Sometimes Chu Huan really admired the confidence of the fifth prince.

After the fifth Prince left, Wei Yuan came in from outside, his face gloomy and terrible.

Chu Huan knows that he is worried about Song Qing, but Song Qing can't leave even if he wants to.

"Or, Song Qing, you promise to marry the fifth Prince first. On the day of marriage, let Wei Yuan take you away from here."

"I'm not going!" Song Qing shook his head, "the world is big, where can I go?"

"Wherever you go, it's better than being stuck here." Chu Huan looks anxious. The longer Song Qing is trapped here, the more worried she is.

Song Qing is stubborn and will not change his decision.

Chu Huan persuasion fruitless, can only find another opportunity to save Song Qing out.

Chu Huan is waiting for mu Yunshu in his room. These days, mu Yunshu goes out early and comes back late every day. It's hard for her to see the figure of Mu Yunshu.

Until midnight, mu Yunshu came back from the outside, full of wine gas, walking unsteadily, I don't know what to say.

Chu Huan helped her to the bed, when she wanted to take off her shoes, she was hugged by mu Yunshu, "you don't go, you don't go."

Chu Huan Leng in that motionless, let him hold a way: "I don't go, I'll guard by your side."

"Why are you all lying to me? What have I done wrong? Do you want to treat me like this?" Mu Yunshu repeatedly said this sentence.

Chu Huan saw him so frustrated for the first time. He didn't know what he had gone through. He could only accompany him in his own way.

In the middle of the night, Mu Yun Shu slowly sleeps. Chu Huan guards beside him and dares not to leave.

See him wake up, Chu Huan to the kitchen will boil the soup over to pass him, "quickly drink this soup, solution wine."

Mu Yunshu did not take the bowl in her hand and whispered, "why don't you ask me what happened?"

"If you want to tell me, you will tell me. If you don't want to tell me, even if I ask, you won't say it." Chu Huan lowered his eyes, "can let you so, there is only one person, that is the prince."

Mu Yunshu was told by her about the central issue, nodded and said slowly: "he He really wants to kill me. "

Mu Yunshu has always regarded the prince as his closest person. Everything for the prince's consideration, the prince suddenly started to him, and he should not accept it.

"The world is changeable and the mind is unpredictable." Chu Huan youyou way, "everyone has their own choice, look at the good."

"But I can't read it." With tears in his eyes, mu Yunshu said, "that's my most trusted second brother. How can you make me open?"

Chu Huan put the bowl on the table mountain, sat down next to him and hugged him, "if you are sad, you can cry out, you don't have to hold on to it all the time."

"To tell you the truth, in fact, I have thought of it for a long time, but I don't want to believe it or admit it. Now the facts are in front of me. Even if I feel sad, I can accept it He paused. "You're right. The royal family is the most merciless. Everyone was staring at the chair, trying to get to that position and become the master of the world. But pay and get is not directly proportional, boarded that position, equal to lose everything, is worth it? "

"It's worth it to the prince." Chu Huan said, "because in his eyes, it is not only the supreme power, but also his dignity. For him, dignity is more important than life. "

"What do you want to do next?" Mu Yunshu's return this time is for the crown prince. Now the prince wants to kill him. It is not his character to wait for death.