Chapter 97: Duchenne

Chapter 97 Day laborer Du Shi

"Go in, what do you want for lunch?"

Ye Muyu entered the yard and called Chu Ziluo to bring two wooden sieves.

"Mother, my brother and I have eaten very well these few days. We ate all the meat you sent us every time." Chu Ziluo obediently helped.

"Mother, what kind of fruit is this?"

Chu Ziluo took a wild fan flower fruit to watch.

"This is a kind of... medicinal material." Ye Muyu separated the two kinds of wild fan flowers and fruits into different sieves, and she didn't know how to pack the medicinal materials, so she planned to ask Chu Jin to send them to the pharmacy tomorrow.

Doctor Lu's pharmacy in the village is too small, she is afraid that the other party will not be able to eat these medicinal materials, so it is more suitable to take it to the big pharmacy in the city, and the Lu family also has land in the village, she sees that there are many wild fan flowers on the mountain, maybe he I also have it at home.

No need to buy it at all.

"Medical materials, can they be sold for money?" Chu Ziluo asked happily.

Ye Muyu nodded: "It should be possible. I won't know until I ask tomorrow."

"It's getting late, I'm going to make lunch."

"Mom, I'll help you light the fire." Chu Ziluo followed her and ran into the kitchen, but Ye Muyu refused, and she refused to listen, insisting on helping.

"Mother, you don't have to worry about me, I'll just light the fire."

"By the way, mother, have you taken your medicine?" Chu Ziluo was worried that Ye Muyu didn't change her medicine when she was in the old house. Ever since Ye Muyu was gentle with her, this child has grown infinitely dependent on her.

"Eat." Ye Muyu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, mother will take care of it slowly, and your body will be fine."

"Oh, mother, if you have any heavy work, you can just come to me. It is important that you take care of your health." Chu Ziluo said nervously.

"Mother is fine, and there is no heavy work at home."

There are eggs and meat at home.

But Ye Muyu just went to buy a fish in the morning and came back, planning to cook fish soup.

First fry the fish until it is browned, and then boil the water. Ye Muyu then put the fish in the pot, pour the boiling water, and boil it slowly.

"Master, are you there?" Ye Muyu was cutting cabbage.

Hearing the sound, he put down the knife and walked out of the kitchen.

I saw a woman wearing a dark blue sackcloth standing in the yard. The woman had a sallow complexion and dark skin, with dimples on her hands and face.

Ye Muyu has a soft and beautiful figure, especially after being ill, plus she has not seen the sun all year round, her skin is fair, and her hands that have not done much work are extraordinarily tender.

The two formed a stark contrast.

A look of envy flashed in the woman's eyes, and it disappeared for a moment, but Ye Muyu still noticed it.

"What's the matter?" Ye Muyu sized her up before slowly speaking.

The woman hurriedly said: "It's like this. It's almost time to make lunch. I'll come over and ask if the dishes in the corner are all for us?"

"And there is the pot..."

"Oh, those dishes are for you, you can arrange them as you like."

"As for the pot, I don't have a spare stove in my house, so I can only provide you with a small stove, but don't worry, I have a small pot in my house. Sister-in-law Du, you'll know when you come and have a look."

Ye Muyu led Du Shi to the corner of the shed.

In addition to the vegetables, there is also a small piece of meat, and there is an unlit stove next to it.

Ye Muyu entered the shed. This shed was originally used to raise livestock, but Mrs. Ye hadn't used it since she moved here. There were some dry straw on the ground, and there was no smell, because the front was not sealed by a wall, but the inside was bright. , not even a musty smell, but a smell of sunshine.

(end of this chapter)