Chu Huan winked at Mu Yun Shu and lowered his voice, "can't you let her stand outside all the time?"

"Let her go." Mu Yunshu lying on the bed, stretched out his hand to pull Chu Huan into his arms, "let's sleep, tomorrow I'll take you to a good place."

"It's cold outside. It's freezing outside all the time. She can't stand it." Chu Huan worried, no matter how to say, plain heart is also an official miss, this matter spread out, her reputation will be destroyed.

"What do you want me to do?" Mu Yunshu's face became displeased. "If you do something wrong, you have to pay for it. Don't say that she is standing outside, even if she freezes to death outside..."

Chu Huan quickly covered Mu Yun Shu's mouth and stopped him from saying it.

The strength behind the plain heart is strong, and the pure heart is by no means an ordinary person. It will be troublesome for her to anger her.

Mu Yunshu did not agree, "what I hate most in my life is being threatened, and I didn't tear her face to drive her away enough to give her face. Would you let me invite her to come in and sit down?"

Suxin listened to Mu Yunshu's words clearly outside. She was wet in front of her clothes. Her hands were tightly clenched. Her cheek was red with cold, but she could not resist the cold in her heart.

"Brother Yunshu, do I really disgust you? In fact, I want your majesty to marry me for You Ah Su Xin's voice is very light, the corners of the mouth raised some, showing a wry smile.

Forget it, whatever they think about themselves, just be worthy of it.

Chu Huan kept staring at the outside until Su Xin left. He got up from the bed and glanced at mu Yunshu. "This time, you really broke Suxin's heart. If you don't marry her, even if the emperor doesn't punish you for your disobedience and disrespect, your life will not be easy."

In the dark, mu Yunshu's eyes were particularly bright. There were stars in them. Soon he closed his eyes, turned over and continued to sleep, ignoring Chu Huan.

Chu Huan pushed him hard, "you haven't said what's going on?"

"Su Xin is working for the fifth younger brother." Mu Yunshu coldly spits out such a sentence.

Chu Huan knew little about the situation in the capital city, but he knew the fifth prince. It was said that the crown prince was under house arrest, and his contribution was also due to it.

After the crown prince was under house arrest, the fifth prince was deeply favored by the emperor, and was in the limelight for a while.

Most of the officials and nobles in the capital bet on the fifth prince, and all kinds of flattery were courted by the famous ladies. After mu Yunshu was given marriage, all the famous ladies are making opportunities to meet the fifth prince, hoping to get a look back from him.

Pure heart and few desire, do not fight not rob, otherwise before will not be bullied so miserable.

She likes mu Yunshu and asks the emperor to give her marriage. In the past, she worked for the fifth Prince

Chu Huan couldn't think of it.

Mu Yunshu did not explain the meaning of her, just said: "from now on, she is not what she used to be."

"Her heart for you has never changed." Chu Huan coldly came to a sentence, tone with a bit of vinegar flavor, "I think you should talk to her, let her be willing to let go."

"You don't have to worry about it. I have my own discretion." Mu Yunshu once again pulled her to the side, "if there is anything to talk about tomorrow, it will be light if you don't sleep."

Chu Huan lay beside him, unable to sleep.

Meet again, plain heart to her impact is too big, completely changed a person.

Love can change a person, but it doesn't wash people from inside to outside?

Plain heart is her friend, she can say heartless words, but the heart is not put down.

She put on her clothes and went out. She opened the door and saw Suxin standing in the yard. Her clothes were very obvious in the dark.

Su Xin saw that she did not show any unexpected color, with a faint smile on her lips, "would you like to accompany me?"

"To where?" Chu Huan looked a little more vigilant, "there is a curfew in the capital. If you go out, you will be caught in prison."

Before coming to Beijing, mu Yunshu repeatedly warned her not to wander around the streets of the capital at night, especially after the curfew.

Chu Huan is not a person who likes to join in the fun. The capital city is full of fish and dragons. Living in this small inn, it's very clean.

"Curfew is over." Pure heart voice is quiet, "elder sister does not believe me?"

Chu Huan is more and more unable to understand her, let alone believe it or not.

"I just want to talk to you, that's all." There is a trace of pleading in her voice.

Chu Huan noticed that when her legs moved, her eyebrows would not help wrinkling, and her movements were stiff. She should have been frozen outside all night, and her legs were frozen stiff.

Originally decided not to pay attention to her, at this time Chu Huan's heart is no longer hard up, reached out to help her, "I'd better send you back to the room, in the room can also reminisce about the past."

Su Xin lives in the Tianhao room. The furnishings are exquisite. The tables and chairs are carved with different patterns. There is a table next to the window. There are several pieces of rice paper on it. The inkstone is pressed on the rice paper, and a brush is placed on the inkstone, which is full of literary and artistic atmosphere.

Chu Huan noticed that there was a picture of Mu Yunshu on the rice paper. His expression and expression were similar, as if he wanted to get out of the painting.Su Xin looked at the past along her eyes. Her face was red. She buttoned up the rice paper and looked flustered. "Sister, please do it. I'll pour you tea."

At this time point, the tea has been cold. When Chu Huan picked it up, he put the cup of ice on the table and whispered, "your leg?"

"My legs are OK." She sat at the table with her head down and did not know how to open her mouth.

Chu Huan ignored her and took off her shoes and socks. Suxin's legs were red and swollen, and her right leg was injured. The wound was bright colored and should have been injured for a short time.

Chu Huan took a cold breath and scolded, "are you crazy? Do you know if you stand outside any longer, you will be useless. "

Plain heart light smile, "my body, I know in mind."

Chu Huan ignored her, in the room to find some herbal medicine, for her to apply, specific how to treat, to wait for dawn to talk.

Su Xin looked at her serious bandage and said, "you still care about me, right?"

"I'm a doctor. It's my duty to cure and save people." Chu Huan did not lift his head, as if he did not want to pay attention to her.

At the beginning, Song Qing joked about his body in order to be with Wei Yuan. Now, the simple heart is like this. Chu Huan was filled with emotion for a time, and did not know what to do.

Feelings hurt people the most, she did not understand before, now see more, feeling a lot.

She was a little tender, but she didn't know what to do.

love is not a person has the final say, but the dedication of Mu Yun to the book of Mu Yun makes her sweat.