Mu Yunshu doubts with a trace of urgency, "is there anything wrong with this medicine?"

"The dosage I asked for was not in line with what I prescribed. One of the herbs was a little too much. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it." Chu Huan picked out the extra tequila, put it in accordance with the correct dosage, and asked mu Yunshu to boil the medicine.

Chu Huan came to the pharmacy according to Mu Yunshu's direction, and she opened a prescription to get the medicine. She wanted to see which pharmacy had a problem.

There were three pharmacies in total. She changed three prescriptions. Each time, one pharmacy gave a drug that did not match her prescription. She deliberately added some.

What's wrong with all three pharmacies?

Chu Huan glanced around with her spare light. Someone must have followed her around. When she came out to fill the medicine, she said hello to the pharmacy.

Who is this man? Why do you harm the prince secretly? The prince is now ill like this. Even if he doesn't do it, he can't last for a few days. There's no need to take risks at this time.

"Miss Chu, we meet again." The fifth Prince blocked her way.

Chu Huan has always had a bad impression on him. He always thinks that this man looks natural and unrestrained, but his eyes are always gloomy. Standing in the sun, Chu Huan still feels a cold chill.

She kept a distance from the fifth Prince and said coldly, "are you looking for me?"

"You promised to send me a message. Several days later, you have no voice. I come to care about you."

"Speak as you speak. Don't move your hands." Chu Huan stopped the fifth prince who reached out to her side. His eyes were cold. "There must be an opportunity to deliver news. Now the time is not mature. What's more, mu Yunshu has been staying in the prince's mansion these days. He doesn't do anything except eat, drink and laza every day. Do you have the habit of peeping? "


"Don't be a joke. It's just you." Chu Huan immediately piled up a pair of smiling faces, "otherwise, tell me what you want me to help you monitor mu Yunshu. You give me a direction, and I can observe him purposefully. Otherwise, I will report to you something about eating, drinking and Lasa every day. I'm bored, and you're bored listening, right? "

"Will he marry Bai Suxin?" When the fifth Prince mentioned this matter, his eyes were filled with jealousy.

"Don't you like Bai Suxin?"

"What are you talking about? How could Ben Wang like her

"Why don't you care so much about it?" Chu Huan curled his mouth and saw that he was going to be angry again. He said in a hurry, "if you just want to know this, I can tell you now, No. He will never marry anyone but me in his life. Even if it's the daughter of the Jade Emperor, she won't marry her daughter

"You really have faith in yourself."

"I believe in Mu Yunshu." Chu Huan patted him on the shoulder with a smile in his mouth and said casually, "is the prince's illness related to you?"

Five Prince looks a Zheng, Chu Huan continues: "I will ask casually, you don't care."

She shook the medicine in front of the fifth prince, "you are very popular recently. Many people under the prince's family have defected to your door. I kindly remind you that no matter how much power you have in your hands, as long as the crown prince is still alive, he will be the crown prince; and the more you win the hearts of the people, the more you will be suspected by the emperor, and you will feel that you have the intention of scheming to usurp the throne. If I were you, I'd better keep a low profile so as not to get killed for myself

The dark eyes of the fifth prince are like deep bottomless wells. The water surface is calm, but the dark tide is surging.

"From ancient times to the present, the most taboo of emperors is ambitious people. You must not be smart, but be mistaken by wisdom."

Chu Huan left this sentence and left smartly.

The fifth Prince chewed on the meaning of her words, and his eyes showed a sense of obliteration. Soon he was suppressed by him. The corner of his mouth showed a vicious smile, "it's really an interesting woman."

Chuhuan walked happily back to the prince's house. Mu Yunshu stood at the door waiting for her with a gloomy face, and his eyes were like eating people.

"Are you waiting for me?" Chuhuan put the medicine into his arms, knowing that he must have seen himself talking to the fifth prince, he explained, "I met the fifth Prince just now, and I tentatively asked him if the prince's condition was related to him."

"Is it relevant?"


"In the future, stay away from him. He is very dangerous." Mu Yunshu took her arm and walked inside, his face was not good-looking.

Chu Huan took Mu Yun Shu and grinned, "how can you even eat this kind of dry vinegar? It's just a matter of a few words. You see, you always make a fuss out of a molehill. "

"I'm not jealous." Mu Yunshu turned his face, blushing to deny.

"It's not your style. You used to admit it." Chu Huan continued to tease him, not knowing why mu Yunshu cared so much about his contact with the fifth prince.

The fifth Prince is good-looking, noble temperament, good speech, and helped her, but it is also very good, and there is no comparison with mu Yunshu.

Think in this matter to waste time is meaningless, Chu Huan return to the point, "the prescription on this street has problems."She told mu Yunshu how she tried and the result of her trial.

Mu Yunshu did not show a look of shock, but said: "after I came back, I thought about this matter carefully. It should be that someone in the palace communicated with the people in the pharmacy. I have already figured out a way to find out this man."

In Chu Huan's ear whispered a few words, Chu Huan will, toward Mu Yun Shu extended a thumb, "or you more ghost ideas."

"The Royal brother's tolerance to these people does not mean that they can do whatever they want in the prince's house." Zhou Yun's body is covered with mu.

Chu Huan will boil good medicine to the prince to feed him to take, the prince reluctantly opened his eyes, looking at her mouth always with a smile, "this period of time trouble girl."

"That's what I should do. If you want to trouble me, you'd better pay me the fee when you are well. " Chu Huan said while observing the movement around.

Apart from the prince's intimate boy, other people are not allowed to get close to him. Today, mu Yunshu took apart the intimate boy to do other things. Only the two of them could hear each other's heartbeat in the whole room.

"You are very cute. No wonder the fourth brother will like you." The prince's words are sincere and his voice is soft. He is joking and praising.

Chu Huan's cheek suddenly red, grabs the head, embarrassed way: "you don't make fun of me."

"I didn't joke with you." The prince seized her arm and said with great care, "the solitary body is not good. The capital is deep and not suitable for you to stay. Find a chance to go. The farther you go, the better. Never come back."