Mu Yunshu?

Chu Huan murmured in his heart, obviously did not have too much hope for him.

Mu Yunshu is also a sesame official with nine grades. How can he compete with the Taishou.

La Wei far into the water, is not her heart wish, more do not want to implicate mu Yunshu.

"Don't tell mu Yunshu about this one in advance. I'll think about it again." Chu Huan's voice is very light, was blown by the wind, disappeared without a trace.

"I know what you're worried about. You can rest assured, as long as mu Yunshu is willing, not to mention saving Zhang Yi, moving to the prefect is not a problem. " Wei Yuan looked serious and didn't mean to comfort her at all.

"Why?" The doubts in Chu Huan's eyes were even more serious.

From the day she got to know mu Yunshu, she knew that mu Yunshu was by no means a thing in the pool. Over the years, she did not rise to court, did not adjudicate cases, and ignored political affairs, but only to hide the edge. In fact, he did everything in private.

At the beginning, she was still thinking about how a smart person like mu Yunshu could be just a county magistrate. Hearing Wei Yuan's words at this time, she was afraid that mu Yunshu's real identity was not simple.

Even though she was still worried, she had no strength in her whole body and was struggling to walk. Going back would only be a burden to Zhang Yi and would be a hindrance to Zhang Yi. Besides, she couldn't do anything else.

Hearing that they were coming, mu Yunshu came out to greet him with a smile. When he saw that Chu Huan had been held out by Wei Yuan, he was surprised to put an egg in his mouth, pointed at them and stammered: "you Is it too fast? " Finish saying Dynasty Wei Yuan blink an eye, "am I about to drink your wedding wine?"

Wei Yuan white his one eye, "don't talk nonsense, something needs your help."

"Are you begging me?" Mu Yunshu followed him curiously, taking small steps with a meaningful smile on his face.

Chu Huan sighed in the heart, OK, she took back what she had said before. Where is mu Yunshu? He is a fool.

Wei Yuan told mu Yunshu the whole story of Zhang Yi, but before asking him to help, he was shocked by mu Yunshu: "Wow, you guys are so powerful that even the governor dare to offend him. It's amazing. I'll give you a thumbs up

Wei Yuan looked at him with gloomy eyes, "so what do you mean?"

"What can I mean? I'm just a small county magistrate. The prefect can crush me with one finger." Mu Yunshu curled his mouth and pretended to be afraid, but there was no fear in his eyes.

If Chu Huan didn't have strength all over, he really wanted to get up and beat mu Yunshu. At this time, he was joking.

Wei Yuandao did not dispute with him. He picked up Chu Huan and went out.

Mu Yunshu stopped him, "the governor must be catching you everywhere now. When you go out, isn't it a sheep's mouth?"

"If we stay here, we will only implicate Lord mu." Wei Yuan's words are respectful, but his eyes are full of coldness.

Mu Yunshu took a look at Chu Huan in his arms, "even if you are not afraid of being caught, what about Chu Huan? How can she get out like this? "

"It's none of your business." Wei Yuan voice is gloomy, spit out two words, "get out of the way."

Chu Huan did not want to really let mu Yunshu intervene in this matter, but his attitude still made Chu Huan very disappointed.

"Lord mu, don't worry about me." Chu Huan spoke slowly, and his words were full of alienation.

Mu Yunshu's eyes darkened. He watched them step by step toward the door, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm really afraid of you. Come back quickly. I promise to save people with you."

Wei Yuan stopped and turned his back to him, "don't you fear being implicated?"

"Let's have a class together. I can't watch you die in vain." "Mu Yunshu sighed," is really owed to you in the last life, this life sooner or later you even tired to death. "

As soon as the words fell, a lot of bodyguards rushed out of the government office. These people came forward fiercely and surrounded Chu Huan and Wei Yuan.

Lanling came out of the crowd, glanced at them and sneered, "I didn't expect that Mr. Wei was so sentimental."

"What do you want?" Wei Yuan cold hum, obviously did not see her in the eye.

"I want her." Blue Ling finger to Chu Huan, "as long as you give her to me, before the matter, write off."

"What if I don't?"

"If you don't agree, don't blame me for being ruthless." The blue Ling eye ground delimits the cruel vision, to the bodyguard way behind, "will they two people all catch up, take back."

"Stop it!" Mu Yunshu rushed to the two of them, and looked at Lanling with a smile, "what is Miss LAN doing? Don't you just arrest people? As for such a movement? "

"It's none of your business. Get out of here, or I'll catch you."

Mu Yunshu patted his chest, "Oh, I'm so scared." Said to Lanling side to walk a few steps, "but can be so beautiful miss LAN captured by the girl, is also my Mu Mou three lucky."

Lanling's eyes were full of disgust, "get out of here.""I can't go away. If I do, how can I get rid of the predicament in front of me?" Mu Yun Shuhua voice down the moment, the hand pinched Lanling's neck, glanced around the bodyguard, "all give me back, or I will crush her now."

The situation is changing so fast that the head of the guard has no time to react.

"Dare you, do you know who she is?" The leader's bodyguard yelled at him with anxiety. He hoped that mu Yunshu would let Lanling go for the sake of the prefect, otherwise he would not be able to explain to the prefect.

Mu Yunshu is still a smile, "she is not the daughter of the governor? Today, I left her as a hostage. I want to save her and exchange it with Zhang Yi. "

The strength on the hand increased a few minutes, looking at Lanling, "wronged Miss LAN first, and walked with me."

Lanling glared at him fiercely, and his neck was pinched by him. He could not speak. His anger could not be covered in his eyes.

Wei Yuan, holding Chu Huan, followed him and retreated to the government office. The waiter was afraid that mu Yunshu would hurt Lanling and made way for them.

Looking at mu Yunshu to take Lanling away, the bodyguard leader has no way at all. Most importantly, their condition is to exchange Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi

He didn't know where he was locked up. For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

Mu Yunshu takes Lanling back, ties her to a chair and covers her mouth with rags. Lanling didn't cry or make noise like ordinary women, but just kept staring at mu Yunshu, staring at his heart hair.

He slowly moved to Lanling and said, "what do you always see me do? Do you have a crush on me and want to take me back to be a son-in-law? "