Chu Huanxin "Ke Deng" moved for a while, knowing that he could do anything, he forced the uneasiness in his heart down, and there was no change in his look. "Now our conditions are settled. Can you take me to meet Song Qing?"

Song Qing's life and death are uncertain. Without seeing Song Qing, Chu Huan is always hard to feel at ease.

Song Qing is locked in an iron cage. The light is dark inside. You can see a thin figure shrinking in the corner. Too far away, Chu Huan can't see the faces of the people inside. He can only judge from his posture and temperament.

The fifth Prince regarded Song Qing as an animal, not only humiliating herself, but also insulting the whole Prince's house in disguise.

Chu Huan bit his lower lip with his teeth. His eyes were straight at Song Qing's direction. He held his fist and tried to hit the fifth Prince's face several times.

Slowly let go of your clenched fist and force yourself to calm down.

The more this time, the more calm you have to be.

Chu Huan to go forward, was stopped by the fifth prince, "people, you have seen, when to do things?"

"People are similar, things are the same. So far away, how can I know that you are not looking for someone similar to my cousin

"Or shall we play a game?"

The fifth Prince's mouth rose, but his eyes were not half smiling. His eyes were like hungry eagles staring at her, and he would tear her up at any time.

Like Liu Yuwei, the fifth Prince is a madman who can do anything.

Even if you have a chance to win, you will hurt the enemy by 1000 and lose 800 by yourself.

Chu Huan squeezed out an unnatural smile, "I don't like to play games. If you want to sign an agreement for me, or I can get things done, what can you do if you go back on your word? After all, there is no outsider here, and the converse is about the upper lip touching the lower lip. "

"Little girl, do you know that with what you just said, I can kill you. This is the king's territory. If you are killed, no one will know about it. It's just a round of your sister's love story. "

"You won't kill me." Chu Huan cut off the railway, "I have value for you."

"Ha ha You are a very interesting girl. Otherwise, you should not follow the old four and follow the king. There is a Japanese king who ascends the throne of God and canonizes you as Queen. How about one person under ten thousand people? "

The fifth prince said, his hand extended to Chu Huan's face and was beaten down by Chu Huan's slap. "I'm your sister-in-law now. I'm with me. Even if I want to, those officials won't agree. You've been planning for many years, and you've done a good job in the capital. It's not worth destroying your reputation for my small role. "

The high sounding words of Chu Huan himself feel guilty.

The fifth prince should really care about the reputation, and will not openly challenge the crown prince and confront the prince.

"Forget it. I'm joking with you. I don't like the throne at all."

The fifth Prince drooped his eyes and his voice was not light or heavy. When he mentioned the throne, there was no change in his look. He seemed to have no interest in the throne.

The royal children live in treachery. They have several faces when they were young, and they are good at acting. Chu Huan won't really pay attention to the words of the fifth prince. How can you say to the five princes.

When Chu Huan left, she was blindfolded. When she left, she calculated the time secretly and recorded the general route map. It would be more convenient to narrow down the scope and find Song Qing's whereabouts.

Chu Huan suddenly disappeared, mu Yunshu almost turned over the whole capital.

If not for the crown prince to stop, mu Yunshu will take the sword in his hand and go to the palace to ask for someone.

Chu Huan took the sword from his hand and held him. Mu Yunshu Bracelet in her waist, the body has a slight tremor, how the mood of the lost and recovered, only he knows.

"You must not leave me again."

Mu Yunshu has never been so afraid of losing as he is now. Even if Chu Huan leaves him for a while, he will feel empty in his heart as if his heart was dug open.

Chu Huan raised his head and put a smile on his eyes. He stretched out his hand and pinched his nose. "You and I have worshipped heaven and earth, and are formal couples. What are you afraid of?"

Mu Yunshu held her and did not speak again.

No sense of security is born, he can not explain to Chu Huan.

Chu Huan felt a touch of vision towards her side, along the wipe of vision to see past, nothing.

"Am I wrong?"

Chu Huan shakes his head, also feel that a series of things happened recently, in the high pressure situation, the whole person has become sensitive.

Sensitive to the delusion of victimization.

"What else are you looking at?" Mu Yunshu followed her eyes and saw nothing in front of her.

Chu Huan came back to his mind and touched his stomach with his hand. "I'm hungry. Let's go to dinner."

After mu Yunshu got married, the Emperor gave him a mansion. Mu Yunshu didn't even look at it. His worship hall was in the Bai family and lived in the prince's house, which was tantamount to beating the emperor's face.

Mu Yunshu always does things at will. Before he enters the hall, he hears his father-in-law's voice at the door. The emperor sends mu Yunshu to meet him.Mu Yunshu didn't kneel down. He snatched the imperial edict from his father-in-law, glanced at it roughly and threw it to him. His face was cold and hard, "you go back and report to the emperor. Don't announce me to enter the palace if you have nothing to do. In case I go crazy and hurt the emperor, it will be bad."

My father-in-law's face changed when he heard this, pointing at him with his orchid finger, "you Do you know what you're talking about? "

Mu Yunshu patted him on the shoulder, and his father-in-law was in a state of high tension. Mu Yunshu said with a smile: "you should report back to the emperor as I said. You don't have to worry about anything else. But I also want to remind you that if you dare to tamper with a word and make a mistake, you will not be able to keep your head

My father-in-law has been waiting for the emperor for many years. He is used to being respectful, afraid and afraid of the emperor. Mu Yunshu said such a wicked thing and lent him some courage. He did not dare to tamper with what mu Yunshu said.

After listening to his father-in-law's report, the emperor was not angry, and his face was still wearing a smile, which made his heart tremble.

"I like it the most."

The father-in-law saw that he really did not care about Mu Yunshu, and his heart was just a little put down, and he did not dare to say more.

"Go, go to the prince's house."

When he mentions these books in his life, he will not despise the emperor when he mentions them.

"It's getting late now. The emperor should rest early and go again tomorrow."

The emperor's eyes fell down in an instant. His character was always cloudy and sunny. His father-in-law was frightened out of a cold sweat and said in a hurry: "today is the day of the fourth Prince's great happiness. If you disturb him..."

My father-in-law swallowed the four words "bridal chamber candle" again and did not dare to see the emperor.

The emperor walked out with a smile. His father-in-law almost jumped out of his heart and followed the emperor. He prayed silently in his heart that mu Yunshu would not speak in front of the emperor, otherwise their heads would move.