Chu Huan stood at the gate of the prefect, staring at the inside. His heart was beating.

Even if there is no way to get close to her, there is no way to get close to her.

She wanted to see Zhang Yi, but she was scared.

At this moment, she wanted to retreat, afraid to hear the answer she didn't want.

Wei Yuan holds her hand, the voice is gentle, "you don't have to be afraid, everything has me."

Chu Huan conditioned reflex will take out the hand, the voice is clear and cold, "you talk to speak, don't move manual feet."

Wei Yuan smile, did not care, way: "go in, they are waiting inside."

He walked a few steps, see Chu Huan did not follow up, and back to Chu Huan side, "you want to change your mind, let's go back now."

Chu Huan turns to go and sees Zhang Yi and Lan Ling coming towards them. Zhang Yi was pale and frail, with bloodstains in his eyes and scars on his hands. The wound had not been bandaged, and it seemed that he was still bleeding.

Chu Huan thinks that Zhang Yi and Lanling are together. Even if Zhang Yi can't let her go and has a beautiful woman to accompany her, time will eventually forget her. However, Zhang Yi's body was even weaker than before. Obviously, he was struggling.

How could this happen? Lanling loves Zhang Yi so much. Shouldn't he take good care of him? How can he let Zhang Yi get hurt and ignore it?

There are countless question marks in Chu Huan's mind.

Lanling also noticed her. She looked at her carefully and seemed to see her through.

Chu Huan's heart is all over Zhang Yi's body, standing there to allow her to look at, seems not to see the same.

Zhang Yi's eyes have always been on Lanling's body, his eyes are unable to cover up the affection.

There are many questions in my heart.

Perhaps Zhang Yi is really just guilty about her, not dressing up the wound, so hurt himself, just to make the heart feel better.

Chu Huan moved the corner of his mouth, trying to persuade Zhang Yi not to do so. Then he swallowed again. He just said, "Mr. Zhang, you are not feeling well. Take good care of yourself."

The concern in the eyes is beyond expression.

In Zhang Yi's low looking eyes, something is flashing. From time to time, he glances at Chu Huan with his residual light. His affection is quickly covered up by pain.

Lanling is closest to him. He can feel the change of his mood. His hatred for Chu Huan is a little bit more. There was a chill in his eyes and a sign smile in the corner of his mouth. It seemed gentle but cold. "Next month, I'm going to get married with a Yi. You're all friends of Yi. You must come at that time. With your blessing, Yi and I will be very happy." Lan Ling poked Zhang Yi with his hand, "do you think so?"

Zhang Yi came back to himself, raised his head and said with a smile, "yes, it's my greatest wish in my life to be able to tie up with you."

Every sentence, every word, and even every punctuation mark is like a sharp sword, which pierces into Chu Huan's heart. One sword after another, the pain goes into his heart, but he can't do anything about it.

Lanling's happy face leaned on Zhang Yi's shoulder. When he looked at Chu Huan, he felt a little more demonstration.

Every cell in Chu Huan's body is clamoring for her to leave here, to leave Zhang Yi, and to stay will only be insulted.

Lanling was very happy to see her pain, and continued: "look at my brain. I'm so happy to see you. I forgot to let you come in. It's rude. "

"There are many other matters in the Academy, so I won't disturb you." Wei Yuan answered instead of Chu Huan, holding her hand, looking close, "we have good news to tell you this time. When autumn is over, I will marry her, and you will remember to come. "

Chu Huan looks at Wei Yuan with a puzzled look. He wants to explain, but he thinks it's meaningless. At least, this can make Zhang Yi marry Lanling without opening his mouth, which is the default of Wei Yuan's words.

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help looking at Chu Huan's face. His hands were full of fists, and his veins were suddenly raised. His eyes twinkled with fierce eyes. It seemed that he was trying hard to bear it. He might burst out at any time.

Chu Huan Lala Wei Yuan's sleeve, "it's late, we should go back to the Academy."

Zhang Yi's eyes have been fixed on Chu Huan, as if there is something on her that makes him unable to move away.

At the moment when Chu Huan's hand touched Wei Yuan, Zhang Yi could no longer control his emotions. He grabbed chuhuan's hand and his eyes were red with blood. "You come with me."

"You let me go?" Chu Huan wants to shake off Zhang Yi's hand, but Zhang Yi's hand clings to her. Once she breaks free, Zhang Yi's hand is tightly held.

Finally, she was too lazy to struggle and followed Zhang Yi to see where he was taking herself.

Zhang Yi pulled her to the corner of the wall, filled with anger, staring at Chu Huan, "do you really want to marry Wei Yuan?"

Chu Huan was afraid that he would be infuriated. He tried to keep his mind calm as he did last time. Before he opened his mouth, he carefully considered every word and said, "why didn't you say goodbye that day? Do you know how worried I am about you these days? "

"Answer my question!" Zhang Yi did not give her a chance to change the subject."If you want to marry someone else, why do you care about my affairs?" Chu Huan observed his face as he said it. Seeing that he was more angry in his eyes, he took his hand and said, "Zhang Yi, if you have me in your heart, follow me. Let's live our own life, OK?"

Touching her soft eyes, Zhang Yi's anger was much less, and he regained some sense. He did not look over, no longer see Chu Huan, "we can not go back."

"We can go back if you like. There is always room for us Chu Huan hugged his hand, "Zhang Yi, do you dare to say that you don't have me in your heart? If you really don't have me in your heart, why do you mind so much that I'm with Wei Yuan? How did you bring me here? "

Zhang Yi raised his eyelids and tears flashed on his eyelashes.

"I was rude." Zhang Yi stepped back and saluted her. His voice was serious. "If you want to live, don't appear in front of me again, or I'm really afraid that I will kill you."

"You can't control yourself because you are ill. If you believe in me, let me heal you Chu Huan finally had the opportunity to be alone with him. Some words must be made clear now.

"No, you can't cure it." Zhang Yi's voice was hoarse. He seemed to have known what was going on. He continued, "if you leave me, I will be fine."

"You can't believe me?" Chu Huan blocked his way, "Zhang Yi, do you have to marry Lanling? Are you not afraid that after you marry her, I will marry someone else? "

As soon as he said this, Zhang Yi's whole body became abnormal. He held his hand into a fist, and the cold feeling in his eyes ran across Chu Huan's body. His hand hit the wall behind Chu Huan, and said in a sharp voice, "get out of here, get out of here!"