Baiyun Feng laughed, "don't make fun of me, young master."

"Who makes fun of you? I mean it." Chu Huan looked serious and solemn. He pointed to Zhang Yi and said, "I don't think your piano playing is worse than this young master. If you don't take the opportunity, you will regret it."

The white cloud wind is silent.

Chu Huan continued: "haven't you decided which song to use? If you like it, you can use it. If you don't like it, you can use it

She deliberately lowered her voice for fear that mu Yunshu would be jealous.

Regardless of whether Baiyun Feng agreed or not, Chu Huan hummed in his ear the song of King Lanling's entering the battle, which was majestic and melodious, but her voice was deliberately lowered and her voice was deep, which made the tune more sad.

After listening to the white cloud wind, he saluted Chu Huan, "thank you for your advice."

Chu Huan nodded and gave him a thumbs up to sign him to refuel.

When mu Yunshu finished talking with the poems and poems, he looked at Chu Huan. Chu Huan stepped back and kept a distance from Baiyun Feng. He looked at the ceiling and pretended that nothing had happened.

Poetry let servant girl move a few chairs, please Chu Huan and mu Yunshu sit down. Both men and women like beautiful people, and Chu Huan is no exception.

She sat between the poems and the book of Mu Yun, looking at the face of poems and poems, and exclaimed sincerely, "girl, you are so beautiful. Who wants to marry you, but you are blessed by Sansheng."

His face is always hung with a signboard smile, but his eyes are extremely calm, revealing his insight into the world.

"Women like me are just playthings in men's hands. Who would really want to marry me home?"

Calm words revealed a strong sadness, listening to people's heart sour.

Chu Huan wanted to speak to comfort her a few words, words to the mouth, and swallow back, do not know what to say.

Even if the girls in the ancient buildings were sought after again, the rich children would not redeem their wives and marry her home. Even if there are those who are willing to redeem their lives, they are also concubines. What's better is that expensive concubines, not to mention wives, are impossible to be even wives and stepwives.

What they eat is the youth meal, hard old and lustrous, no longer have something to rely on, can only let the fate.

Chu Huan was silent for a moment and pointed to the white cloud wind with his finger. "Young master Bai is infatuated with you. He comes to play for you every day. He must be a person with a heart. Why don't you consider it?"

Poetry do not look at the Baiyun wind, shut up.

At the beginning, Chu Huan felt that the Baiyun wind played every day, but the poetry girl avoided seeing her, which was his wishful thinking. At this time, Chu Huan felt that the relationship between them was not simple.

Otherwise, when the poetess looks at the Baiyun wind, she will not deliberately dodge.

Chu Huan didn't know what kind of music Zhang Yi was playing, but everyone applauded, which showed that he was highly skilled.

After playing, Zhang Yi looks at them. Chu Huan quickly moves his eyes away from him.

Baiyun Feng returns to the front of the Qin and plays according to the tune that Chu Huan hummed just now. In addition, he has a high level of vocal music. On the basis of the original song, he makes a simple modification, which instantly attracts people's attention. People seem to see the battlefield fighting and blood flow of the tragic situation, bounce to the exciting place, people's spirit shocked, palms sweat.

At the end of the song, the lively hall was silent, and it took a long time for people to recover from the fighting.

Chu Huan clapped his hands and said, "good!"

The crowd clapped their hands with her, and the voice lasted for a long time.

Chu Huan is immersed in the joy of white cloud wind victory, feel a cold and sharp eyes toward her side.

She was not good at heart. Just now she was just listening to the white cloud wind playing and supporting him. In the atmosphere of hoping that he would win, she forgot that there was a vinegar jar around her.

Chu Huan looked at mu Yunshu and said with a smile, "what do you think of Baiyun wind playing? Is it above you? "

Mu Yunshu white her one eye, did not speak.

Chu Huan head to his side to gather together, "I also want to be beautiful. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy one marriage. Baiyun wind power is favored by the poetess girl, and we have done a good deed, don't you think? "

"Hum!" Mu Yunshu raised his head and glanced upward, not satisfied with her words.

Mu Yunshu is good at everything. He is very troublesome when he is jealous. He has to coax him.

"You don't want me to have too much contact with Zhang Yi. If I didn't help Baiyun Feng, Zhang Yi won the first prize and became the guest of the poetess girl with us, would it be embarrassing?" Chu Huan took his arm in his hand and shook it gently. "What I like is you, and it will never change in this life. Don't be angry."

After saying this, Chu Huan felt the goose bumps on his body fell to the ground. Can't help, who let mu Yunshu like to hear her say these?

After that, several people volunteered, but the Qin art was really not good. The remaining guest of the staff came between Zhang Yi and Baiyun Feng.

The poem girl glanced at them. "You two are really good at playing piano. How about going upstairs with me?"A glimmer of light flashed through Baiyun Feng's eyes. Zhang Yize subconsciously looked at Chu Huan.

Chu Huan was embarrassed by this decision. She took a look at Mu Yun Shu and motioned him to think of a way.

Mu Yunshu said in a soft voice: "originally, the poetry girl kindly invited me. I shouldn't have refused. But just now, a message came from the schoolboy and asked me to hurry back. Please forgive me."

"I have something to do, please forgive me." Chu Huan agreed.

Without waiting for the poem to open, they left the building one after the other.

Zhang Yi also wanted to express his apologies in poetry and chased out.

Baiyun wind stood there, all of this came too suddenly, beyond his expectation.

Looking at poetry, he was at a loss.

Poetry is generous to invite him up, the guest of the curtain, from four people into a white cloud wind, people look at his eyes are different.

Chu Huan is pulled by mu Yunshu and trots away from here. When he comes to the corner, Chu Huan pokes out his head and looks outside to make sure that Zhang Yi is not chasing him, so he puts his heart in his stomach.

Mu Yunshu pulled her back to his side and said unhappily, "what are you looking at? In the future, you can only look at me, not other people, you know? "

"I didn't look at anyone else either." Chu Huan curled his lips. Mu Yunshu's jealousy problem can't be changed.

"Why don't you ask me why you're here?"

"To see beauty, of course." Chu Huan casually said, does not seem to mind mu Yunshu to this kind of place, "beauty this creature, men and women like to see, every time you come, don't forget to take me."

Mu Yunshu was funny and helpless. He flicked her forehead and doted: "in my eyes, no one can compare with you."

After a pause, "I came here to inquire about the news. I didn't expect to be found."