly, "Zhang Yi, we have nothing to do with it. You are not qualified to take care of my affairs."

"Say it again."

"I said you're not qualified to take care of my business."

Anyway, you're accompanied by a beautiful woman. The latter half sentence, Chu Huan held back to go back.

As long as you think of the scene of Lanling holding Zhang Yi, her heart is just like being dug by someone, and she can't breathe with pain.

Love is like this, who first serious, who lost.

And she lost this time.

Zhang Yi's cold eyes were angry, his eyes were bloodshot, and he forced her to the corner of the wall step by step. "You are my woman. I have the right to ask about your affairs."

"Mr. Zhang has a poor memory. He has forgotten our relationship with us so soon?" Chu Huan subconsciously wanted to push him away, but he pushed him closer. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake Zhang Yi. She continued, "besides, I'm not here for you. Please respect yourself."

Zhang Yi pinched her jaw and pasted her face. She saw tears in her eyes and a slight shiver in her body. She was afraid and in an atmosphere. He was very resistant to himself, which deeply hurt Zhang Yi. He put some force on his hand, "did you betray me?"