When Song Qing goes in, Chu Huan holds a pen in her mouth and points to several places with her eyebrows locked and hesitant.

Chu Huan saw Song Qing come in and put away the map. The pen in his mouth fell on the table and the ink splashed all over her.

Song Qing came to see her, but she didn't expect it.

She picked up her clothes and said, "you come to me for something?"

Song Qing's temper is clear to her. Because of Wei Yuan, Song Qing never gives her a good face. Every time she saw her, Chu Huan would feel inexplicably depressed and lived in a yard. Unless necessary, Chu Huan avoided her all the time.

"You don't welcome me?" Song Qing asked.

Chu Huan's sudden visit to her can not say welcome or not welcome, just feel strange, do not know how to face her.

Chu Huan handed a chair to Song Qing, "how can I not welcome you? Don't talk nonsense."

She glanced up at her eyes and kept touching her nose. Her smile was worse than her tears. She hoped that Song Qing would speak quickly and not stay here for too long. Otherwise, she would be driven crazy by this oppressive atmosphere.

Instead of sitting down, Song Qing went to the table, unfolded the map she had collected and studied it carefully. He took up the pen and marked the place where Chu Huan had just pointed out, and finally landed in the middle.

"The capital is prosperous, life is alive, it is time to see."


Chu Huan didn't know what she wanted to say. She made her face at a loss.

"I want to go to Beijing. Where do you want to go?" Song Qing didn't care about her look and looked after herself.

"You go to the capital? What about Wei Yuan? "

"He?" Song Qing's eyes more a trace of perplexity, as if in memory, but also seems to say goodbye to the past, "he and I have no relationship."

Chu Huan doubted that Song Qing had a fever. He was serious, but his words were incredible.

No one knows Song Qing's feelings for Wei Yuan better than her.

A weak woman, for the sake of men and feelings, can do this step of killing, except for the deep love, there is no other possibility.

Chu Huan thought, touching song Qing's forehead and saying to himself, "no fever. Is it difficult to be occupied by people

The latter sentence, her voice is very small, I do not know whether Song Qing heard.

Song Qing took her hand down, and there was a smile in her eyes. "I'm ok. I just have some things figured out. You can put down Zhang Yi. Why can't I put down Wei Yuan. Feelings of this kind of thing, tried hard, can not also let go. "

Chu Huan felt that after drinking a meal of wine, everything changed, but Song Qing could see it. She was very happy for Song Qing and patted Song Qing on the shoulder. "If you really can put Wei Yuan down, we'd better go to the capital and live our own life."

"You really don't hate me?" Song Qing is still full of guilt for her, especially when she heard Chu Huan say those words last night, Song Qing didn't sleep all night. She thought about it all the time. She didn't come to Chu Huan to explain clearly. However, she didn't expect that Chu Huan had never really blamed her.

"It must be, but I don't hate it. If you had been so kind to me before, you should have paid back your love. " Chu Huan said, "if you want to go with me, go back and pack up. Let's start in the evening to save trouble. And when you leave, leave a note. "

"Why did you leave when they were so kind to you?" Song Qing's eyes are full of puzzles.

Chu Huan was asked by her for a moment. Before she wanted to leave, she wanted to leave space for Song Qing and Wei Yuan to cultivate their feelings. Unexpectedly, Song Qing would give up Wei Yuan at this time.

"People all yearn for freedom. The world is so big that we have to look around to see if we can live our lives." Chu Huan's words are half true and half false. Originally, she felt a little lonely. With Song Qing's company, she suddenly felt that the days were not so hard.

Although there is a lot of unhappiness between them, now it's said that fighting is a matter of friendship. I believe the owner will be very happy if he knows it.

"Have you ever thought that when the news of you leaving here reaches Lan Ling Er, she will never let you go." Song Qing intentionally reminds her.

"If I leave here, I will probably not have any intersection with her. Even if she wants to deal with it, she can't reach it."

Life and death, Chu Huan did not care so much.

If she can return to her original life after death, she will be happy.

I just think that I will never see Zhang Yi again, but I still feel a little unhappy.

After thinking about it, I feel that I am so sentimental that I have given up. How can I help thinking about it.

After dinner, Chu Huan sneaked out of the Yamen and ran into Song Qing at the door. She was embarrassed and wondered whether to make up a reason.

Song Qing seems to see her idea, not broken, said: "go early, return early."

Chu Huan more and more feel that after Song Qing gave up Wei Yuan, the whole person was different. Before that, he was simply too cute.She squeezed out a smile, Chao Song Qing made a "good" gesture, quickly left here.

She stood at the gate of the back door of the prefect's residence and whispered, "Zhang Yi, I'm leaving. You must be happy in the future."

Take a deep breath, this is really to say goodbye to the past.

The world is so big, she believes that with her talent and appearance, she will find a man ten thousand times better than Zhang Yi.

She must bring it back to show Zhang Yi and Lan Ling.

Turn around, just on Zhang Yi's eyes.

Chu Huan stepped back a few steps, did not understand how Zhang Yi always appeared in front of her.

She subconsciously wants to run away and is stopped by Zhang Yi. She is alert and says, "what are you going to do?"

Lanling is staring at her all the time. She just wants to say goodbye to the past. She has no other thoughts. If Lanling misunderstands her, she will not live.

Zhang Yi doesn't know what he wants to do. He just wants to come here every day and hope to see Chu Huan again.

Don't forget to pat Chu on the shoulder

Zhang Yi's eyes were dim. It seemed that something was coming out of his heart and was blocked back by Chu Huan's words.

"And you? Will you forget me Zhang Yi's secluded way is not to give Chu Huan the opportunity to leave.

Chu Huan hated himself so much that he had to come here and make trouble for himself.

"Of course I will not forget you. I am waiting for you to cover me when you are developed." Chu Huan said insincerely. He lowered his head and did not dare to see Zhang Yi. He was afraid that Zhang Yi would see something.

Secretly praying, Zhang Yi quickly let himself go. The longer the delay, the more dangerous she could smell.