The hand that arranges the tea is shaking nervously, Su Xin simply moves the whole jar of tea to Mu Yun before writing.

The tea stalls are white glazed jars with a few Chimonanthus praecox on them. They stand tall in the snow, which is a beautiful scenery.

Mu Yunshu glanced at the plain heart of the room, he ordered people to sort out, the first time into. Originally, it was a wing room. Suxin came suddenly. After ordering people to clean up, Suxin lived directly in. He didn't come in.

The maid cleans up the room only to clean it up. The layout of the furnishings is elegant, which should be from the hands of plain heart.

Looking back at Suxin, the layout of the room is in line with her temperament and complements each other.

"I made these tea leaves myself. I hope you don't dislike them."

Mu Yunshu takes a look inside. Tea is a simple petal of plum blossom. When it is opened, it is fragrant and refreshing. It is very comfortable.

"I didn't expect you would do this again. It really impressed me."

"My mother died early and had no place at home. She had to learn to do everything." The plain heart murmurs in a low voice, the eyes droop down, looking at the plum blossom with light blue color inside, the eyes are a little lonely.

"Like you, my mother died young, and we are all in the same boat." Mu Yunshu shows a kind smile to her. When she smiles, the corners of her eyes are lifted up to form a crescent moon, and dimples are found at the corners of her mouth.

For the first time, Suxin saw him smile so genially to himself, and was intoxicated. She thought that if there was wine in his dimple, when he laughed, the wine would ripple in it. It would be very nice.

It's getting late. Mu Yunshu gets up and leaves. Suxin grabs his hand, realizes the impoliteness, and quickly lets go. He explains with a red face: "I I just want to remind you that it's cold outside and wear more clothes when you go out. "

"Thank you for your kindness. You are such a good girl. You will marry a good husband in the future."

Suxin's cheek is even more red. She doesn't dare to read mu Yunshu. When she looks up again, mu Yunshu has disappeared in front of her.

"Good husband?" Su Xin whispered these four words and said to herself, "my husband is you, don't you understand?"

The corner of the mouth showed a bitter smile. The whole yamen didn't know that she liked mu Yunshu, but when Mu Yun wrote to her, she always pretended to be stupid and completely ignored her sincerity.

Chu Huan in the opposite has been watching their side of the movement, see mu Yunshu left, she just went back to bed to sleep.

Obviously, she doesn't like mu Yunshu. I don't know why mu Yunshu and Suxin live together in the same room, but her heart is still not a taste.

She went back to bed and continued to lie down until dawn. She couldn't sleep. She dressed herself and went out for a walk.

After several days of snow, snow, covering up all the dirty, let the world take on a new look.

Chu Huan was born in the south in the past, and only saw the snow on TV. At that time, she vowed to watch the snow with her beloved one day.

In the previous life, she lived all her life without meeting her sweetheart or seeing the snow; in this life, she met her sweetheart, but it's a pity that she didn't wait for the heavy snow to abandon her one after another. Looking back, she had the same cowardice in these two lives.

All of a sudden, the snow stopped on her head. She looked up and saw mu Yunshu standing beside her, smiling. She was dressed in white and integrated with the snow scene. She did not know whether the snow set off him or he set off the snow scene.

Mu Yunshu reached out to wipe off the snowflakes on Chu Huan's forehead, "it's cold, so I don't want to add a piece of clothes."

Don't know his mind before, Chu Huan and he contact without any scruples, how to like.

After knowing mu Yunshu's mind last night, Chu Huan didn't know how to face him.

She stepped back to avoid the umbrella in Mu Yunshu's hand, and also opened a distance from mu Yunshu. "I want to walk in the snow. I don't like to hold an umbrella and lose interest."

Mu Yunshu put the umbrella away, "there's nothing wrong with you. I'll walk with you."

Chu Huan glanced at him from time to time with his glasses. His heart was full of thoughts and could not make out a clue.

Basically no one on the road, there is also a hurry to pass by them, the silent world, only two of them.

Chu Huan some enjoy such a life, a thought flashed in his mind, that it is good to go on like this.

She was startled by her own idea. She stopped and looked at mu Yunshu, "you Don't be nice to me. I can't afford it. "

Mu Yunshu curled his lips, "I want to be good to whom, it's my business, you can't bear it, it's your business."

He always liked to change the concept, and when the argument went on, Chu Huan found it extremely boring.

Biting her teeth, she decided to have a showdown with mu Yunshu. Her eyes were deep and she didn't open her mouth. Mu Yunshu said, "what are you doing looking at me like this? I know I'm handsome, but if you look at me like this, I think you like me

Chu Huan is not easy to organize good words, he was so noisy, mood is not, to the mouth of the words and swallow back.She recollected her thoughts. If it wasn't for seeing mu Yunshu looking at his room in a daze last night, Chu Huan almost thought mu Yunshu was joking with him.

Continue to move forward, mu Yunshu walked by her side, neither of them spoke.

They stop in a pub. Chu Huan proposes to go in for a drink to warm up. In addition, he also wants to resolve the embarrassment between them.

Chu Huan asked for a pot of red daughter. Originally, she just wanted to sit and have a rest. Unexpectedly, she met Zhang Yi and Lan Ling, who were also enjoying the snow.

Chu Huan lowered her head and tried not to let Zhang Yi see her. Mu Yunshu took her hand and said in a soft voice, "otherwise, let's change."

"Why go?" Chu Huan suddenly raised her head. Her voice was deliberately lowered. Zhang Yi and Lan Ling heard her. They looked at them.

Chuhuan ignored them, picked up a wine pot to pour wine to Mu Yunshu, "come and have a drink with me."

Lanling took Zhang Yi and went to them. No matter whether they would like to or not, they sat opposite them, "don't you mind?"

Chu Huan some do not understand her this person, clearly very hate themselves, but also always like to provoke themselves.

"You don't mind if you join the table. Just pay." For this kind of big head, Chu Huan never mind.

As for Zhang Yi, in her eyes, it is already the past, and avoidance will only make people feel guilty.

Lanling took out five liang of silver and put it on the table. He asked the waiter to take out the best wine in the shop. He wanted to stay with Chu Huan.

The provocation is obvious.

Chu Huan laughed and asked the waiter to remove the cup from the table and change it into a big bowl. He said, "since you are not drunk and don't come back, you should have a good drink."