"Born in the emperor's family, this should be the case. What's more, if the emperor wants to inherit the great unification, his children's private affairs will become a stumbling block in his progress."

Chu Huan's eyes were a little more contemptuous.

The words are good to hear, to put it bluntly, is to let mu Yunshu follow his paved road.

"I dare to ask, what is the real purpose of the emperor's doing this?"

When things come to an end, Chu Huan has nothing to worry about. He simply asks the doubts in his heart clearly. Even if he dies, he will also be an understanding ghost.

"The more you know, the faster you die."

"Anyway, if I don't accept the canonization, I'll die. I'll ask the emperor to solve the confusion for the minister."

In this matter, Chu Huan did not give in.

The emperor's attitude towards mu Yunshu is complicated. What Chu Huan wants is just mu Yunshu's peace and happiness.

If she can't, she won't step back.

"After you persuade the emperor to marry, I will tell you what you want."

Chu Huan looks at the emperor. The emperor is the king of the nineties. He should not cheat her.

It's hard to know. Be careful.

Unfortunately, there was no recorder in ancient times. There were only two of them here. When the emperor changed his words, she couldn't do anything about it.

"Also ask the emperor to write down an agreement for the women, otherwise the women will not be convinced."

"Are you questioning me?"

"I dare not. It's just a matter of fact. The emperor promised the women of the people that he would not embarrass the minister on this trivial matter, right? "

The emperor's eyes are deep, and Chu Huan can feel the sense of oppression from him.

Chu Huan kept his salutation motionless, and wanted to stand in a stalemate with the emperor.

The emperor sneered, "you have such a disposition. I don't know what the emperor thinks of you and is stubborn about you."

"Maybe the fourth prince likes the character of the women. Like a person, there is no reason, if you can tell the reason, it may not be really like

Once Chu Huan made a lot of rules and regulations for her future partner. After meeting mu Yunshu, she found that the rules and regulations were all her own imagination. After meeting the person she liked, she focused on being with him. Nothing else matters.

The emperor's eyes were confused. He didn't know what he was thinking. He said, "I'm a man of my word. Believe it or not, you can do whatever you want. Even if you don't persuade him, I still have some ways to let him finish this visit."

Born in the emperor's family, especially the emperor who won the final victory in the process of seizing the throne, his means must be different.

Looking at the back of his leaving, Chu Huan is lost in thought.

What does mu Yunshu think in her mind, she is very clear.

Knowing that, even if Mu Yunshu is persistent with her, she can't change the fact that she wants to marry Bai Suxin.

Back in the room, she saw a pile of bottles and jars on the ground, and the debris was everywhere. The doctor was standing at the door to discuss the countermeasures. The sweat dripped from her forehead, and she looked inside from time to time. She did not dare to step inside.

Liu Yuwei sat quietly on the table in the yard, leisurely eating cakes, watching the excitement and looking at the Royal doctors.

Chu Huan on her eyes and quickly moved away, in the heart of Liu Yuwei a little more afraid.

Chu Huan head to explore the room, after confirming that mu Yunshu does not throw things outside, he tidies up his clothes and walks in with his feet on the debris, which makes her feet ache.

She closed the door, a dignified face to Mu Yunshu, looking at his pale face, heart a burst of sour.

The only person she was forced to abandon in her life was Bai Yi Mu's only love.

Mu Yunshu grabbed her hand and said, "would you like to elope with me?"

Chu Huan shook off him and looked down, "the world is big, is it the land of the king? Where can you and I go? Even if you can avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers, can you guarantee that you will not be tired of living in hiding with me all your life? "

"I will."

"You won't. When people face love, they do their best. But when all the dust settles down, as time goes by, our love will come to an end. At that time, you may choose to be with me for the sake of responsibility, but life like a thief will slowly consume our final feelings. I just want to have a peaceful life. That kind of vigorous love is not suitable for me. I can't afford it! "

Chu Huan's last four words hit mu Yunshu's heart like a hammer. Mu Yunshu looked at her suspiciously, "what do you mean by this? Do you want to draw a line with me? Have you forgotten what you said

"Those are all lies to you."

"I don't believe it. If you are lying to me, why don't you come back to me without fear of death. " Mu Yunshu got up from the bed, half knelt in front of her, "is not what the father said to you, you tell me, I will solve it."

"I have promised the emperor's canonization. In terms of seniority, I am your stepmother. Please respect yourself."

"Your father forced you."

Mu Yunshu clenched his teeth, and his hatred could not be covered. "Wait, I'll go to him. Over the years, he left me in a remote mountain village and ignored me. As soon as he came back, he forced me to do all kinds of things I didn't want to do. I would like to ask him what he really wanted to do"You can't go." Chu Huan pushed him back to bed, "you can't do anything to get rid of irritating the emperor. If you are really good for me, you will marry Bai Suxin in exchange for the peace of you, me and the prince's house. "

"I will not marry..."

"You must marry her."

Chu Huan said word by word: "do you remember what you said? You said that huijiangshan will marry me as his wife. If you don't save your life, how can you marry me? When I beg you, you marry Bai Su Xin first. When all the dust settles, I will find a way to come back to you. "

Afraid that mu Yunshu didn't believe it, Chu Huan continued: "I'm forced to stay with the emperor. I'm waiting for the day when you come to pick me up."

Mu Yunshu hugs her face and kisses her fiercely and domineering. Chu Huan feels that she is going to suffocate.

"You want me to believe that you will wait for me. You prove it to me." Mu Yun Shu hand tore off her clothes, scarlet eyes see Chu Huan heart hair.

Chu Huan pushed him away, his body stepped back a few steps, leaning against the wall, and his face was still in a flush, "Mu Yunshu, are you crazy?"

Mu Yunshu also felt that he was really crazy just now, unexpectedly How do you want to get Chu Huan in that way.

He looked at Chu Huan quietly, the scarlet in his eyes slowly dispersed, but the rim of his eyes was red. He whispered, "I'm sorry!"

Chu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the wedding dress sewn to Mu Yunshu on the ground and handed it to him. Chu Huan's eyes hurt because of the red wedding dress.

She once fantasized about the scene of Mu Yunshu wearing wedding clothes to marry her. Now she can see mu Yunshu wearing wedding clothes, but the person to marry is not her.