Quiet down in the yard.

Chuhuan sighed, "I thought that all the masters were decent gentlemen. Now it seems that I was wrong."

As she retreated into the room, ready to close the window, the head of a child appeared in front of her.

I wipe. What the hell?

Chu Huan stepped back a step, I don't know, thought it was a head.

"Sister, what is a gentleman?" The child looked puzzled.

The child was about fifteen or sixteen years old. His lips were red and his teeth were white. His hair was tied up at random. He was wearing a night coat and a hat. He could not tell his position except for his dark and bright eyes.

Chu Huan didn't expect the fifth prince to let a child watch her.

"It's cold outside. Come in, I'll tell you."

The little boy jumped in and looked at it carefully and found that when he was walking, his legs were inconvenient and he was limping.

Chu Huan poured a cup of water and handed it to him, "you stare at me twelve hours a day, when do you eat?"

"I have this." The little boy took out a piece of cold steamed bread from his pocket. The steamed bread was air dried and very hard. When eating, he needed to peel off the outer layer of steamed bread.

Chu Huan had a bad childhood. He felt pity in his heart. He stretched out his hand to touch his forehead. The little boy pushed him away. He went back to the window and looked at Chu Huan warily.

Chu Huan's hand was hanging in the air, embarrassed and amused.

"I just see you cute and want to be close to you. What are you running for?"

"Master said that men's heads should not be touched casually, especially women."

Chu Huan leaned on the windowsill and said with a smile, "what else did your master say?"

"The master also said, don't talk to women if you have nothing to do. They are all liars."

"Poof." Chuhuan was amused by his words. He guessed that the little boy's master was not henpecked, or had been hurt by a woman, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

"What are you laughing at?" The little boy was not happy. "If you laugh again, I won't play with you."

Chu Huan stopped smiling and regained his serious appearance. He only heard the little boy continue: "you haven't told me what a gentleman is?"

Chu Huan pondered for a moment and said, "gentlemen are the people who are upright and upright. They are of noble morality and upright conduct. They will never be timid in doing things. They will be looked down upon by others."

The child fell into a deep thought, "what's the advantage of being a gentleman?"

"To be a gentleman is respected and liked by others, while a villain is a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats him."

"Then I will be a gentleman." The little boy said solemnly. Then he came down from the roof and stood outside Chu Huan's house. "I'll keep an eye on you."

"But why did you spy on me?"

The little boy was asked by her and said: "Your Highness asked me to watch you, and I will watch you. There is no reason."

He is good-looking. In addition to martial arts, the whole person is a piece of white paper. Chu Huan likes him very much.

Song Qing took out the fruit and handed it to him, "it's cold outside. You can live in the outer room later."

The little boy did not answer Song Qing's words and disappeared.

The next morning, Chu Huan was awakened by the knock at the door. She looked out and saw the fifth prince at the door.

Today, the fifth Prince is wearing a white dress with several bamboo leaves on it, which is in contrast to the luxury of the past.

She stretched out, opened the door and angrily said, "you don't sleep when you get up early in the morning. Don't other people sleep?"

"Here comes mu Yunshu."

Voice just fell, Chu Huan hazy sleep eyes instantly bright up, go back to put clothes on the body, eager way: "where is he?"

"That's how you want to see him?" Five Prince white her one eye, "you want to see him also OK, have a condition."

"Say it."

"Let him stay in the palace."

Chu Huan glanced at him, "Mu Yunshu is in the limelight now. Aren't you afraid that this matter will be known by the emperor? Do you have any doubts about you?"

"That's why I asked you to do it."

Chu Huan looked at him, "what do you want to do?"

"Do it or not." The fifth Prince turned to go out, "anyway, Song Qing is in my hand. I can't bear you, but I can make her live like death at any time."

"You brute, bullying a weak woman is no skill." Huan, walking behind him.

The fifth Prince stopped at the entrance of the hall and pointed to it, "Mu Yunshu is waiting for you. I believe you understand what to say and what not to say."

When Chu Huan went in, he stepped on the foot of the fifth Prince and said with a smile: "I'm not very smart, and I'm afraid I'll let you down."

"No matter what, the king is angry with Song Qing."

The fifth Prince left this sentence and turned away.