"It's not the first day we met. Don't you believe me?" The fifth prince said with a smile that seemed to cover up his inner uneasiness with a smile.

"I really don't trust you." Chu Huan word by word, "I dare to bet with you that mu Yunshu must not be in it."


"I know what kind of person mu Yunshu is, and I know more about his feelings for me. Since I have been here and speak so loud, he must have heard us talking. If he is here, he will come out to meet me Chu Huan said with a smile, "I'm in your hand now. What else can't you say?"

The fifth prince was too lazy to disguise again and said with a smile: "you are right. Mu Yunshu is not here, but the father is really in it. If you want to go or not, I will take it to you."

He turned to go, Chu Huan stopped him again, "what does the emperor want me to do in this way? Use me to threaten mu Yunshu? "

"You'll know when you go. I don't know much about it." The fifth Prince did not want to talk to her more, but said, "but you can rest assured that the father will not hurt you."

Chu Huan doubted to go inside, so large palace no one, can hear her footsteps.

There was a man lying on the bed, separated by a curtain. She could not see the appearance of the man inside and was not sure whether it was the emperor.

"Why not be polite when you see me." From the curtain came the emperor's voice.

Chu Huan didn't mean to kneel down, but said, "I don't know what the emperor is calling the people's daughter to come here at this moment, so why?"

The emperor lifted the curtain, and after a few days, he was old and haggard. His cheeks were gray, just like an old man dying.

"Come closer." The emperor waved to her and did not blame her for being rude. His words were much more cordial than before.

Chu Huan hesitated and walked towards the emperor. The emperor took out a box from the pillow and gave it to her, "take this one with you."

The box is exquisitely made, carved and inlaid with night pearls.

When she wanted to open it, she was stopped by the emperor, "open it again when you see mu Yunshu. Remember, except mu Yunshu, don't let anyone know that this box is in your hand."

Chu Huan instantly returned the box to the emperor, and nervously said, "it should not be the imperial jade seal?"

The emperor said with a smile, "no wonder the fourth brother likes you. He is really a smart child."

"If you want to pass on the throne to Mu Yunshu, just give it to him yourself. What can I do for you?" She looked around. "Although there is no one in this huge palace, if people know that I have been here, they will take me away and ask them what to do. I have no principles."

"You're a straight girl."

"However, emperor, why do you want to give mu Yunshu the jade seal? Do you really want to make him the crown prince?"

"Yes, no one in the world is worthy of this position except him."

"But he doesn't want to be emperor."

Chu Huan didn't like the emperor's attitude of arbitrarily deciding the fate of others. After spitting out his words, he realized that he was wrong and quickly covered his mouth, "I I didn't question the meaning of your decision, but mu Yunshu He He should have a life of his own. "

Chu Huan nodded, "yes, his life should be controlled in his own hands."

"You are so young that you don't understand a lot of things." The emperor put the box to her, "give this to him, not only want to make him a prince, but also keep his life at the critical moment."