LAN Lingxin mentions her voice and stares at the outside for fear that, as Chu Huan said, the figure just now is Zhang Yi.

Chu Huan carefully cut off the back with a dagger, tied her rope, and then put the dagger back into the sleeve, pretending nothing happened.

Her indifferent and cold eyes swept over Lanling. She hated Lanling's behavior. If Lanling was not Zhang Yi's lover, she really wanted to stab the dagger in her hand into Lanling's chest and watch her drain the last drop of blood.

She was startled by the thought and soon returned to her composure.

"Lanling, let's have a good chat."

Lanling takes back her thoughts and looks at her. Chu Huan's cold and sharp eyes are like the ice at the bottom of the cold pool, which makes people shiver.

"What are you talking about?"

Chu Huan was asked by her, and there was no intersection between them. Because of Zhang Yi, they became enemies in love. As long as Zhang Yi treated her better, Lanling hated her a little more.

Over and over again, a dead circle has been formed.

Now that she is leaving, she wants to make it clear to Lanling, so that Lanling will not be entangled again and live a good life with Zhang Yi. She will not intervene any more.

Lanling listened to her garrulous words, the corners of her mouth raised, but the more cold in the eyes.

"Can I still trust you?"

"Whatever you want."

Chu Huan man didn't care, "you don't believe me, you killed me. Anyway, for me, life and death are unimpeded."

Lanling approached her a few steps, staring at her, "don't think I dare."

"Of course you dare. If I die, you can't be better. Is it worth paying my life for such a humble person as me? "

"It's not worth it."

Lanling gnawed his teeth and said, "but as long as you live, I'll have a bad life in my life, so you go to die."

Hands to chuhuan's neck, Chu Huan drew out a dagger and slashed at Lanling's neck. There was a red bloodstain on his white neck.

The scarlet scarlet hand on her neck.

Chu Huan shook the dagger in his hand, and the blood dripped down from the dagger. "This is the interest charged to you. If you dare to provoke me again, it will not be a scratch."

"Chu Huan, you won't always be proud." Lanling rushed to her, Chu Huan body to the side to hide, looked up to see several small Si standing in front of her in a row.

"Get out of the way." Chu Huan yelled.

"Whoever catches her will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver." Lanling cold channel.

"I kill people without blinking an eye. I want money or life. You can do it yourself." Chu Huan is anxious to leave this place. He doesn't want to spend too much time here. When Wei Yuan and others find him, he can't leave.

The boy looked at each other, and finally his eyes fell on Chu Huan.

There were five of them, and Chu Huan was just a weak woman with a knife in her hand, but it was not enough to frighten these people. They looked at each other and rushed towards Chu Huan.

Chu Huan sneered, "the mob."

Then he took the knife and saw the timing. He passed these people and walked all the way. All five of them were decorated with colors.

Chu Huan stood at the door, the breeze blowing, chrysanthemum petals fell to her feet, a piece of gold, blood dripping from the boy, especially in the yellow petals.

This time, if you don't pay attention to me, there will be one of you who don't care if you don't clean your eyes

The boy was frightened by her cold eyes, and stood there afraid to move.

Chu Huan went out. She came here for the first time. She was a bit unfamiliar, so she walked in one direction. She is now a rootless duckweed, where she goes.

She couldn't help but look back at the entrance of the alley. The boy didn't catch up with her. The empty Lane couldn't be seen at all. She felt empty in her heart.

Heart faint some expectations, then a bitter smile, determined to move forward.

Just out of the city, ran into mu Yunshu riding a carriage back from the outside, Chu Huan turned his head, afraid to be recognized by him.

The carriage galloped past her. Chu Huan was a little relieved and almost found out.

Maybe she went forward. She went on. Mu Yunshu, dressed in purple and riding a brown red horse, galloped towards her.

Chu Huan quickly took back her eyes, walked a few steps, and the horse caught up with her. Mu Yunshu sat on the horse and looked down at her. Her face was cloudy and uncertain, and she could not see the joy, anger, sadness and joy.

Can not hide, Chu Huan squeezed out a smile, "good coincidence, you are here."

"I'm here to see you." Mu Yun Book horizontal her one eye, "do you know Wei Yuan to look for you crazy, if you don't go back, Song Qing will die."

"What do you mean by that?" Chu Huan looked at him suspiciously.

Before she left, she tried Wei Yuan's words and determined that Wei Yuan was in love with Song Qing, and then she left alone.Difficult not to achieve, because he left without saying goodbye, Wei Yuan to implicate Song Qing?

Without much thought, Chu Huan and mu Yunshu rode together on a horse and went back.

Song Qing was tied to a tree by Wei Yuan. There were countless marks of whip. Blood flowed down her clothes and dyed the rope that tied her into circles of red.

Chu Huan pushed Wei Yuan away and blocked Song Qing. He asked, "what are you doing?"

Wei Yuan saw Chu Huan, a trace of joy across his eyes, "are you back?"

Chu Huan ignored him and tied for song Qingsong. Song Qing seems to have taken it out of the blood. All over her body is red. Hearing Chu Huan's voice, she slowly opens her eyes, and a smile appears in her mouth. "Cousin, you're back."

"Yes, I'm back. Hold on. I'll stop the bleeding right away Chu Huan's words are full of tears, for fear that his medical skills are not good enough to save Song Qing.

Song Qing shook his head, "no, that's it. I'm tired."

From the day when she met Wei Yuan, her happiness, anger and sorrow were all for Wei Yuan. It's hard to get rid of Wei Yuan's thoughts, but when I hear Wei Yuan's voice, my heart still can't help moving.

Now she was whipped like this by Wei Yuan with a whip, which not only hurt her body, but also destroyed her last hope.

She had no point in living.

Fortunately, before he died, he saw Chu Huan safe and sound.

"No, you still have a good time. You wait. I will save you." Chu Huan said dozens of drugs to Mu Yunshu in one breath. After mu Yunshu gave her the last golden sore medicine, she quickly wrote down the name of the medicine and ordered people to catch it.

Wei Yuan stood there, watching Song Qing away from his sight bit by bit, upset.

Song Qing's desperate and empty eyes crossed his mind, and he rushed toward the room like crazy.

There is only one thought in his mind. Song Qing can't die.