Zhang Yi's eyes flashed a touch of joy, reaching out to embrace her, hold her in his arms, never separated in this life. The finger moves, touches Chu Huan clear pure vision, he recoiled again.

His body is getting worse and worse, and his mood is more and more unstable. Sometimes when he sleeps, his brain will "buzz" and he will forget all the things happened the day before, as if he had never been there.

Chu Huan from his eyes to see the feelings, toward him into a few steps, "if I and Wei Yuan together, you really can open the heart knot, blessing us?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi's voice hesitated, but determined.

Chu Huan is too lazy to disguise again, and will not want to be the same as before, in order to leave his final dignity, forced to squeeze out a smile. She just stares at Zhang Yi. There seems to be something in her clear eyes that is slowly breaking, just like a person falling into the abyss, looking for someone who can redeem him.

Do not cry do not make, eventually broken into ashes, no longer can stimulate any waves.

Zhang Yi's eyes are red, and he has a painful struggle to get close to Chu Huan. There was an idea in my heart to take Chu Huan away, leave here, and live their own life.

unfortunately, there is too much separation between them, and there is no way to continue.

And Chu Huan, has been so long, must have been in the heart to eliminate him.

Chu Huan made a most unexpected decision in her life. She suddenly threw herself directly into Zhang Yi's arms. Her arm hesitated for a moment. The ring was around his waist, nervous and exciting.

This embrace, she missed for a long time, this time the courage, also can be considered to have done the final farewell.

Heart sad and tired, entangled for so long, she always wanted to let Zhang Yi give her a definite answer. Every time she heard Zhang Yi say heartless words, she couldn't help feeling sad, and sincerely hoped that Zhang Yi could live a happy life. But if this happiness does not have her share, her heart will still be aggrieved, will not be reconciled.

Zhang Yi tried to push her away, but he couldn't give up. He said in a low voice: "don't cry. Even if we can't be together, if you encounter something in the future, I will still protect you."

Chu Huan's crying body trembled, as if to cry all the grievances in the heart.

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at his eyes. She reached out and stroked Zhang Yi's eyebrows and corners of her eyes. She sighed in her heart and said in a low voice, "if only this deep feeling belonged to me."

Finally, she let go of Zhang Yi and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. The clear eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, separating her from Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi's figure gradually became blurred in her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Behind came the voice of blue spirit's angry voice.

Chuhuan was surprised, there was a feeling of being caught.

She turned her back to Lanling and was afraid to turn back.

Lanling walked over three steps and two steps. He pulled Zhang Yi to his side and asked, "you said something is wrong. Is this your business? What do you think of me? Do you really think I don't care about what you do these days

"That We It's not what you think. " Chu Huan carefully inserted a sentence.

They are going to get married soon. She is not willing to give up like this, but she doesn't want to embarrass Zhang Yi. He has been in love with Lanling for many years. If Zhang Yi can get the happiness he can't get, it's good.

"Shut up." Lanling glared at her, "what are you, what are you talking about here?"

Chu Huan curls his mouth, is this not a good intention?

Looking back on it, she said something about the quarrel between the couple. She stepped back step by step and wanted to escape from here.

"Stop!" Lanling seemed to see her intention and scolded her again.

Chu Huan cleverly stood here, pretending a look of innocence, "there is no share of my speech here, do you have the share I left?"

"You dare to talk back. Believe it or not, I'll put you in jail for ever."

Chu Huan believes that Lanling can do it. After all, she is the daughter of a prefect. In this age of strict hierarchy, it is as simple as squeezing an ant to death.

"What do you want me to do? You said I would do it. "

"I want you to never appear in front of Zhang Yi forever. Can you do that?" Lanling stares at her like a demon who wants to eat people. Her voice is extremely cold and heartless.

"I don't want to appear in front of him, but the world is so small that sometimes I can't avoid it. What if I try my best? " Chuhuan tried to avoid the problem.

She tried her best to let her heart die, but a person's heart is not that pay can pay, said to take back can take back.

Even if you want to forget Zhang Yi, it's better to let her face Zhang Yi every day, so face to face may not be so strong.

She didn't dare to say it easily, or she would be thought to be scheming.

Blue Ling to her shake hands is a slap, "chuhuan, you don't toast do not eat and eat wine."Zhang Yi's heart is pulled up. Looking at the five bright red fingerprints on Chu Huan's face, his heart seems to be stabbed. Chu Huantong is in pain, and his heart is even more painful.

Chu Huan abruptly took her slap, his face did not change, just said: "I'm just stating a fact. If you don't listen to the truth, I can tell lies

"You..." Lanling wants to hit her face again. Zhang Yi grabs Lanling and says, "Zhang Yi, what are you doing? Let me go. "

"This matter has nothing to do with Chu Huan. Why do you take her out of anger?"

"Don't forget whose fiance you are now. If you protect her like this, you won't love her any more?"

"What I do to her is my business. You also said that if I marry you, you will treat her as a sister. If you don't keep your promise, don't blame me for turning over my face. "

Lanling looked at him incredulously, "you I beg your pardon? Say it again

"If you dare to do harm to Chu Huan again, don't blame me for turning over my face." Zhang Yi repeated it again.

"Zhang Yi, don't go too far." Lanling was completely infuriated by him, "do you fall out with me? Have you ever thought about the consequences? "

"I can bear all the blame."

"Good, good." Lan Ling pointed to them with his finger, "Zhang Yi, you are merciless to me, so don't blame me for being unjust to you. One day, I will make you two cry and beg me, let you pay the price for what you have done today. You wait for me. "

Instead of chasing her, Zhang Yi looked at Chu Huan deeply and said slowly, "go to Wei Yuan and ask him to take you away from here. Don't come back again. I I don't want to see you again. "