The night is dark, the moon is hanging in the sky, the bright moonlight falls on the ground, the stars around are used to blinking, it seems that they are listening to the story of human beings.

Beautiful night is Chu Huan's favorite. She likes to hold her cheek and look at the stars outside, which will make her feel at ease.

Tonight's moon was the same as usual. It was clearly her favorite one, but it made her feel flustered. It was like a huge stone that made her breathless.

She summoned up the courage to persuade mu Yunshu to accept the marriage and solve the immediate crisis, but she could not deceive herself.

Love makes people confused and selfish. She tries her best to show magnanimity, but she can't persuade herself to accept all this.

He turned his head and took a look at the sleeping mu Yunshu, blew out the lamp on the table and went out.

When the cold wind blew, she couldn't help sneezing. She rubbed her nose and raised her mouth. Her bitter smile made her feel that her blood was bitter.

For a moment, she wanted to let go.

She and mu Yunshu are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. They are not people of the same world.

Now she can still be with mu Yunshu. When mu Yunshu gets married, mu Yunshu will have no place for her. Otherwise, it will only bring danger to Mu Yunshu.

I can't figure out a clue in my heart. If I want to leave, I'll give mu Yunshu time to face these things, but I can't be cruel.

At the beginning, she felt like a runaway with Linyun.

"Miss Chu."

The prince came out of the house with a cloak in his hand. The Cape is white, embroidered with green bamboo, and the cold moonlight complement each other.

The prince is not in good health and needs rest. He sleeps for a long time. Sometimes he can sleep for a day.

At this time is ugly, the prince has not slept, let Chu Huan quite surprised.

The prince handed her the cloak. "It's cool. Wear more. It's not easy to catch a cold."

"Why haven't you rested yet?"

"Just like you."

"Is it because of entering the Palace during the day?"

Chu's heart thumped for a moment. After returning from the palace, mu Yunshu's mood was not quite right. She would chat with her as before, amusing, but she could not see a smile in Mu Yunshu's eyes.

Mu Yunshu did not say, she did not ask.

Meeting with the prince confirmed her conjecture during the day. After the question came out, the prince, who had always been indifferent, frowned and looked like he wanted to say something.

"But it doesn't matter."

"The fourth brother must marry Miss Bai."

Chu Huan had already guessed that, speaking from the prince's mouth, she still felt very sad, as if she had been dug out of her heart with blood and meat with a knife.

Chu Huan hands on the wall, cool along the wall, she closed her eyes, suppressed the pain in her heart, squeezed out a smile, "I know. He and Miss Bai are a perfect match

"It's just a temporary measure."

Chu Huan raised his head to the prince's eyes. The prince's dark eyes were especially bright at night. His words were firm. It seemed that he was reminding Chu Huan or persuading her.

Chu Huan said powerless: "no matter it's a expedient measure or not, as long as the two of them worship to get married, Bai Suxin is the fourth Prince's concubine, which no one can change."

"The emperor specially allows you to be the side imperial concubine, marries with Miss Bai to the fourth Prince's mansion on the same day."

"Do I have the right to choose?"

"You don't want to?"

Marry mu Yunshu, even if it is side imperial concubine, for her such an ordinary person, also fly to the branch to become Phoenix.

The prince took a deep look at her and continued: "I know you are in deep love with my fourth brother, but there is no better way to do it now."

"Thank you for telling me. I know what to do." Chu Huan hesitated for a while and continued, "dare to ask the prince, if you like the person and you are not the right match, you will marry her as the imperial concubine?"

The prince lowered his eyes and did not speak.

Ancient men are the same, in front of interests, love is not worth mentioning.

Chu Huan does not know how to return to the room, she carefully lying next to Mu Yunshu, there are a few days before mu Yunshu will marry Bai Suxin, she and mu Yunshu together are less and less.

She used to be afraid of separation. Every time she separated, it was like splitting an important part of her life.

After passing through this era, facing the separation again and again, although she did not give up, she did not have the pain as before.

Chu Huan touched Mu Yun Shu's eyebrows and said softly, "Mu Yunshu, I can't marry you with Bai Suxin. I'm sorry."

She has a modern thinking. Even if she persuades mu Yunshu to marry Bai Suxin, she can't persuade herself to serve with others.

Mu Yunshu grabs her hand, eyelids moved, "no one asks you to marry me with her."

Chu happy heart clattered for a moment, way: "when did you wake up?""I didn't sleep all the time. I just thought about things with my eyes closed." Mu Yunshu opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. He looked at her in a serious way. "I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. It's me who broke my promise. I'm not qualified to ask you to wait for me, but I hope you can give me a little time to deal with these things, will you? "

"What do you want to do?"

"The situation in the capital is complicated, and my second brother is not in good health. I must clear up the obstacles in front of his accession to the throne."

"Do you want to fight the fifth prince?"

The fifth Prince is the prince's strong enemy. These days, the fifth Prince has been sending people to see every move of the prince's house. He is sure that the prince's condition has not improved before he is relieved.

During the day, the prince went to the palace to face the saint, and no doubt told the fifth prince that he was in good health, which would surely lead to the next move of the fifth prince.

"Mu Yunshu shook his head," he is a small role, now can't start with him. I need a long line to catch big fish. "

"Is there a more powerful role in Beijing than he is?"

"I have a good understanding of the fifth younger brother. He is ambitious, but his ability is not enough. If it were not for the guidance of a senior person behind him, he would not have come to this day."

"Who is that man?"

"I don't know yet."

Mu Yunshu shook his head, and then remembered something. He whispered a few words in Chu Huan's ear, telling him, "no matter what happens, you should do this. Only in this way can you save your life. "

"And you?"

"Me?" Mu Yunshu's look returned to his previous laziness, and his smile was a bit casual. "I'm the fourth Prince's son anyway. Even if he doesn't like it, no one dares to fight me openly. And I don't have a foothold in the capital. If they want to start with me, they can only work from you or Bai Su's mind. "

"Bai Suxin, I can't believe it. I won't give her a chance. As long as you do what I say, you can make those people relax their vigilance and tear a hole in this invisible net."