Wang Gonggong's eyes are full of disdain, coldly glanced at her, "how many steps to try?"

Mu Yun was in front of Chu Huan. "I don't know the etiquette in the palace. Does Duke Wang want to find someone to teach me?"

He never used the status of the prince to oppress people. For the people around the emperor, mu Yunshu was also courteous, but it did not mean that he could tolerate these people being rude to Chu Huan.

Duke Wang saluted, "I dare not. I also do things in accordance with the rules and regulations, please your highness Haihan. "

"Do you still know who I am?" Mu Yunshu glared at him, took Chu Huan's hand, and said word by word: "today I must take her into the palace. If you agree with me, I will enter the palace. If you do not agree, I will not enter the palace. See who's in the end

"Don't be angry, my highness. I'm wrong. I'll go and arrange a car drive now."

"No, she can take a sedan chair with me."

"I'm afraid it's against the rules."

"Rules are dead, people are alive. Besides, she's mine now. What's wrong with her? "

"Your Highness has not forgotten that you are engaged to Miss Bai. You take a woman into the palace like this. How can Miss Bai feel? What's more, you and this girl are afraid that they have not yet married. If you take her like this rashly, it will have an impact on her reputation. "

Every word for their consideration, every sentence also warned mu Yunshu to pay attention to identity.

Mu Yunshu didn't even look at him. He whispered in chuhuan's ear: "afraid?"

Chu Huan smile, "afraid!" Mu Yunshu Leng for a moment, she continued, "afraid you leave me again, afraid I encounter the fate of being abandoned again."

Mu Yunshu's heart crossed a touch of moved, holding her hand tight, "I will not abandon you, before is not willing you to accompany me to venture together, now you come, I will no longer have any scruples."

Duke Wang took a deep look at them and delayed for a while. The curfew time has passed, which is also a good thing for them. The corner of the mouth shows if there is no smile, order people to get up the sedan chair back to the palace.

The first time I entered the palace, I met the man standing at the top of human beings. It was false to say that he was not afraid.

He looked down at her and thought how to deal with it.

Mu Yunshu looked at her eyebrows tightly frowned, thoughtful look, with a smile: "nervous?"

Chu Huan white his one eye, "the palace that is the emperor, who is not afraid? If he likes you, he doesn't like you. In case you don't respect the order, he orders to kill you in a rage, what to do? Pity me in my good years. If I haven't enjoyed it well, I will become a ghost under the knife. Whoever I put on me will not be nervous, afraid or worried. "

"Just put your heart in your stomach. With me, I will protect you."

Chu Huan's mouth is not a blessing, but a curse.

The car is parked outside a courtyard, the door is not big, the place is quiet, and occasionally the sound of birds can be heard.

Chu Huan took a look at Mu Yun Shu and didn't understand what was going on.

She didn't believe it was the palace.

Mu Yunshu said with a smile, "I am a prince who can't see light. I will take you to see that one by force. Naturally, he won't meet me in the palace, otherwise the royal face will be thrown into."

Chu Huan pointed to the inside, shocked: "you said the emperor is inside."

Mu Yunshu nodded, "you and wait for me here, I will meet that person first."

Their father and son haven't seen each other for many years. Naturally, mu Yunshu said so. She nodded and ordered: "be careful. I'll wait for you to come back."

Duke Wang saw that mu Yunshu was the only one who came down. He glanced inside. Seeing that he didn't mean to bring Chu Huan in, he saw a little doubt in his eyes, and soon he was relieved. He made a gesture of invitation to Mu Yunshu.

Li Hai to follow in, was stopped by mu Yunshu, "you stay here to protect Chu Huan, she must have a long time, I will not let you go."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Hai nodded again and again, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

At first, he thought that Zhang Yi was just rebellious and lazy. After getting along for a long time, he found that it was just his style of doing things. In fact, he had a deep mind and deep mind, which was far beyond the ordinary people's ability.

Chu Huan opened the curtain and handed Li Hai to him. In a soft voice, he said, "is the emperor really in there?" Seeing his nod, Chu Huan continued, "the Emperor didn't want mu Yunshu to enter the palace, but he wanted to meet him here, right?"

Otherwise, it is only one hour since they decided to go back to the palace together. The emperor would not have come here so quickly.

Li Hai made a quiet clean-up to her, "girl, be careful. Don't try to guess the meaning of the holy will... " He made a gesture of killing his head.

Chu Huan touches her neck. She really doesn't want to meet the legendary master of 95 even if she doesn't have to. If she says anything wrong, her head will be in trouble.

Bored sitting in the car, it was only a long time that passed, but it seemed as long as a century for her.

No, she has to divert her attention, or she will certainly be tortured by this oppressive atmosphere.She got out of the car and took a look inside. Before she got close, the guard at the door had drawn out his sword to fight her.

Li Hai pulled her to one side and lowered her voice, "without the emperor's will, the girl must not approach without authorization. She will be regarded as an assassin."

"Ah?" Chu Huan's eyes were full of shock. He took Li Hai to the front and made sure that those people could not hear him. Then he said, "tell me what kind of person the emperor is? Isn't it terrible? "

"The emperor is magnanimous and gentle. He is a very good emperor."

Chu Huan chuhuan chuckled, "I'm seriously asking you questions. Do you want to answer them so perfunctorily?"

Li Hai was in a hurry. "I didn't cheat you. What I said was true. When I was just transferred to the emperor's side, I accidentally broke the tea cup, and the tea stains wet the emperor's clothes. The emperor did not blame me, but also asked me to go back and change my clothes

Referring to the emperor, Li Hai's eyes are full of respect and longing.

Chu Huan poked his chin and nodded, "so it seems that the emperor is not bad."

"The emperor is very good to them. How could he not be a good emperor?"

If he was really a good emperor and father, how could he put the prince under house arrest and put mu Yunshu in such a remote place?

So she didn't pay attention to what she said to Li Hai. She waited for the emperor to summon her for a while, and then the soldiers would come to cover the water.

Anyway, with mu Yunshu in, the emperor should not do anything to her.

Thinking of Mu Yunshu, she felt much more comforted.

An hour and a half later, the emperor announced that she would go in and only allowed her to go there alone. Li Hai could not go with her. Two hundred

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