Chu Huan said Mu Yunshu finger direction to see the past, the building is sitting in the main hall of a man. His eyes were clear and clean, and his hands were moving on the strings. Without looking around, he was immersed in his own small world. However, no one dared to disturb him and retreat to a distance of one foot away from him.

"It's beautiful." Chu Huan couldn't help but praise. The air quickly sank with the face of the people around him.

"Is he good-looking or am I good-looking?"

Mu Yunshu's vinegar is inexplicable. Chu Huan intends to tease him. He tilts his head and looks at it carefully. After pondering for a long time, he says, "he is more beautiful than you, but not as handsome as you."

The sound of the piano fell with her voice, and the man looked up at her side.

Chu Huan quickly retracted her head back, when she spoke, she deliberately lowered her voice, should not be heard?

She comforted herself and did not dare to look down.

Mu Yunshu said with a smile: "do you have time to be afraid?"

Chu Huan white his one eye, "you say bad words to be caught not afraid?"

"I'm not afraid." Mu Yunshu reached Chu Huan's ear, and the slight hot breath penetrated into Chu Huan's ear, numb and itchy, and continued, "I never speak ill of people behind my back, generally speaking in person."

Chu Huan pushed his face away. He never forgot to take advantage of himself.

"Who is that man, then?"


Chu Huan pulled the corner of his mouth, "are you kidding again? There are so many officials and dignitaries in the capital. If you throw a brick from the window, you may be able to hit the royal family and nobles. I can't guess who this person is. "

"Don't tell me it's the prince." Chuhuan thought about it carefully. This is the person she heard most during this period.

I think it's impossible to say whether the prince will come to such a place without saying whether he is a noble person. It is impossible to say that the prince is under house arrest now.

Mu Yunshu chuckled and touched her head with his hand, "what do you think? When the prince comes to perform in such a place, it is known that he has not yet laughed off his big teeth. I have to talk to my second brother about it later. Maybe he will do so when he is excited. "

"And who is this man?" Chu Huan urged that he had a strong interest in this person's identity.

"Bai Suxin's brother, Baiyun wind."

"Ah? Is it his brother's Chu Huan looked at this man in disbelief, "how can he play the piano here?"

In ancient times, only people of low status would perform in this kind of place. Baiyun Feng was the son of the Minister of the Ministry of official affairs. He had been criticized for coming to such a place and played it on the spot. It was almost regardless of the reputation of the Bai family.

"He fell in love with the Huakui here, and came here every day to play in order to impress the beauty."

"It's too romantic." Chu Huan exclaimed from the heart.

Chu Huan always thought that the story books of gifted scholars and beautiful women were made up by playwrights. After all, ancient times attached great importance to doors. She did not say much at all. She said, "if you want to come in, you will come in. Is it difficult to come to such a place with a certain purpose?"

Deliberately, he opened a distance from Zhang Yi, looked down at mu Yunshu and said: "if you want to be OK, just calm down and accompany me to listen to the piano. It's rare that mu Yunshu is willing to play for me in such a place. "

"Do you like it?"

"Who doesn't like the confession of a sweetheart?"

"I can play it for you, too."

Chu Huan took hold of him, skin smile flesh does not smile way: "I don't like to listen to you play the piano, I just like to listen to him play."

Then, release his arm, "you are not to accompany the important guests, go to work quickly, I will go down to give mu Yunshu flowers."

Zhang Yihuan doesn't dare to run down the fence like a poisonous snake.

"Do you really want to avoid me like a snake or a scorpion?" Zhang Yi youyou Dao, although knowing that he and Chu Huan will never go back, but looking at what Chu Huan has done to Mu Yunshu, he still can't help feeling sad.

Chu Huan ran to Mu Yunshu, and when he finished playing, he gave him the flowers in his hand, "you play very well, this is a reward for you."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes all looked up. The curtain of the attic at the top was lifted, revealing a pair of green hands.

The hand is the second face of a human being. With this hand alone, all living beings can be reversed, not to mention the appearance of this woman.

When the woman came out, she wore a pink scarf on her face and her hair was combed into a daily style. Her eyes were clear and bright, staring at mu Yunshu. It seemed that all the deep feelings were on him.

Chu Huan touched Mu Yun Shu with his hand and lowered his voice, "miss Huakui seems to have taken a fancy to you."

"I don't like her again." Mu Yun book head to her side to gather together, "I only like you."

Chu Huan didn't talk to him again. He was staring at Huakui. He especially wanted to know how the face under the veil was so powerful.

The servant girl beside Hua Kui said, "could you please come up and talk to me just now?"